1 شهر مضى
Since OEWG 1.2 we have been sharing that the new science policy panel on chemicals, waste and pollution prevention must have Intergenerational equity as a core operating principle while recognizing that a Human Rights Based approach will put people at the core of the panels work. This GRULAC Regional meeting held in the great city of Montevideo, Uruguay was crucial for our member states to sit and have conversations along with stakeholders on matters related to the OEWG process. We had very lengthy conservations on the Youth Expert Group, Intergenerational Equity, Conflict of Interest Policy, Capacity Building as a core element of the panel and most important how will the panel be funded. These are some of the most crucial areas for children and youth Major Group. We prepared our position on some crucial areas but raised questions and concerns after listening to member states suggestions and comments. We made it clear to the member states that as stakeholders, we will continue to engage in the OEWG process to ensure that the panel is fit for purpose. #OEWG #sciencepolicy
1 شهر مضى
Work 💪🏿
1 شهر مضى