5 vor Jahren
To continue from 2 posts ago, I'm going to share a little bit more about my personal inner world. . But first back to you; what old patterns and/or behaviors are not working for you anymore? Write everything that comes up. Now is the time to release it all. . And what are your unique qualities, the things that make you YOU, that you have been pushing to the background because of fear? Write it all down. Embrace these beautiful qualities on a daily basis. . Now back to me; the main thing that I'm currently releasing, because it has been holding me back in expressing my true self in my work/business for years, is my fear of being judged by others, because of their lack of spiritual/cosmic awareness. . Eventhough I *know* it truly doesn't matter what anyone thinks, this part of my is still holding some fear around embracing myself as a true Mystic teacher. . I believe the reason for that is because having a bachelors and masters degree in science but being completely into the esoteric world, shifts how others perceive you from being a reliable to an unreliable source of wisdom (since there has always been a lot of scam & negativity in this scene). So I've always held back to share, because of this fear of not being trustworthy (which is very important to me). . Now I'm working on transmuting this fear into excitement to embrace my unique gifts with the world. Step by step. I surrender. Complete acceptance on all levels so I can continue this upward stream of personal growth and shine in my full glory. Unveiling my layers. . What are *you* releasing, and what are you embracing? I invite you to share 💛 . #waheguru #radiantinnerpower #empowerment #surrender #intentionalliving #aquarianwoman #authenticlife
Love this ❤️
5 vor Jahren
I am releasing my insecurity, my need for recognition and need to belong, my jealousy when I’m intimate with someone. I am embracing my insecurities and my flaws. By embracing and accepting them I can then transmute them. (1 down 2 more actions to go😉❤️)
5 vor Jahren
I am releasing my fear of being judged ♥️
5 vor Jahren
Love this! Yass we have to #womenempowerment
5 vor Jahren