28 أيام مضت
Last Friday, our Velis had its first cross-country flight, and I was very honoured to have been the pilot of the flight. The team drove down to meet the plane, and it was the first time we ever plugged this baby in to charge at a different airport (rather than at our own @wwfc2213 @flyykf ). All went smoothly and uneventful, yet memorable. #electricplane #flygreen #crosscountry #maidenvoyage #first #VelisElectro #pilotslife
VFR Conditions: clear and lovely 😎
20 أيام مضت
Wow congratulations this is so awesome👏 🙌
17 أيام مضت
14 أيام مضت
This is so awesome 🙌🙌
13 أيام مضت
Looks like a fun activity!
6 أيام مضت
That plane looks epic
6 أيام مضت