29 vor Tagen
Beautiful final night of our exhibition In Chicago @secristbeach ♦️another in our series of ritual infused dinners entitled the Cleopatra’s Pearl in collaboration with @biddlebiddle 🔸we cast a circle, sat in an s shaped snake table inviting the divine feminine with Eve’s snake sculptures as candle holders, practiced group candle magick, ate magical edible flowers encased in beautiful iced spheres, channeled deceased and “forgotten” women artists and more! An enchanted evening of community coming together through magick, rituals and art 🔸all endings our beginnings🔸thank you Chicago🙏 @dannielletegeder @sharmistharay #socialpractice #foodasart #witch #magic #feministartcollective #artcollective
This is so wonderful!! Do you often do events like these? I love how many layers you brought to the whole evening—so nourishing!
29 vor Tagen
The most spectacular evening! thank you for sharing your presence & knowledge💛✨
29 vor Tagen
I am so terribly sorry to have missed this! It looks wonderful!
29 vor Tagen
29 vor Tagen
How fabulous
29 vor Tagen
So magical💫💫
28 vor Tagen
28 vor Tagen