Carmen Havens


Genre painter, painting the footpath of my life. Stay curious. Create beauty. I’m probably ‘too much’ for you. 🇺🇸 in 🇮🇪 🇪🇺
Painted this guy this week. Spotted him in Albi, France last summer, entertaining visitors to the Berbie Palace gardens. His thin and weathered appearance did not match his talent for the lute. Or is this an oud? String instrument aficionados please weigh in. Regardless, this juxtaposition struck my interest, which in my world means it ends up as a painting. If ever in Albi and you spot him, please show him my account and give him a good tip! Surely he has an interesting story. #luteplayer #oudplayer #thatisthequestion #artist #myart #contemporaryrealism #realist #contemporaryrealist #oiloncanvas #albifrance #albi #berbiepalace #palaisberbie #musician #art #artcollector #artlover #realism #travel #traveladdict #artcollective #slowart #slowartmovement #oud #oudkumethra #lute
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5 vor Tagen
If in London, please do yourself a favour and visit the Society of Women Artists 163rd annual exhibition at the Mall Galleries, June 25th-29th. Delighted to have my painting ‘Young Buskers on a Break’ included in this year’s exhibition. Always an honour to exhibit alongside such impressive talent! #swa #societyofwomenartists #mallgalleries #london #art #londonartscene #artist #contemporarywomenartists #contemporaryart #contemporaryrealism #realistpainter #realism #genreart #genrepainting #ingoodcompany #groupexhibition #artist #artistsupport #artcollector #artgallery #artgallerylondon
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9 vor Tagen
A new and improved video compilation of my latest painting, ‘Kingsday 2023’, a bit shorter and a little more personal. This painting took somewhere between 130-150 hours. That’s 4-5 months total. I started it last summer, but completed 6 other paintings while working on this one, so this canvas has been up on the easel for 10 months! But in a world of quick and dumbed-down everything, slow, skill-based art is worthy of our attention. I hope we collectively learn to slow down once again and appreciate all the good things that take time. #genreart #slowart #realism #contemporaryrealism #myart #realistpainter #slowartmovement #mylife #paintingmyownfootpath #travel #wanderlust #lifelongfriends #oiloncanvas #artist #art #artcollector #artvideo #processvideo #myprocess #votd #artlover #artislife #jordaanstrat #amsterdam #netherlands #kingsday
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12 vor Tagen
I can’t even begin to express how relieved I am to be done with this painting! It’s on a 3x4 foot canvas and loaded with detail—people, architecture, textiles, pattern design, signage, stone, brick, musical instruments—it’s all there on one canvas, and it took me months to complete. People should really value slow art more than they do. As my handle suggests, I paint the footpath of my life. When I was 16, my family moved from Asheville to Raleigh, North Carolina in the summer of 1987 where, by a pool, I met Ronald, a Dutch college student visiting his parents who were in Raleigh for two years while his dad worked for IBM. Cut to 34 years later, I met up with Ronald again who still lived in Amsterdam, and with my family in tow, we celebrated Kingsday with him and his partner Patrik, which is of course when I stumbled across this scene, this group of street musicians entertaining the crowd and counting their wages in the Jordaan district of Amsterdam. While I was painting this, I happened to be scrolling Insta one day when I suddenly scrolled past a photo on a colourised history page that looked eerily familiar. Swipe left. It was an Amsterdam street scene off Jordaanstrat taken in the late 1800s, the very spot where I had encountered the scene that would become this painting. Look where the street meets the brick sidewalk—it’s nearly the same 150 years later. Process video to follow. #contemporaryrealist #slowart #amsterdam #kingsday #kingsday2023 #myart #art #artist #slowartmovement #realist #realism #contemporaryrealism #mylife #artcollector #artgallery #artlover #oiloncanvas #artislife #artlover #artcollective #genrepainting #genreart #travel #mylife #artistlife #jordaanamsterdam #jordaandistrict #jordaanstrat
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13 vor Tagen
My latest painting is on the topic of ‘loss’. I was inspired by the painting in photo 2, a collage of Dutch tronies seen in the National Gallery of Ireland about two months ago. So intensely intrigued by this small painting that, almost immediately, this version came to me, a collage of self-portraiture covering a lifespan, and people I once knew very intimately—a few not as intimately, but who represent a significant transition or event. I won’t reveal too much other than the years are quickly going and the world is so overwhelmingly intense that I struggle to find the words to describe my sense of loss. All I know is as beauty wains, wisdom is gained, and that wisdom becomes a different kind of beauty—the beauty of needing little—a small circle of deep connections, a nice view, a sea breeze, a paintbrush. But it’s nice to revisit the images of those whose lives were once intertwined with mine … because there’s always a part of me waiting there. Whether we realise it or not, we are forever each others’ ghosts. #artishealing #empowerment #selfportrait #portraiture #contemporaryrealism #realist #realistart #realistpainter #artlover #staycurious #becurious #love #memories #friendships #thepast #90s #80s #loveyourself #lover #love #oiloncanvas #artist #art #myart #mylife #conceptart #iammyownmuse
59 31
1 vor einem Monat
My last commission just arrived safely in the hands of its owner. Phew! 🥵Shipping art is a nerve-racking waiting period, I assure you. Eager to know it arrived safely. Anyway, this scene took place in 1971 on a southwest ranch in Arizona, U.S.A. Grandfather teaching his grandson how to ride, a 60th birthday present from the now wife of the little fellow on horseback. Sweet, huh? Btw, I haven’t drawn or painted a horse…ever? Maybe once when I was 7 while staying at my grandparents’ one summer. They had horses, so that’s probably what I drew! #contemporaryrealism #realistpainter #realism #art #myart #commissionpainting #artist #oiloncanvas #buyart #artcollector #artlover #horseart #animalart #arizona #grandfather #grandson #memories #nostalgia #1970s
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2 vor Monaten
A sneak peek of the painting I’m hoping to wrap up over the next two weeks. I’ve worked on it off and on since last fall, a true labour of love. Will provide more details when it’s finished. #currentlypainting #wip #workinprogress #painting #paintingprocess #oilpainting #oiloncanvas #realism #realist #realistpainter #contemporaryrealism #artist #myart #art #artcollector #artgallery #artlover #slowart #slowartmovement #amsterdam #kingsday
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2 vor Monaten
Excited to learn that my painting ‘Young Buskers on a Break’ featuring brothers Tom and Felix will be part of the 163rd Society of Women Artists annual exhibition at the Mall Galleries in London running June 25th-29th. I’m truly honoured to exhibit with SWA because it’s equally humbling and uplifting to have my art included in a room full of extremely talented women artists devoted to their craft. @swainfo #societyofwomenartists #annualexhibition #swa #contemporaryrealist #contemporaryrealism #art #artist #buskers #artgallery #exhibition #fineartpainting #fineart #artwork #slowart #realism
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3 vor Monaten
Well it’s been a while. When I created a small website a few years back, I told myself I’d publish a monthly blog, but that was crazy talk. Maybe I’ll gain momentum this year and start publishing quarterly, but gosh writing is serious effort! Anyway, my latest blog is about how my background in psychology helped me as an artist. And if you’re also a person with critical opinions about the pretentious art world, you might like this one. Click on the link above and go to the blog page. Hope you have a good start to your week! #artblog #artblogger #artist #blogpost #blog #thepretentiousartworld #artworld #whatisart #whatisanartist #opinions #contemporaryrealism #contemporaryart #contemporaryrealist #artworldtoday #psychology #sociology #mentalhealth #mentalhealthandart
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3 vor Monaten