Duke Chapel


Bridging faith & learning as part of @dukeuniversity .
"Patient God, Your word tells us that you are good to those who wait for you. Yet the immediacy of our culture can make waiting difficult to do. Some of us are waiting to hear good news and a good report. Some of us are waiting for our lives to change and our circumstances to improve for the better." — the Rev. Racquel Gill, minister for intercultural engagement, in Sunday's Prayers of the People
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We are seeking to hire a Director of Religious Life. This position has the broad responsibility of Duke Chapel’s oversight of Religious Life at Duke, including the care and coordination of religious life leaders and their groups; campus ministries; and interfaith engagement programs and activities for Duke students, staff, and faculty members. Learn more and apply on the Duke Careers website: careers.duke.edu.
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The gospel lesson for this Sunday's service at 11:00 a.m. presents stories of two miracles that reveal Jesus’s love. Christ demonstrates his love as he raises from the dead the beloved daughter of a local official. His love is also on display in his response to a woman who touches him in order to be healed. Chapel Dean Luke Powery will preach a sermon titled Excelling in Grace. Guest organist Jane Lynch and soloist Monica Szabo-Nyeste will lead the music. See service details and a link to the livestream on our website.
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"Faithful God, Give us courage to keep fear from driving our decisions. Grant us the strength, to move from fear to faith." — the Rev. Lynn Holmes, interim pastor of @thecongregationatdukechapel , in Sunday's Prayers of the People
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In our worship service this Sunday at 11:00 a.m., we look forward to welcoming guest preacher the Rev. Rachel Billups, senior pastor at New Albany United Methodist Church, New Albany/Columbus, Ohio. Rev. Billups is a popular speaker for national gatherings and has recently authored "An Unlikely Advent: Extraordinary People of the Christmas Story" as well as "BE BOLD: finding your fierce." She is an ordained Elder in the United Methodist Church and holds a bachelor’s degree in Bible/religion and history from Anderson University and a master of divinity from Duke Divinity School. See service details and a link to the livestream on our website.
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Duke Chapel is made up of thousands of stones—and also many, many people. These people, the "living stones" of the Chapel, bring the building to life through singing, praying, greeting, studying, guiding, and many other behind-the-scenes efforts. In an occasional series, we'll introduce you to the Chapel staff members who work on the many different aspects of the Chapel’s mission of “bridging faith and learning.” Today, meet the Rev. Racquel Gill. As the Chapel's Minister for Intercultural Engagement, Rev. Racquel's ministry focuses on students who historically have been underserved. This includes her role as the United in Praise student gospel group advisor. This is her "Living Stones" video profile. Get connected to the life of Duke Chapel by filling out the brief Connect form so we can be in touch with you: See link in bio.
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The scripture lessons for the worship service this Sunday at 11:00 a.m. contain two complementary parables. In the Old Testament lesson, we are told that God will take a branch from an established cedar tree and plant that branch high on a hill, where God will watch over it and see that it flourishes to become a mighty tree, visible to all and home to birds that nest there. The parable in the Gospel lesson emphasizes something tiny by human standards—a mustard seed—which when fully grown, becomes a thriving, healthy bush, a place of refuge to the birds that nest in the shade of its branches. The Rev. Bruce Puckett, the Chapel's assistant dean, will preach, and singers with the Chorworks program will lead the music. See service details and a link to the livestream on our website.
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"God of Wisdom, We pray for courage and strength; we pray for discernment to stand up for what is right." — Rev. Lynn Holmes, interim pastor of the Congregation at Duke Chapel, during Sunday's Prayers of the People
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This weekend the Chorworks ensemble gives three performances featuring music by the seventeenth-century, English composer Henry Purcell, whose musical voice blends French joie-de-vivre, Italian drama, and England's long choral tradition. Free admission. 🎶 Friday, June 14, at 7:30 p.m. in Goodson Chapel—A Program of Sacred and Secular Song 🎶 Saturday, June 15, at 7:30 p.m. in Duke Chapel—Music for Court, Church, and Theater 🎶 Sunday, June 16, at 11:00 a.m. in Duke Chapel—Sunday Morning Worship Service
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In honor of Duke's Centennial this year, the Chapel is inviting Duke alumni to return to campus as guest preachers. In the latest edition of Chapel View magazine, three of those alumni guest preachers reflect on how their Duke educations prepared them as preachers. Read the article: link in bio.
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In the latest issue of Chapel View magazine, Visitor Relations Assistant Larry Efird writes about his experience welcoming visitors to the Chapel. He says, "I might simply be known as a 'Visitor Relations Assistant,' but witnessing countless faces of awe and wonder when they first step into the nave and gaze seventy-three feet heavenward, I am reminded of those who were called 'doorkeepers' in the Old Testament—the ones who unlocked and locked the Temple in Jerusalem each day for worshipers." Read the article: See link in bio.
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“In a world that presses us to work without ceasing — to hustle, produce, achieve, compete, and always do and get more — give us the grace to be still, so that we might be transformed.” — Rev. Amanda Highben, Duke Lutherans Campus Pastor in Sunday's Prayers of the People
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