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Mario Galbert🇯🇲


Student @uwimona Environment and Climate Policy Advocate #Development #SDGsAdvocate Team @gsdnofficial FMR UN Decade Youth Task Force #FutureDiplomat
The campaign against Deep Sea Mining continues. Today we welcome Pacific islanders who are participating in the ISA meeting taking place right here in Kingston, Jamaica. Kudos to @greenpeace @greenpeaceusa @ourfootprintja for leading these engagements. #stopdeepseamining #defendthedeep
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1 عام مضى
As I reflect on my presentation at the 7th Plenary of the 2022 United Nations Ocean Conference in Portugal, we continue to call on governments to invest in youth engagement and full integration in the climate, ocean, and environmental governance decision-making process. #saveouroceans #saveoursharks #generationrestoration #genocean #saveourseas #savetheplanet #endplasticpollution #defendthedeep #gsdn #jamaica #portugal #sids #climatechange #climatejustice #biodiversityloss #pollution #caribbean
306 25
2 سنة مضت
Stop Ocean Crime! Say No to Deep Sea Mining! Thanks to @ourfootprintja for mobilizing young people to bring awareness to the issue of deep sea mining and the potential cost that this will have on fragile ecosystems. CSOs are campaigning against deep sea bed mining. A ban on deep sea bed mining is the right way to go. However, some memberstates and CSOs also support a moratorium. #defendthedeep #ActNow #OceanAction
415 10
1 عام مضى
At this time we can only pray that Jamaicans take heed of the warning and prepare for what is to come. Pray for us! #HurricaneBeryl #Jamaica🇯🇲 #Portmore
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10 ساعة مضت
Be grateful for life. #Bonn #germany🇩🇪
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22 أيام مضت
I'm in Bonn, Germany attending the Bonn Climate Change Conference/UNFCCC Subsidiary Bodies 60th meetings. I'm assisting with the coordination of activities under the Adaptation Negotiation Tracks on behalf of YOUNGO. We also had our first Adaptation Working Group coordination meeting. Adaptation Negotiation Tracks: Adaptation Fund National Adaptation Plans Global Goal on Adaptation Report of the Adaptation Committee Nairobi Work Programme #SB60 #BridgeAdaptationFinanceGap
107 1
28 أيام مضت
Since OEWG 1.2 we have been sharing that the new science policy panel on chemicals, waste and pollution prevention must have Intergenerational equity as a core operating principle while recognizing that a Human Rights Based approach will put people at the core of the panels work. This GRULAC Regional meeting held in the great city of Montevideo, Uruguay was crucial for our member states to sit and have conversations along with stakeholders on matters related to the OEWG process. We had very lengthy conservations on the Youth Expert Group, Intergenerational Equity, Conflict of Interest Policy, Capacity Building as a core element of the panel and most important how will the panel be funded. These are some of the most crucial areas for children and youth Major Group. We prepared our position on some crucial areas but raised questions and concerns after listening to member states suggestions and comments. We made it clear to the member states that as stakeholders, we will continue to engage in the OEWG process to ensure that the panel is fit for purpose. #OEWG #sciencepolicy
128 2
1 شهر مضى
If you are a young person and you would like to be part of the Plan, there is plenty you can do. From talking about the value of biodiversity to your peers to persuading your parents to stop using pesticides in your garden, your actions—however small—matter and will inspire others around you.  Be the change you want to see in the world:  recycle, reuse and reduce waste. Consume food from your local market. Try growing fruit and vegetables at home or encourage your friends and neighbors to set up a community garden in your area.
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1 شهر مضى
The most recent Intergovernmental Negotiation Committee (INC) on the establishment of a legally binding instrument on plastic pollution showed the careful need for all relevant stakeholders to promote the need for environmentally sound decision-making and scientific knowledge should play a crucial role in this process. We have witness business and industry players using different tactics to bring across "positive" messages about plastics and how its benefits all industry while forgetting the negative impact it has on the environment, health and the planet at large. We stayed several nights in Ottawa watching negotiators fighting about who should pay for the implementation of this soon to be treaty. We saw them questioning what sort of mechanisms should be implemented. Some developing countries put up a challenged to the status of SIDS, trying to convey that our special circumstances is only because of our geographical location which is not so. Kudos to @aosis_chair and in particular: Fiji, Jamaica, Grenada and Samoa for defending SIDS special circumstances which goes beyond our geographical locations. This was a very tough negotiation process as it touched on the core of some countries main source of income "Fossil Fuels". This is why we say that many process has influence on others. Do you see the linkages between this Plastic Treaty negotiations and Climate? Two words: Fossil Fuels. We ended the meeting with a clear mandate. Member states agreed Chair's proposal to establish a legal drafting group and the Committee also established two ad hoc intersessional expert groups to: - develop an analysis of potential sources and means that could be mobilized, for implementation of the objectives of the instrument, including options for the establishment of a financial mechanism, alignment of financial flows, and catalyzing finance; and - identify and analyze criteria and non-criteria based approaches with regards to plastic pollution and chemicals of concern in plastic products and product design, focusing on recyclability and reusability of plastic products and their uses and applications. #RoadToINC5 #plasticpollution #PlasticTreaty #SIDS #Jamaica🇯🇲
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1 شهر مضى
"This is the Streets." - Jamaican Police Officer to me because I asked him if he's allowed to stop two vehicles at the same time. One thing for sure, everyone is not treated the same under the Jamaican laws. I trust the @jamaicaconstabularyforce will continue to try and improve its public security services. One should not be talked down to or disrepected because of questioning there operations. I can't image what is happening in those innercity communities. We have a very long way to go @andrewholnessjm @horacechangjm
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1 شهر مضى
Final decision of the INC 4 UN Plastic conference at Ottawa,Canada . Member states agreed Chair's proposal to establish a legal drafting group and the Committee also established two ad hoc intersessional expert groups to: - develop an analysis of potential sources and means that could be mobilized, for implementation of the objectives of the instrument, including options for the establishment of a financial mechanism, alignment of financial flows, and catalyzing finance; and - identify and analyze criteria and non-criteria based approaches with regards to plastic pollution and chemicals of concern in plastic products and product design, focusing on recyclability and reusability of plastic products and their uses and applications
81 1
2 من الشهور
Just sharing my views on the Plastic Treaty negotiations that's still ongoing right now as the chair adjourned earlier to consult with the secretariat. I hope that the world will design a treaty that will protect the future of our planet. #INC4
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2 من الشهور