Ken Williams Jr.


**Native American Contemporary Beadwork Artist of the Northern Arapaho and Cattaraugus Seneca Peoples. **Art Lover & Collector. New Mexico
Yesterday I was able to deliver a just finished creation to the Onöhsagwë:de’ Cultural Center-Seneca Iroquois National Museum In beautiful Seneca Nation Territory, NY. It was a huge honor to be asked to create a work for their permanent collection where it will be shown and hopefully enjoyed for generations to come. My piece “Remembering Ancestors” a pictorial beaded tobacco bag pays homage to our Seneca Chief Cornplanter, whom I descend from. It also was made in mind to remember our many ancestors before us, and after us, as one day we will be the ancestors. I hope my work lives on to show who we are and will remain to be. I know my late father smiles down from the clouds knowing that my work will live long on in his Seneca area. ☁️💚💜❤️
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1 vor einem Monat
Peeeeeks at the current piece on my work table. Should be done in the next week or so…plugging away. Will be revealed when it’s in its new space, maybe soon..maybe later. (Not for sale) Stay tuned😉
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2 vor Monaten
Ending last night with ice cream 🍦 🍨 💓
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7 vor Monaten
Sneek peeks at sections of a larger work in progress. Been off and on this piece for almost a year now and still working away. Hopefully will have it complete in the next month or so. Slow going but it’s going to be incredible, I’m so excited! Can anyone guess what the theme is or who it’s about? A few of you know but don’t spoil for the rest 😊
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8 vor Monaten
Happy Indigenous Peoples day! Our ancestors were here and we are still here. Celebrate proudly every day! Sharing some oldies of my work and a pic of yours truly from thee past 😊🪶
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8 vor Monaten
Thank you to the beautiful and amazing Shiprock Santa Fe Gallery @shiprocksantafe for another successful show of my work, you guys rock!! Also I appreciate all of you who came by the opening to say hello and who dropped in after, your love and support means much. I am grateful for my ancestors who paved the way for me, generations later to show this beautiful path of beadwork and show my stories through beads and materials, couldn’t be where I am without acknowledging who I come from. Again thank you all! 🩵 #contemporarynativeart #contemporarynativeamericanart #contemporarynativeamericanbeadwork #nativeamericanbeadwork #beadwork #hamburger #beadedbags #doratsepepottery #doratsepe #shiprocksantafe
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10 vor Monaten
If you are around Santa Fe, NM today come stop by theeee beautiful Shiprock Santa Fe gallery and say hello to my friend Sonwai @_sonwai and I. We will be showing our newest creations at our annual August show. We will be there from 12noon-2:00pm and look forward to seeing you all! Pictured: “Cheeseburger thoughts”
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10 vor Monaten
My newest works at the beautiful Shiprock Santa Fe Gallery. They posted them online just a bit ago and will be out for all to see during the artist reception for Sonwai and I this coming Thursday from 12noon-2:00pm. Stop by the gallery to say hello and see our new creations. Looking forward to seeing you all!
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10 vor Monaten
Peeks of new works dropped off at Shiprock Santa Fe gallery, for my August 17th sales show alongside my dear friend Sonwai. I’ll only have 5 works this year and as many of you know they sometimes go fast, so contact the gallery if you wanna be contacted. Stop by on the 17th and say hello: 12noon - 2:00pm 😊 One last piece to finish up, then back to working on a piece due this fall. See you all this August! @shiprocksantafe @_sonwai
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11 vor Monaten
So excited for our upcoming show of @kennwilliamsjr incredible beadwork this August 17th, 2023. Ken’s work is often inspired by his daily life, imbuing each piece with his exuberant and joyful style.
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1 vor einem Jahr
Peeeeeks……a work in progress for my August sales show at the beautiful Shiprock Santa Fe Gallery on August 17th. Come by and say hello and see the reveal of this and my other newest works! #contmporarybeadwork #contemporarynativeamericanbeadwork #contemporarynativeamericanart #shiprocksantafe #kenwilliamsjr
182 4
1 vor einem Jahr
This years ad in El Palacio magazine put out by Shiprock Santa Fe gallery, announcing the sales show of new works by my friend Sonwai and myself. Stop in on August 17th and say hello to us and see our newest works we each will have. Thanks Shiprock Santa Fe Gallery for the awesome and beautiful ad, Scott sure sets up a gorgeous photo/ad for us every year! #contemporarynativeamericanart #contemporaryart #contemporarynativeamericanbeadwork #beadwork #jewelry #kenwilliamsjr #sonwaijewelry #shiprocksantafe
362 15
1 vor einem Jahr