6 vor Tagen
A rare work by Peter Paul Rubens has been restituted to the Friedenstein Foundation in Gotha, in the German state of Thüringen. The oil sketch Saint Gregory of Nazianzus (1621) was illegally sold, along with other treasures from the foundation’s collection, in the aftermath of the Second World War. It will soon be on permanent display at the Ducal Museum, part of the Friedenstein palace complex. Friedenstein’s collection once boasted a total of five sketches by Rubens from the same series. With the return of Saint Gregory of Nazianzus, two remain missing: The Prophet Elijah on the Golden Chariot and Saint Augustine. These as well as Saint Gregory have been listed on the Lost Art Database since 2001. Tap the link in our bio to read more
That’s glazing technique if I ever saw it
6 vor Tagen
nice. it would be really good if westerners returned the looted artifacts. at some point you know ? how about in 50 years ? should we hope ?
6 vor Tagen
Sucks to have your shit stolen huh? Now give back what you have.
6 vor Tagen
Nazianzus …
5 vor Tagen