1 vor einem Jahr
Follow the String @MarinMOCA (/) October 29 – December 23, 2022 Two works on views: Made in Mexico; XicanX and the Second(hand)-generation and Horizon Lines Thank you to Hannah Waiters (@waiter2z ) for sending me pictures and the folks at MarinMOCA and NIAD Art Center (@niadartcenter ) for curating! If any more dearly missed Bay Area folks go to the show, please send me images! I’m so sad to miss this one. Upcoming Programming: Cedars Textile Art Collaborative artist Teresa Pardella (@tpardella ) is doing a handloom weaving demo on Dec. 7th from 11-12:30pm. Indira Allegra (@indiraallegra )
will do a workshop, “Holds: Choreographies of Acceptance” – date/time TBD! From the Press Release: Follow the String is an exhibition developed in partnership with Cedars and NIAD Art Center, two Bay Area based progressive studio programs for adults with developmental disabilities. Curated by NIAD’s Emma Spertus and Julio Rodriguez with NIAD artists Felicia Griffin, Dorian Reid, and Kiesha White, the exhibition features artists from Cedars and NIAD, alongside artists from the broader Bay Area arts community. Follow the String showcases conventionally trained artists alongside artists with disabilities, blurring distinctions between "insider" and "outsider" art. A workshop will bring together participating artists to create a new fiber-based work for the exhibition. Checkout these artists – go see the show! Zarouhie Abdalian @indiraallegra@miguel.arzabe 
 Andy Buckwald
 Glenna Cooper Jean Coury
 @chrisduncanartandsounds Sylvia Fragoso
 Doonna Gilberti
 Felicia Griffin
 Darren Hunter Josie Juantorena
 @beth.krebs.studio @corazaaa Gail LeFevre
 Donzell Lewis
 @mcjeanmcelvane Caitlin McKee
 Sheri McSweeney
 @ramekon O'Arwisters
 Anna Price
 Maria Radilla
 Cody Rahn
 Dorian Reid
 Kim Summers
 Kiesha White
 Susan Wise #followthestring #niadartcenter #marinmoca #insiderart #outsiderart #handweaving
Such a fabulous show.
1 vor einem Jahr
1 vor einem Jahr
So gorgeous!
1 vor einem Jahr
Your work is beautiful!
1 vor einem Monat