Korey Williams


philly a kid with a camera or two
chrisa in @emilyrosehenry_ on medium format arista 400, from 2022. the fashion class was a like really fun. i love clothes, i love taking photos, i stay at the thrift store. dress ate, modeling ate, i might've chewed. good times
50 5
6 vor Tagen
old color roids before i start posting a bunch of bnw stuff. life has been vibrant recently, something in the air i guess 🤭
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15 vor Tagen
my last color roll film i shot and developed was summer of 2022, it doesn't feel like it's been that long. I shoot/dev A LOT of bnw film, it's just really cheap to do. I actually really love color film though. The process is pretty much the same as deving bnw, 3 chemicals just different times. This was expired portra 400, back when i was carrying *my school's hassleblad* everywhere. i didn't care if i was going to the grocery store or to an event that camera was with me. this honestly feels weird asf to post BUT i do plan on shooting some color film portraits this year. ok bye bye
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27 vor Tagen
35mm point and shoot frames from my first wedding back in november! my gmom asked me if i can shoot her brother's wedding/50th anniversary; i was like hell yea. i mainly was on video duty w/@zodiacmaniac60 for the ceremony, which is shot on the 5d mk2 and my phone for cuts. I loooove how everything turned out, something about full frame video is just pretty. I want to say i used my vintage m42 mount vivitar 28mm and a m42 pentacon 50mm lens. I'm real old school so i don't care for all the new fancy stuff like that. my video style is elevated home video, the most i use is a tripod lmaoo. i had so much fun, there were a few things I would've done differently but overall i think i did my thing. if you know me i'm really reluctant to shoot weddings because they just seem like a lot of work and there's so much pressure to deliver a highly specific outcome. here i honestly just did what i wanted, everything was a breeze it almost felt kind of easy. anyway last slide is a lil bit from the full 30min video. ok bye
27 5
1 vor einem Monat
ca'nyah + some random peels. looking at these makes me think about the time I didn't have 2 jobs and would just be walking around the city or go on impromptu hangouts with whomever. first frame was after some ihop which was mid asf but fun was had. fall plz hurry up 🥱
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1 vor einem Monat
@lazy_wuu / @one_leg_photography on peel apart from 2022. that summer was hot as a mf, might just be a reason for the yellow/orange tones in the highlights! shooting peel aprt in the hassie is really cool because it doesn't use the full image size so you get a black frame which reminds me of a fatback tv in a entertainment system. natural framing if you will. okay bye
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2 vor Monaten
@breannestelle from 2022 on PEEL APART POLAROIDS + a 6x6 frame. this is a format so special to me but it's very expensive so I don't really shoot it. this is back when i was loaning the hasselblad 500cm kit, which came with a peel apart film back. i still have a couple packs of film in my fridge and maybe if i stumble across a polaroid 180 camera I'll shoot the rest. one day 🥲
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2 vor Monaten
atlantic city from 2021. this was my first trip by myself and it was great. to be honest though i didn't like that many of the photos i took but that just gives me a reason to keep going back lol. this was in NOVEMBER 💀 it was cold as fuck but them prices for a airbnb were much lower. one thing about the off-season though? tourist? gone. beach? deserted. the locals were outside though. there was only one place to get funnel cake open which was janky as hell but it was solid. walking around a abandoned motel lot was my highlight in retrospect (it's no longer there) as well as having the best sidra of my life (can't find it anywhere 😐 ) also the 99¢ stores ! aight bye
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2 vor Monaten
at work, i work at a art museum on the weekends. "the big paintbrush on broad street"
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2 vor Monaten
night roids from a project i started in april 2022, should probably finish that up. what i really like about the nighttime is the lighting, the light falloff is so interesting. the gradients of light to dark 🤌🏾
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2 vor Monaten
ca'nyah from 2022. continuing with polaroids cause it feels right to do so. this was a fun one, just in her backyard goofn'. i like looking at older stuff because some of it makes me want to time travel and point out everything i would do differently, and some of it i can appreciate for what it is. frame 3 is the true power of a tripod and shutter release
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2 vor Monaten
31/31 this was fun, if anything i will be slowing down when it comes to polaroid taking. i recently shot some stuff where i waited till my first shot was developed and went from there to get the exposure as close to "just right" using the dial and filters. it took 2.5-3 hours for me to finish that shoot lol. I'm still thinking about buying a more "pro" polaroid setup where i can manually adjust the exposure which i loove to do. tbh though shooting roids is a little break from trying to make everything the best it can be. letting the camera do what it wants to do, however disappointing or interesting the result is, is just FUN. this hobby/job/profession of mine is not cheap though, I'm glad i have a dayjob. I'll share some of that shoot i was talking about soon but i'm about to start posting a bunch of old stuff i never got around to because idk. ok bye, thanks
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2 vor Monaten