8 vor Tagen
Today 8 PAL youth flew to Charolette North Carolina attendingThe National PAL Teen Mentoring Summit. These 8 deserving youth were selected from each site based upon academics, athletics, and their commitment to mentor within PAL. Special THANK YOU to the American Airlines flight crew & pilots for the special tour of the cockpit & announcement on behalf of the youth that landed them a huge round of applause from every passenger on our flight! We explored the area, checked into our hotel, met up with some old PAL friends from around the U.S. and made some new ones! Everyone’s excited for the adventures to come this week so stay tuned… #NationalPAL #TeenMentoringSummit #AmericanAirlines #Adventures #EveryKidNeedsAPAL
Have fun on the trip! The memories last a lifetime!
8 vor Tagen