25 أيام مضت
Today, I went to a Manasquan for a photoshoot to update my headshots and pictures for my pageants and acting and modeling jobs! Thank you so much, AZ Snapped for doing my hair and makeup and taking my updated pictures and headshots! I can’t wait to see how they come out! Thank you so much for everything that you did for me today! @snappedbyaz @internationaljuniormiss @iam_thepageantpowerhouse #pageantgirl #pageantlife #pageantsmile #pageantqueen #pageanttitleholder #beautiful #beautifulsmile #beautifulqueen #queen #hairandmakeup #snappedbyaz #photoshoot #ijm #ijmgirl #internationaljuniormiss #iamthepageantpowerhouse #missnewjersey #pageantsash #thankyousomuch #verygrateful
Go Miss NJ!!!
24 أيام مضت
Beautiful! 😍
23 أيام مضت
Beautiful, friend💕
22 أيام مضت
22 أيام مضت
I love your nails, can’t wait to see your headshots
22 أيام مضت
19 أيام مضت