13 vor Tagen
.....our brokenness is common to all of us and a time to let go of things we were never meant to have. Some things come by our own hands and some things come by others but all of them that leave us sad, afraid, alone and feeling broken are things that lead to healing. You know God will exchange them out for what they were meant to have and you know there is no light without darkness. I love the line from the Switchfoot song, “the shadow proves the sunshine,” as without the darkness we wouldn’t be able to see and feel the brilliant light and love that is really our heritage. Give the dark things to God and take no ownership in it, they were just things that happened in our lives that will lead to the greatness that is awaiting us! ~nb <>< xo #speaklife #theshadowprovesthesunshine #speaklight #speaklove