5 من الشهور
Getting bored of your typical charcuterie board set up? #AddKewpie Mango Dressing and Roasted Sesame Dressing to elevate your usual spread! 😍 #KewpieEveryday #KewpiePH
Your mayo can be seen on many kitchen tables! I think many of us would appreciate it if the eggs used were exclusively from cage-free production. Will Kewpie consider switching to cage-free eggs globally? #KewpieCageFree
25 أيام مضت
It’s wonderful to know that Kewpie uses eggs from cage-free facilities in some of its locations. I hope you will extend this care to your entire supply chain. #KewpieCageFree
24 أيام مضت
Will Kewpie be switching to cage-free eggs globally? #KewpieCageFree
21 أيام مضت
Kewpie, please consider eggs coming from caged hens from your products. Caged hens truly endure great suffering and I'm sure you care about the welfare of animals in your supply chain. #kewpiecagefree
21 أيام مضت
We see Kewpie as an industry leader and are all rooting for you to make a global cage-free egg commitment! #KewpieCageFree
21 أيام مضت
When can we expect Kewpie to stop using caged eggs? It would be a really great move for the industry leader!
21 أيام مضت
I’m really glad that Kewpie recognises that the welfare of laying hens is an important matter. Will you consider sourcing exclusively cage-free eggs for all your products? Studies show that the welfare in cage-free facilities is much higher than in caged facilities!
20 أيام مضت