6 vor Tagen
Someone needs to say this, so I will. I and many, many others have been directing a LOT of very deserved criticism at The Acolyte series. But I’m sure I speak for the vast majority of Star Wars fans when I say none of said criticism is directed at Lee Jung-Jae (@from_jjlee ), who plays Master Sol (seriously, the idiots who wrote this series named the Korean actor’s character “Sol”.) The joke is that Lee will need spinal surgery for carrying The Acolyte on his back. He learned English and is busting his butt for Star Wars and Star Wars fans. He is the ONLY reason to watch this insulting train wreck of a series. It’s a testament to Lee’s talent that he’s stuck with horrible dialogue, a nonsensical plot, and mediocre (at best) cast members and yet he still shines. Lee Jung-Jae deserves a good role in Star Wars. I must tip my @pittsburghpirates ball cap to Lee Jung-Jae. May you have all the success in Hollywood you want, Mr. Lee. You deserve it for giving your all in The Acolyte.