Chris Lotane


Busy, Ambitious Human. Struggles with Execution…
We are well past the point of hard launch and getting the ick. Since it doesn’t look like I’ll dump her, here’s a quick photo dump 😉
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1 vor einem Monat
I know Mother’s Day is tomorrow, but I flew into the Keys last night for a whirlwind trip and our annual Mother’s Day mahi tournament was today. You can swipe for all the fishing pics, but for the first time ever, Mama Bear and I ripped the tourney solo since the usual crew couldn’t go this year. We had fish on with a double hook up within a minute of throwing lines in the water! While we were stoked to get some early action and had plenty of fun throughout the morning, the fish we got were peanuts. We didn’t win this year, but memories were made and the tradition was kept alive! Happy Mother’s Day Mama!
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1 vor einem Monat
I may never run an ultra, but I will run every day before Ultra! Somehow my legs still work fine at the festival and this video was during Apashe, my one must see set for the weekend. This is my favorite song to study and/or work to!
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3 vor Monaten
Hi friends! I was recently nominated as a Visionary of the Year for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society so I will be doing a fundraising campaign until May 18th. The link is in my bio! My fundraising page has a lot more info than I will write here but please consider donating to an amazing cause and changing lives for the better! All donations are tax deductible and you are able to donate with card, check, bank account, or even Venmo, which is what I used! Whether you decide to donate, share the link, or just like this post, you’re all amazing people and I appreciate you a ton!
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3 vor Monaten
I sincerely hope you take the time to read this lengthy post. — I haven’t posted since October of last year. Thats the longest I’ve ever gone without posting. In that time I’ve been on a cruise, to music festivals, to other countries, and spent four holidays with family and friends. Life has been great at times, but I also figured out how to manage my Crohn’s in that time by getting on a medication that finally lets me live a far more normal daily life than I thought was possible. Social media is a highlight reel of the good times, but trust me when I say there have been plenty of bad times. I’ve been in the hospital numerous times, had blood transfusions, had surgeries, and have had to juggle much of that while going through law school on an accelerated graduation plan. This new years, with my health finally looking good, I set some absurd goals. One goal was to run 1,000 miles this year even though I’ve never been a runner. I was unhappy with how I looked so I started running and have not missed a day since as I cross the 50 mile mark in my first month. I also started going to the gym and am starting to actually eat right. I’ve always struggled with routine and follow-through so many of my goals may fall on deaf ears, which I understand. My daily routines currently consist of turning off my analog alarm clock, checking on my plants, making French press coffee, going to the gym, running 2-3 miles, going to all of my law school classes, attempting to make a bland healthy dinner edible, and working towards some personal projects in the company of driven friends that are grinding on their own projects. Oh and of course I end the night cuddling Caffrey, the best cat in the world. I’m finally getting to a place where my routine is becoming muscle memory and I genuinely think I can go after some of my crazy dreams and actually achieve them. I can’t wait to share those with you when the time is right! In the meantime, I may catch up on posting some of the things that I’ve neglected posting in the past few months. I love you all and appreciate any support as I finally take pride in more than all of the adventures I go on with my amazing , successful, badass friends.
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5 vor Monaten
Call me Benjamin Button, because I’m getting younger with every year that passes by 👨🏼‍🦳👶🏻🍻
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8 vor Monaten
Let’s normalize themed rehearsal dinners at weddings! Congrats to @davidkilgore and @mollymetivier for finally tying the knot and continuing to be the relationship that every couple should be striving for!
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8 vor Monaten
Tacky Tower 🍻
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9 vor Monaten
Enjoy this bit of wholesome content from this past weekend at my grandparents house getting starfruit and avocado from their trees. Swipe to the last video to see how cute my grandpa is!
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9 vor Monaten
You think they’d care if I actually got naked to get in this tub like the sign suggests? It’s on the bucket list
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9 vor Monaten
Here Comes the Boom 🎤💥
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1 vor einem Jahr
Send itttt 🫡
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1 vor einem Jahr