

Dear timeline, Over the past six months I have been building a new home in our Utreg with a fantastic team: @kabulagogo is alive and we are here to STAY! 🔫 I can’t say enough how proud I am of the people I am able to realize this adventure with and all the energy they have put into it. And even though every new life is a guarantee for hiccups, bumps and growing pains, you also learn from it and it makes you stronger every day (You see I don’t avoid any cliches). Moreover, what we get in return is priceless: my heart melts every week when I see how the place is supported by the community, how friends (🫵YOU!) curiously fill the dance floor again, how your constructive feedback that we can put into action makes our place more beautiful every day. Also thanks to you for these first 2 months since the opening 💚 I think these are all good reasons to celebrate our existence and that is why I will open our sweaty Abu tomorrow and you are of course all invited. Further on the line up: the Queen of all Queens, our Empress and titan DJ Marcelle 🤯, the mega fierce and talented and hype duo @mulanna.bumbu and @teqmun_ and as icing on the cake a super promised to be SICK live-set by the cutest & coolest @noisediva . ❇️ Nog mooier: all this is also an unofficial afterparty of the festivities at our dear friendneighbors of @hofvancartesius , where their annual family friendly gathering Hof der Zotheid takes place tomorrow. Set up by my buddy Marnix @devergissingvantroelstra - I’m playing a b2b set together with my friend and long time hero @freekfabricius030303 and I’m super excited!!! And if for some reason tomorrow is an inconvenient day to put on your dancing shoes, the @kalaharioystercult squad will come along TONIGHT to Abu, which will certainly gonna be wicked toooooo 😤🦎 See you in KABUL <3 xxox
176 25
18 vor Tagen
Met Taifū
112 12
4 vor Monaten
Wearing our favorite dresses to @driftomtedansen 16:30-18:30 garage @passiondeez 💖
196 14
1 vor einem Jahr
not quite sure which day of the week it is by now but i do know there are some nice festivities going on tomorrow is my @deschoolamsterdam debut 🫣💫 i'm going to open muzieklokaal from 01:00 - 03:00 and after me @jerrau__ and @cinnaman will play. downstairs some big ass heavy giant beautiful music connaisseurs as well… excitinggggg! 31st, @whistlewessel and me aka whistletoya on closing duties for @strandedfm NYE in De Helling <3 amongst @ukelulu1.0 b2b @deroz4nnn , @thomashell111 and Nazar (@noallies ) - can not wait to celebrate the start of the new year with my StrandedFam ( ´ ∀ `)ノ~ ♡
245 24
1 vor einem Jahr
Extremely gassed for x @strandedfm tomorrow in Pandora❗️❕❗️
Honored to share the stage with legends and friends @parrishxsmith @okitap_ @jannahderoos @nunodostres and Allert 🤍
There will be a dazzling light installation created by @studioschilp @tijmen_tal & @merijnhos - they will send clouds and ⚡️ and thunder and smoke from every corner of the dancefloor to tickle your eyeballs Also, @lukecohlen says that this character in the artwork looks like me raving to tomorrow's beats. I agree Buy tickets and support the station, direct link can be found in my bioooo 🌹
141 6
1 vor einem Jahr
Hello, Latoya season is in full effect! In fact, it already started… Sorry for being late with posting, but I’m still buzZ🐝ing from last weekends festivities at @woohahfest and @zeezout_nl x @bythecreekfestival . But, you can check me at the following fissa’s or festi’s as well: 10-07 @wildeburg 15-07 @thegreyspaceinthemiddle with @whistlewessel 30-07 @orbit_festival with @tijmen_tal 25-08 @dkmntl boat at Dekmantel Selectors with @brendan.rhythmicculture 📸 by the phenomenal @loutowers 💕
291 36
1 vor einem Jahr
Eeeeindelijk!! Volgende week zaterdag bestie2bestie met @whistlinn in @was.utrecht 💖 en voor de rest ook echt alleen maar icons op de line up C u there? ^__^ (📸 door @timopisart op het geweldige Draaimolen Festival afgelopen weekend🥰)
123 14
2 vor Jahren
when in wu
63 3
2 vor Jahren
Homies ❤️❤️❤️
119 11
2 vor Jahren
wazzup lockdown butterflies 🦋 
@tivolivredenburgbynight asked me to do a contribution to their context mix series. so i’ve made a mixtape for longing, dreaming and couch potatoing, washing away the days like we all do currently. sounds to accompany your meme scrolling and waiting for rutte to be canceled. wear your comfy pants and join me for a ride! you can find the mix via TiVre’s soundcloud 😊 with lush music by... Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith - Who I Am & Why I Am Where I Am
Khotin - Frog Fractions
Yves Tumor - Limerence
Guenter Råler - Ellen Arkbro x Chanel Duval Timothy - G upsammy - Worm
Beta Librae - Skyla
Commodo - Crooked Law
Charles Webster - This is Real (ft. Shara Nelson) Appleblim & Peverelist - Over Here Kiota - Weird Melon Instra:mental & dBrigde - White Snares
AceMo - Deep Down (Don’t Drown) DJ Python - Juntos
Actress - XRAY Loraine James - Don’t You See It (ft. Jonnine)
130 15
3 vor Jahren
Het is ook haar 2020
139 12
3 vor Jahren