1 شهر مضى
It’s felt like a series of unexpected detours lately, one after another. Though I’ve listened intently to what I believed was His guidance, each turn has led to heartache, disappointment, and confusion. It’s shaken me, leaving me wondering if the spiritual compass I’ve relied on is broken. But amidst the doubt, there’s a flicker of hope. Nature has always been a source of profound connection for me. Perhaps this summer will be a time of quiet seeking, a chance to rediscover His will for my path. Today, while walking, I yearned to hear His voice again, a voice that seems to have faded. The world’s noise, particularly the whispers of doubt, have been deafening. Intrusive thoughts cloud my judgment, making it a daily battle to discern His guidance. Here are four practices that helped me yesterday, and may resonate with you if you’re facing a similar struggle: * CONFIRMATION: God’s hand guides all things. Is there a persistent message nudging your mind or spirit? Write it down. Perhaps it holds the key. Conversely, if like me, you experience a persistent silence, trust that there’s a reason. * PATIENCE: Patience is often the divine language. If something feels rushed or urgent, it might be the adversary’s attempt to steer you off course with a deceptive shortcut. God’s will unfolds with purpose and wisdom, and His words will bring a sense of calm, steady understanding. * POWER: His voice holds a power unlike any earthly words. He will guide you towards paths that require a strength beyond your own. The ability to navigate these challenges will come not from your own will, but from His unwavering support. * CONVERSATIONS : God’s whispers resonate within the depths of your soul. Seek Him in quiet solitude or in the company of a fellow believer. In these moments of stillness, His words will rise to the surface from the depths of your being.
 May you find a moment of quiet today to listen for the gentle whisper of God, even in the midst of your deepest valleys or most exhausting climbs. Remember, “In all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes...” Proverbs 3: 5-7 ♡ Can you relate? 👇