2 أيام مضت
"With fear for our democracy, I dissent." - Justice Sotomayor Today SCOTUS ruled that presidents have no criminal immunity for unofficial acts...but they do for official acts. Any questions? #CrookedMedia #BrokenNews #SCOTUS #Immunity #Trump
This is nothing but a slow coup happening right before our eyes. You watch the retribution Trump will take of he becomes president. I'm moving to Italy. This country is going to shit in a handbag. Mass shootings, racism. Cops killing people at will, brainwashed MAGA, seeya!
1 يوم مضى
Hate that Court ruling - it will ruin democracy ! Get rid of those Trump picks - terrible!
1 يوم مضى
1 يوم مضى
So can Joe Biden… do whatever he wants,
17 ساعة مضت
President Biden you need to use the Supreme Courts immunity decree to find away to abolish the electoral college and make elections be by popular vote if you want to win and save us and our country! You now have the power to do what needs to be done because trump, most republicans, the republican supreme court justices, and his followers are a national threat. Our country is on a precipice and about to fall. Prove you care about the usa, what it stands for, its constitution, its freedoms, its people! Please save us!
11 ساعة مضت
BIDEN NEEDS TO TAKE DRASTIC MEASURES OF SOME KIND TO SAVE THIS COUNTRY, OUR FREEDOM, AND OUR LIVES. I dont know about you all but i have no desire to live in a authoritarian country ruled by a dictator that has no respect for women. Is a racist. Is a cheat and a liar. Is a vengeful narcisisst who acts like a petulant child if he doesnt get his way. Is willing to commit heinous acts to people who dont bend a knee to him and follow him with blind devotion. These are now scary times. Donald Trump is the enemy to democracy and should be treated as such. This would not be happening 25-30 years ago and before. Sometimes to get peace you really need to fight for it. And sometimes that means the gloves have to come off. Whatever happens there is one thing we need to understand. Whatever President Biden ends up needing to do and if he does it- It will be for the good of the country and the people. If Trump gets reelected, what ever he does-Will only be for the good of himself at the expense of everyone. Anyways, this is only my thoughts and opinions and do not mean to cause offense to anyone. Well other than Donald Trump!
11 ساعة مضت
Just like the saying goes " UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL!"- anyone who loves our country and our freedom should be rallying behind President Joe Biden through this campaign on the road to victory, no matter how bumpy the journey may sometimes get. Showing strength in solidarity against a common threat to our democracy and our very way of life. Not breaking and running scared at the first signs of trouble and/or temporary setbacks that may arise. Trump wants to be a king, a dictator, a god. He wants to undo 200 years of progress by taking away the constitution, our rights, our freedoms, our voice! Women, minorities, the LGBTQ+ community, the disabled, seniors, and veterens will lose and suffer greatly. The poor will get poorer and the rich richer. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness- The American Dream will become just that. A DREAM! If we are to save our country and our democracy people need to rise up, stand tall with pride, and fight with conviction for this great nation. For The United States of America! Tell Trump, Maga, and anyone else who would see our country fall to Go To Hell before we end up living in one! Your voice matters, your vote matters. #VoteforBiden #VoteBlue
11 ساعة مضت