𝓞𝓷𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓮 𝓕𝓲𝓽𝓷𝓮𝓼𝓼 𝓒𝓸𝓪𝓬𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰 | transformation experts


Helping busy MEN & WOMEN get into the best shape of their life and and be more confident than ever before 📩 DM "COACHING" for more info
⚠️ New coach alert ⚠️ Super excited to welcome Ariella in the team as a new coach! Ariella has been working with Chridtone for almost 2 years, has gone through an incredible transformation of losing over 25 kilos, and also decided to compete and win her first ever bodybuilding competition! What a resume, right? Ariella will be working alongside Christine and will be taking on female clients who are new to the whole fitness process, want to lose weight, or 'tone up' Ariella's coaching plans run an awesome offer, hurry up to sign up 🤩 📲 DM to enquire
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1 vor einem Jahr
Getting in shape is not easy... ...if you don’t know how to do it! Forget the e-books and your gym bro advice, hire a professional and finally get the results you want! Talk the talk one you've walked the walk 😉 -- Interested to be coached by @vulturgabi94 ? 📲 just send a DM and let's see how we can help you! -- #fitnessmodel #covermodel #photoshoot #photoshootprep #mensphysique #hotshot #hotbody #dreambody #beachbody #musclebody #gym #workout #getresults #getfit #joinnow #getshredded #personaltrainer #onlinecoach #pumped #fitnesscover #bodybuilding #bodyart #fitnessphotoshoot
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1 vor einem Jahr
🗡 Wellness Overall Champion!!! 🗡 Mr JT Grand prix First timer champion Open class champion Aaaand overall champ!! 20 weeks prep, nearly 15kg down and a f*cking winner! Well done my girl, we have done it!
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1 vor einem Jahr
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2 vor Tagen
December to May, 15 kg down! Meet Dragos, a young chap struggling with confidence and fitness levels last year. When he first spoke to me, he said he thinks no diet or exercise will ever work for him, because he thinks he is meant to be 'fat and unfit in his life' (hos exact words) as it 'runs' in his family.... I guess I proved him wrong! Very well done, Dragos, on your progress so far, we are not done yet, although we have met your initial goal weight, we will now work on putting some quality tissue into his frame. ☝️ No starving here, low cardio, and basics workout until now. He is having his lunch at his college buffet and other meals at home. It's about portion control and clever choices. ---- 👉If you think that being unfit 'runs in family', let me tell you the only thing that may be down to your family inheritance in terms of your fitness is bad eating and exercise habits. This can be easily changed, and if you are not sure where to start, get in touch! 📲 DM the word 'TRANSFORMATION' and I will send you a free start-up guide
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1 vor einem Monat
Following a diet, plan…eating healthy, but STILL NO RESULTS! First things first: There is absolutely no problem with the foods in the left or in the right. So what is the problem here then? The problem here is, you are beating yourself up over a 'cheatmeal' once a week, that has most likely been planned in your plan anyway, instead of focusing on your daily actions. And let's be honest, all these spoon licks, adding extra (or not measuring) oil or ketchup, or casually grabbing a handful of almonds WILL impact your results, because they will add a lot of unaccounted calories to your intake. Yes, almonds are considered healthy. But are they also diet friendly..? There is no need to avoid these items from your plan, but what you need to do is ACCOUNT for them in your daily/weekly calorie intake. So yes, while almonds are source of healthy fats, they also contain a lot of calories, meaning you need to make sure these are accounted for in your plan. People may argue that counting calories or macros is not necessary when losing weight, which I can agree on to a certain level...But if you really want to make a change, then yes, weighing your food and counting macros IS necessary. In the end, it is all down to your actions. If you are unable to get your actions in check, you will have to realign your expectations...
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4 vor Monaten
Could have done manicure before recording 😅 Anyhow... Wondering, why on this back exercise you actually don't feel your back working? You are not alone, in fact there are so many people (and some call themselves fitness professionals too!) that keep doing those exercise wrong....engaging more theories biceps and traps rather than actual back muscles ..🫣🙃 What not to do: ❌️Shruding/raising your shoulders - at any point during this exercise. No, it won't increase your 'ROM' if you let your shoulders slide up at the top of the exercise, although it may look good for the insta🤡 ❌️Bar trajectory - the bar doesn't just go up and down (or in worse cases, behind your head 😳) ❌️Let your core be relaxed...causing no control Instead, focus on 3 simple rules: ✅️Keep your shoulders down throughout the movement, at the bottom, to engage your target back muscles (lats) - squeeze them blades together (obvs on the way up, let them 'fly') ✅️Bar in going rather in front of you towards your chest. You do lean back a little (no arching), but that's absolutely minimal ✅️Brace your abdomen! Same as for any lift, contract your inner core muscle (transverse abdominus) so help you have control AND prevent injuries No point to complicate things, keep it simple! -- Exercise analysis and tips for making the whole gym experience better is a norm in my team If you do struggle or need help, send me a DM and let's see how I could help 😊
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4 vor Monaten
If I can do it...SO CAN YOU! 10 months apart.... Honestly, you won't believe how hard it is for me to post this....As a person who has looked in shape and fit for the last few years, looking like this has taken a massive toll on my mental health at that time. And it's not even at the worst, but I wasn't able to take any pictures first 2 months post partum. From giving birth to this point, I already lost over 16 kg... So for a bit of context... ⬅️⬅️⬅️ On the left 2 months post emergency C section. After 8 week high dose medical steroid (prednisolone) to tackle my worst ever IBS flare of my life. This caused extreme water retention, muscle athropy (understand, lost most muscle I so hardly tried to keep during pregnancy) l, extreme tiredness, loss of appetite, and more delicious side effects. I did run another 8 week course after this, as soon as I jumped off it, it came back. ➡️➡️➡️ On the right Fast forward 10 months. Although it doesn't look maybe, there is nearly 18kg difference. Diet on point, heavy workouts, cardio. Also a bit of assistance now. ❓️What did I do in between? ✔️Long walks DAILY. Whatever the weather, walk walk walk... ✔️Started cleaning up my diet - first focus was to EAT regularly, adding protein source to every meal...gradually OVER MONTHS I made it into a strict diet in deficit ✔️Slowly introduced cardio in the gym (home) that was gradually increased in length and intensity ✔️Slowly phased into gym, from light workouts with progressive overload increased intensity, frequency difficulty, and volume. Bit by bit ✔️I was on holidays for 2 months in summer, where I took a little step back. I watched what I was eating and I did go to gym occasionally. Another holiday also over Christmas ✔️Overall, occassional off plan meals as well. Not weekly, as its not something I desire that often, but once in a while yes. The take-away? Everyone can do this. You don't have to make all changes at the same time, it will burn you out anyway. One small change at a time. Gradually, you will add more measures in place and tighten up the existing ones. Voila, new habits are in, new lifestyle is created!
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4 vor Monaten
It doesn't matter, whether you actually lost 12kg, 5kg or zero...its not all about scales The point here is, you did something for yourself. You are feeling better, stronger, more confident....Your health improved. That is the big deal, right? The weightloss just comes naturally with this, as a little reward. If you are waiting around to finally have enough time or be motivated to start...just know, you will never find yourself in the situation. Motivation comes AFTER you start seeing the first results. And guess what, results only come AFTER taking action. So now, that only leaves you to one thing...make the decision to TAKE AN ACTION. Sure it will throw you off your comfort zone and most likely, you will not want to start doing things differently. You have to FORCE yourself at the start, and I PRIMISE you, it will get easier! Few points you can start doing right now - just pick one at a time! 🔹️Go for a walk 🔹️Eat some protein source with every meal 🔹️Work out 🔹️Drink more water 🔹️Eat vegetables or fruit Doing at least ONE of the above is possible for EVERYONE, whatever your level of fitness or nutritional knowledge. Now get up, and start. Right now. Not Monday, not next week, not next month...NOW You have got this! And if you need help, just send a DM, I got your back 👊 #weightlossadvice #weightlossforwomen #weightlossformen #weightlosscoach
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4 vor Monaten
Want to improve your results? Get rid of back pain? Focus on the form! Here are a few tips to improve your workouts! --- Need help programming a workout specifically for you? Join our team! DM me to get started! -- #workout #muscle #bodyimage #transformationcoach #bodytransformation #weightloss #fatloss #bootybuilder #womenspower #personaltrainer #onlinecoach #personalcoach #summerbody #summerready
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5 vor Monaten
The goal was to have 6 pack for holidays 🏖 In 3 months, Justin shed 10kgs and became a whole new human 💪 Easy comfortable diet with no extremes! Would you tell he is 10kg lighter on the right, even though he looks bigger and much fuller? 😉 -- If you want to feel and look good for your vacation, now is a good time to start, as Holiday season will be around before tou know it 😉 You don't want any crush diets, as that won't work long term... If you need some help - hit me up! #holidayprep #six-pack #diet #nutrition #weightloss #fatloss #Beachbody #vacation body #vacayprep #fitness #wellness #summerbody #weightlossgoal
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5 vor Monaten
It's not as hard as it may seem! Let me talk in simple language😊 1. Prioritise SLEEP Poor sleep WILL affect your hunger hormones. You will be more prone to be tired, and hence prone to move/exercise/be productive much less. If you struggle with a quality sleep - make a good routine, and yes, stop using your phone in bed. 2. Rest days are mandatory Actually, they are necessary. You need to give your body time to recover. If you keep battering yourself, you increase the risk of injuries or a complete burnout. And BTW- ladies recover faster than men 🫣 3. Manage stress on a daily There is and will be stress for most of us (job, family, relationship...), but stress also un majority cases leads to stress eating. Managing your stress is crucial not just for weightloss, but overall health & mental wellbeing. Find what works for you, make it a daily habit. Simple walk, hike, meditation, swim, breathing exercise, writing a journal, punch someone... 4. Weekends count too... If you have the need to just let it all go over the weekend, then chances are, ypu are too restrictive over the week (or you have rubbish strong will). Remember EVERY meal counts. So stick to your planned of plan meal, but don't make it a whole weekend. If you struggle with any of the above - slide into our DMs, we will be happy to help you sort it out 😊
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5 vor Monaten