3 vor Tagen
Yellowstone National Park officials say a rare white buffalo sacred to Native Americans has not been seen since its birth on June 4. The birth of the white buffalo, which fulfilled a Lakota prophecy that portends better times, was the first recorded in Yellowstone history and is a landmark event for the recovery of buffalo, park officials said. A white buffalo, also known as bison, is born in the wild once in every 1 million births, or even less frequently, the park said. Whether the calf is still alive is unknown. More at the link in bio. 📷 Jordan Creech via AP
I hope he’s in hiding
1 vor einem Tag
1 vor einem Tag
Well stop putting everything on social media 🤷🏻‍♀️😂
1 vor einem Tag
1 vor einem Tag
22 vor Stunden
Someone ate buffolow veal
21 vor Stunden
This is quite a fascinating news
12 vor Stunden
9 vor Stunden
8 vor Stunden