Alejandro Cerón


Fino n @somos.fino Part of @dinero.estudio Pichón n @pichonesdepichon Sometimes tutor @designacademyeindhoven
Cruz Torcida, 2024. Entre todos la mataron y ella sola se murió.
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3 vor Monaten
Tenemos un espacio vacío (Modena, 2018). Os he llamado a la oficina muchas veces en las últimas dos semanas. Pero nunca lo coge nadie. Por favor, llamadme a este número o contestar al mensaje a ver cómo vamos a tratar este tema. No siempre es fácil llenar el vacío. Confiando en las limitaciones. Sabiendo que el chicle está para mascarlo, estirarlo y escupirlo. Ojo a ver. Vamos a romperlo. Poniendo en práctica la teoría. Sin terminar de entender cómo todo recuerda a su opuesto. Que la paciencia trae rosas. Y la fricción enciende el fuego que da vida y quema al tema/personal. #quevergüenzacompartirestoasí . Sin tener siquiera la resaca como excusa. Que más me da a mí. No siempre es fácil ponerle nombre a las cosas. Ni los acentos aprendí. O los aprendí mal. No sé. Entiendes lo que te quiero decir. We’ve got an empty space (Modena, 2018) revisado 5 años después. + fotinchis y textos que hoy dan mucho lache pero q menos mal que al menos están en inglés y ya sabes. En la bio Grazie sempre a @erlo_rikenz @isabella.nardon @jacoponoera . Ma anche sempre pure a @campaninisofia9 @mattia_ceen @claramontrieul @giuliafancinelli @tuanainhan @sjefkedekok y tantos otros. Preciosisimas personas de Modena. De quienes hoy apenas me acuerdo. Pero más de lo que imaginaba. 📸 de Jacopo e Isabella 🙏
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4 vor Monaten
La comba y saltar a la comba como arte. Objeto y la performance del mismo. Mi querida @mariasanzce saltando a la comba de la instalación Términos y Condiciones del Marco: Tensión, Fricción, Suspensión y Apoyo. @iacgilalbert Hasta el 16.06 @museoua #comtenporaryart #installation #alejandroceron #ace2023
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1 vor einem Jahr
Que bien me lo pude pasar. I’m part of , #together with @schick.bianca @sofietopi @ginevraarvenig @bbaietto @nedkaar @lochnesi @hsiiiiiin__ @quartertoten945 @miguelparrrra martarrrrios and some others I forget. #research and #performative processes, dialogical practices. Collective, cognitive and emotional sustainability with and through design practices. 20th April at 3pm at @base_milano conversation on #negativity , #refusal and emotional damage. With special guest @richardhutten don’t come
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1 vor einem Jahr
Si fueras una naranja, tu zumo qué sería? Many came and many couldn't. Thank u all. Fue bonito cuanto accidentado. Doc made with footage by @miriammartinezabellan @mariadevalcarcel @aunsoytuhija @kokoa2226 @gamb.perra 🙏 a @centroparraga y a mi madre y mi abuela y su hermana, obvio #arte #expo #instalacion #performance #residency #show
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1 vor einem Jahr
V i e r n e s _ 3 1 _ E X P O S I C I Ó N _ 2 0 h _ P E R F O R M A N C E _ 2 1 h _ E s p a c i o 0 _ C e n t r o P á r r a g a _ M u r c i a S I F U E R A S U N A O L I V A , ¿ T U A C E I T E Q U É S E R Í A ? #exposicion #arte #performance #murcia #exceso #sostenible #insostenible #realidad #fantasia @centroparraga
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1 vor einem Jahr
WHATDOIKNOW(un)sustainable practices now available at @good_press (#glasgow ) and @mottakunstboeken (#eindhoven ) ❤️ to all contributors Bethany Crawford, @lola_laguna , Vincent Dams, @dinatoh @samantha.mcculloch @aunsoytuhija @thesetwentyoneletters Published with @tacehv #books #artworks #publication #artbook #speculative #collaborative #practices #sustainable but also #unsustainable
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1 vor einem Jahr
Enough Squeezing . Part of W H A T D O I K N O W ( U N ) S U S T A I N A B L E P R A C T I C E S Taking 24 olive trees* as a pivotal point, W H A T D O I K N O W ( U N ) S U S T A I N A B L E P R A C T I C E S is an intersectional e effort inspired by flooded and compromised modes of production. The speculations within aim to contribute to discussions around entanglements between excess and waste, heritage and tradition, acceptance and limitations, education, compassion, contradictions, mental health, compromises, love and care. * The 24 olive trees were inherited by my grandfather in the 80’s. My mum got them from him in 2020.  Thanks to @micheladangelo @tet_anba @diewkevandenheuvel @ursa_prek @nacho_carbonell @nurhorsanali #wasted #art #flooded #produccion #excess #spills #unsustainable #practices #precarious #support #labour #exhausted #climate #extractions #squeeze #juice
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1 vor einem Jahr
Floods, Spills and Excess. Performative-installation. Part of W H A T D O I K N O W ( U N ) S U S T A I N A B L E P R A C T I C E S . Taking 24 olive trees* as a pivotal point, W H A T D O I K N O W ( U N ) S U S T A I N A B L E P R A C T I C E S is an effort inspired by flooded and compromised modes of production. The speculative narratives within aim to contribute to discussions around the tensions and entanglements between excess and waste, heritage and traditions, acceptance and limitations, education and compassion, contradictions, mental health, compromises, love and care. *The 24 olive trees were inherited by my grandfather in the 80’s. My mum got them from him in 2020. Thanks to @diewkevandenheuvel @ursa_prek and @micheladangelo for some of the documentation within 🙏 #wasted #contemporaryart #flooded #production #excess #unsustainable #practices #labour #exhausted #climate #extraction #squeezed #oil @tacehv
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1 vor einem Jahr
I am a glutton. I am an excess. Gluttony’s got to do with excess. We are excess and come from excess. We come from love and struggle, but also from wished corruption and legalised abuse “Despite d*sign, all bless the Fair” at @onomatopeenet . Participants include @bbaietto @caserosergi @schick.bianca @sofietopi @pro.zaziliae @flora_manon @nedkaar @hsiiiiiin__ @the.ironingboard , I forget someone and myself. The seven sins of design as a starting point during @dutchdesignweek . 📸 1. Gargantua depicted by Gustave Doré, 1873 📸 3. ‘Pilgrims eaten in salad’. Again Gargantua by Doré, 1873. 📸 5. King Louis Philippe as Gargantua, consuming a continuous diet of tributes fed to him by bureaucrats, dignitaries and bourgeoisie while defecating a steady stream of titles, awards and medals in return. 1831 Lithograph by Honoré Daumier. #ddw #onomatope #designcritique #design #critique #fair #designweek #gluttony #excess #exhibition #eindhoven #gargantua
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1 vor einem Jahr
W H A T D O I K N O W ? (un)sustainable practices. Opening documentation Closing Saturday 17th from 7pm > Finissage at @tacehv with @pichonesdepichon and @sjefkedekok live set Documentation by @diewkevdheuvel @ursa_prek @manuel.m.gil @micheladangelo #opening #closing #cycles #art #show #practices
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1 vor einem Jahr