Laura Riva


❧ ☼ art director
Old burnt silver on verandas 🌴
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4 vor Tagen
Postcard from Venice
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2 vor Monaten
Thao Nguyen Phan, Mute Grain (潘濤阮), 2019 and First Rain, Brise-Soleil, 2021-ongoing First ever solo show of the vietnamese artist in Italy. Listening to one of her interviews about the show at Hangar Pirelli put in perspective the way I and all see collective and personal memory merely as static concepts. A nostalgia that is hostage of a blurred past, compartments of recollection that we rediscover and that reluctantly we put away in the dark void of voluntary amnesia yet once again. While Thao looks at poems and moving image as an ever-evolving, reincarnating indeed, matter, which can mutate in form, shape, and feeling through time and through the different ways in which we could approach a same frame, I, too, am revisiting my own memory facing dust-covered boxes and past feelings that seemed written in stone. While some things turn in circles, others evolve, and with us our memory and our core relation to everything we once were, owned, and ever did.
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5 vor Monaten
nowhere else to be and all over to feel
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6 vor Monaten
Momenti magici 🎷 King Krule 🤍 #c2c
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7 vor Monaten
See ya in Torino 🌪️🔌 @lessenzialestudio
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7 vor Monaten
L'Essenziale Studio Vol.06 🌪️ Founder & Editor-in-Chief @lucadestefan0 Editor & Writer @federico__montagna Editor-at-large @marta_orsola_sironi AD & Graphic Design @marcodeieso Photo Editor @therealfrancescarossi Copy Editors @elena.pallavera @aarvilra Cover @jaime_welsh 💥🔌
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8 vor Monaten
📍Taormina, Italy 🦀🧡🌞
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8 vor Monaten
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9 vor Monaten
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9 vor Monaten
🖤 34. Karl Blossfeldt, Salvia argentea, 1929 31. Karl Blossfeldt, Asclepias speciosa, 1929 36. Karl Blossfeldt, Dryopteris filix mas, 1929 from @lakecomodesignfestival @carlasozzani @maddalenascarzella ; an incredible extract from the collection and a great location choice made the exhibition so worth experiencing 🖤
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9 vor Monaten