21 أيام مضت
Shout out to @onlyginjaninja for spotting this whopper of a wild mushroom, in Dorset. This is Cerioporous squamosus, or more commonly a Dryad's Saddle. We received the tip off and had to go take a look! It was unfortunately too far gone for us to get a viable sample, there were more fungal gnats and maggots than mushroom flesh, on the inside! 😅 Fortunately they regularly fruit again in the same location, every year, until the nutrients are depleted. Given how large this Ash tree was, this mushroom should be appearing for many seasons to come. They have a wonderful fresh cucumber, some say almost water melon smell to them and when fried and a little crispy, they're 🤌 With genetics like this, we'll definitely be back here again, to catch a younger fruiting body 🍄❤️ #dryadssaddle #wildmushrooms #dorset #jurassiccoastmushrooms #cerioporous #culture #ash