

Studio Leader Technogeographies - DAE Curator Bright Cityscapes - Faber The show is on 🔜
⏱️In just a couple of hours we are opening the exhibition ”Turn Signals - Design is not a Dashboard” in Piața Amzei, level -1. Hoping to see you many tonight, talk about the intricacies of design and discover 10 fascinating works at the intersection of design, academic research and industry. 📌And in the next days, we are inviting you for a guided tour with the curator of the exhibition @martina.muzi . Save the dates: 18th, 25th & 26th of May, starting 11AM. We are opening Turn Signals as part of @romaniandesignweek , @rdwdesigngo circuit, alongside two other amazing exhibitions: People You’ve Been Before, by Lea Rasovszky and Milton Glaser: Art is Work (act II), by Insula 42, TypopassageTM & Ovidiu Hrin. Under the patronage of UniCredit Bank, brought to Bucharest with the support of Romanian Order of Architects, from the Architectural Stamp Duty. RO ⏱️În doar câteva ore deschidem expoziția ”Semnalizatoare - Designul nu este un Panou de Bord” în Piața Amzei, nivelul -1. Sperăm să vă vedem în număr cât mai mare în seara asta, să povestim despre subtilitățile designului și să descoperiți 10 lucrări fascinante la intersecția dintre design, cercetare academică și industrie. 📌Și în următoarele zile, vă invităm la un tur ghidat alături de curatoarea expoziției Martina Muzi. Save the dates: 18, 25 și 26 mai, de la ora 11:00. Deschidem expoziția ca parte a Romanian Design Week, circuitul RDW Design Go, alături de alte două expoziții uimitoare: People You’ve Been Before, de Lea Rasovszky și Milton Glaser: Art is Work (act II), de Insula 42, TypopassageTM & Ovidiu Hrin. Sub patronajul UniCredit Bank, itinerată la București cu sprijinul @ordinularhitectilordinromania , din Timbrul de arhitectură. Produs în cadrul @2023.timisoara împreună cu cu ajutorul: @primariatm prin @centruldeproiecte , @ordinularhitectilordinromania , Fundația Flex, Fundația Alber, @azur_romania_tm , @continentalinromania , @hamiltoncentraleurope , @banca_transilvania Honeywell, @nokia_tm , @vivaliarealestate . #FABERDesign
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1 vor einem Monat
Dad’s roses 🌹
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2 vor Monaten
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3 vor Monaten
🍏 One year ago we opened the program BrightCityscapes at @faber.timisoara in collaboration with @upt.campus.creativ with the exhibition “Mirroring the Ecosystem”. Interested in what design is in Timisoara and which kind of economy design produces, we started opening the closed doors of local factories bringing together data-driven research, object collections, manufacturing components, resources and photographic documentation. Mundane objects of different function, form and substance, were borrowed from companies at their manufacturing level. Photographs shared views to inaccessible spaces like factory floors, where workers, machines and various infrastructures are in operation 24/7. Information graphics contextualised the most relevant assets of the local economy in relation to its turnover, employees, distribution, and linking its main companies to the large import-export network that starts, crosses or ends in the metropolitan area of the city. As the concept of mirroring in social science is an unconscious behaviour of imitation from one being to another, the exhibition can be read as a reflection board, an inventory and a tangible interconnection of skills, data, places, technologies, and products. As a whole, the exhibition reflects on the state of design in the city and its role as invisible or visible discipline fundamental for the local economy in connection to global supplies or demands. The entire installation was produced within the local industrial hubs of the city. The exhibition set reconsidered the traditional furniture of factory assembly lines in collaboration with Flex and was great fun to design !!! I had the pleasure to curate the exhibition with a fantastic team @oanasimionescu (Director FABER), @loredadada (UPT) - the exhibition production with @anabella.gaby @schick.bianca - the production of Karola Kalapati, Mihai Moldovan, @cristina.potra , PlanZERO - graphic design by @federicosantarini @k______s_____ - Research by @norbert.petrovici (coordination), Vlad Alexe (data science), Vlad Bejinariu (history), Ágota Ábrán, Andrei Herța, Macrina Moldovan (organisational ethnography) - Photo reportage @mariusvasile28 @2023.timisoara
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4 vor Monaten
Last Friday we finished building up the first Studio Technogeographies exhibition, in collaboration with @z33be in Hasselt, Belgium. “Fields of Industry” combines student works that reflect a variety of scales of observation and responses to industries that range from those attune to our own bodies, to those of global resource distribution networks, softwares, and even to the more invisible or seemingly undetectable systems they control. Approaching the space of the museum’s exhibition rooms as a blank three-dimensional canvas, a dedicated team of students and tutors developed a multidimensional mapping of the experiments and design outcomes produced within the pedagogical framework of the Studio Technogeographies Semester A, 2023-2024. The resulting exhibition and collective publication, “Fields of Industry,” feature artefacts of individual material, visual, and time based student actions that have been developed by @weronikagrc @e___l_in Jasmine Flamant, Franka de Gorter, @anwyn.howarth DaryaFeigin, Robyn Sontag, Hyunjoo Lee, Luka Anneveldt, @legitasianboyfriend Saeneul Song, Yarina Fedorova, Valerio Santarsenio, @____________mayu and Seojun Yun. Special thanks are extended for the additional efforts and commitment of students who comprised the exhibition / publication production teams: @laurin_bhm @_shira.a @marionjolas @louelladure @huibaquero @tamaralon10 @mari_ebisu_ @xxiaotongxx @marie_dldc @henrysprojects @rosaliemxlin and @Elie Additional thanks go to tutors @bbaietto and @hannarullmann and studio coordinator @a_is_for_ox for their invaluable contribution to the processes of guiding the exhibition / publication production teams; as well as to @roberto.p.gayo @jing_jing_jing_jing_jing @federicosantarini and @audreylarge for their contribution to the pedagogy and tutoring throughout the semester. Additional thanks go to the various administrative departments at @designacademyeindhoven who helped facilitate this project. Thank you Tim Roerig and @__kevingallagher__ from @z33 for hosting us. 💻 Graphic design by @huibaquero showcasing details of “Water-resistant” by @laurin_bhm and “Resisting the Factory Made” by @legitasianboyfriend 🫶🏽
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4 vor Monaten
Last Friday we finished building up the first Studio Technogeographies exhibition, in collaboration with @z33be in Hasselt, Belgium. “Fields of Industry” combines student works that reflect a variety of scales of observation and responses to industries that range from those attune to our own bodies, to those of global resource distribution networks, softwares, and even to the more invisible or seemingly undetectable systems they control. The resulting exhibition and collective publication, “Fields of Industry,” feature artefacts of individual material, visual, and time based student actions that have been developed by @weronikagrc @e___l_in Jasmine Flamant, Franka de Gorter, @anwyn.howarth DaryaFeigin, Robyn Sontag, Hyunjoo Lee, Luka Anneveldt, @legitasianboyfriend Saeneul Song, Yarina Fedorova, Valerio Santarsenio, @____________mayu and Seojun Yun. Special thanks are extended for the additional efforts and commitment of students who comprised the exhibition / publication production teams: @laurin_bhm @_shira.a @marionjolas @louelladure @huibaquero @tamaralon10 @mari_ebisu_ @xxiaotongxx @marie_dldc @henrysprojects @rosaliemxlin and @Elie Additional thanks and acknowledgement go to tutors @bbaietto and @hannarullmann for their invaluable contribution to the processes of guiding the exhibition / publication production teams; as well as to @roberto.p.gayo @jing_jing_jing_jing_jing @federicosantarini and @audreylarge for their contribution to the pedagogy and tutoring throughout the semester. Studio Technogeographies has operated as a bachelors program design studio and pedagogical space within @designacademyeindhoven since September 2021. As of February 2024, it is about to embark on its sixth semester. Additional thanks go to Studio Technogeographies coordinator @a_is_for_ox and the various administrative departments at DAE who helped facilitate this project. Thank you Tim Roerig and @__kevingallagher__ from @z33 for hosting us.
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4 vor Monaten
Last Friday we finished building up the first Studio Technogeographies exhibition, in collaboration with @z33be in Hasselt, Belgium. “Fields of Industry” combines student works that reflect a variety of scales of observation and responses to industries that range from those attune to our own bodies, to those of global resource distribution networks, softwares, and even to the more invisible or seemingly undetectable systems they control. Approaching the space of the museum’s exhibition rooms as a blank three-dimensional canvas, a dedicated team of students and tutors developed a multidimensional mapping of the experiments and design outcomes produced within the pedagogical framework of the Studio Technogeographies Semester A, 2023-2024. The resulting exhibition and collective publication, “Fields of Industry,” feature artefacts of individual material, visual, and time based student actions that have been developed by @weronikagrc @e___l_in Jasmine Flamant, Franka de Gorter, @anwyn.howarth DaryaFeigin, Robyn Sontag, Hyunjoo Lee, Luka Anneveldt, @legitasianboyfriend Saeneul Song, Yarina Fedorova, Valerio Santarsenio, @____________mayu and Seojun Yun. Special thanks are extended for the additional efforts and commitment of students who comprised the exhibition / publication production teams: @laurin_bhm @_shira.a @marionjolas @louelladure @huibaquero @tamaralon10 @mari_ebisu_ @xxiaotongxx @marie_dldc @henrysprojects @rosaliemxlin and @Elie Additional thanks and acknowledgement go to tutors @bbaietto and @hannarullmann and studio coordinator @a_is_for_ox for their invaluable contribution to the processes of guiding the exhibition / publication production teams; as well as to @roberto.p.gayo @jing_jing_jing_jing_jing @federicosantarini and @audreylrg for their contribution to the pedagogy and tutoring throughout the semester. @designacademyeindhoven 💻 Graphic design by @huibaquero showcasing details of “Water-resistant” by @laurin_bhm and “Resisting the Factory Made” by @legitasianboyfriend
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4 vor Monaten
💜 Un weekend plin de descoperiri, cunoștințe, design și dans. Mulțumim tuturor celor care ni s-au alăturat la deschidere, tur ghidat sau conferință! Vezi cum a decurs întregul proces de deschidere a expoziției „Atlasul Distanțelor”, începând cu instalarea expoziției până în ziua conferinței. ☝️ // 💜 A weekend full of discoveries, knowledge, design and dancing. Thank you to everyone who joined us at the opening, guided tour or conference! Take a look at the whole process of opening the ”Atlas of Distances” exhibition, starting with the installation of the exhibition up to the conference’s day. ☝️ 📸 Florin Caramidaru, George Mihes, @tataruseba
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9 vor Monaten
Amsterdam Friends 🥂 Join us at Inizi Continui on Wednesday 27 at 18.00 ~~ A series of events around the understanding of design as a practice of continuous interrelations. For this occasion, Tellurico Design Studio @tellurico , led by designer, sculptor, and craftsman Francesco Pace, will explore the relationship between craftsmanship and the environment through a presentation and a performance in which he will sculpt a wooden totem. Following that, designer and researcher Roberta di Cosmo @robertadicosmo will look at the pandemic affecting olive trees in the Mediterranean region, using design as a tool to explore the flavors, scents, and gestures associated with olive trees, olives and olive oil through a presentation and a culinary performance. The event will be in English language, free entrance with reservation here Organised with @studio_ossidiana At @iicamsterdam Graphic Design @irenestracuzzi 🍀
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9 vor Monaten
💥🌏💥The Atlas of Distances exhibition explores the qualitative and quantitative nature of ‘distance’ through the disciplines of design and architecture. By interpreting diverse facets of distance in both material and immaterial systems through maps, drawings, artefacts, texts, personal narratives, and bodies, it brings contemporary discourses of extraction, weather, and industrial cycles closer. The atlas functions as a pedagogical tool for expanding, organising, and connecting multimedia information concerning the relationship between ‘distance’ and living environments.  The exhibition is the culmination of an educational collaboration that brought together students from three architecture and design departments at three different institutions. A workshop held in May in Timișoara facilitated an exchange of pedagogical methods. Students initiated projects through a series of shared exercises inspired by the concept of the atlas, focusing on common subjects that explored the various meanings of distance: technologies, infrastructures, climates, communities, and knowledge. Following a subsequent open call, nine projects were selected for further development and exhibition. Additionally, an extensive collection of student projects will be presented in poster format allowing visitors to explore the full breadth of this collaboration. Architecture of Politehnica University of Timișoara led by @cristian_blidariu , with tutors Ana-Maria Branea, Marius Găman, @daniela_f_n ; @designacademyeindhoven with the studio Technogeographies led by Martina Muzi, with tutors @roberto.p.gayo and Christoph Miler; TU Delft with the @bordersandterritories collective, directed by Marc Schoonderbeek, with tutors @negarsbensi and Stefan Gzyl.  With the work of students: @ami.degau , @laurin_bhm , @louella.dure , @vanessaheider_ Josh Jerome, @r.i.c.h.t.e.a Edward-Ștefan Kiss and Denisa-Anamaria Landler, @petarr_k , Anastasia Stolearenco. With poster design by @sigrid_schmeisser Graphic design @k______s_____ Editors @nadineb0tha BrightCityscapes team @oanasimionescu @loredadada @schick.bianca @mihai.moldovan.claudiu @upt.campus.creativ @2023.timisoara Curated by me 🍀
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9 vor Monaten
Turn Signals—Design is not a Dashboard ~ an exhibition that explores the collaborative capacities of design to transcend manufacturing conventions and to ignite a transformative trajectory for Timisoara’s creative ecosystem.  Since Romania’s integration into the European Union, its manufacturing sector has surged. Simultaneously, the global manufacturing landscape has undergone a profound shift due to rapid digitalisation and global supply chain integration. Innovation has become pivotal for the country. The needed expertise is evident throughout Timisoara’s industrial parks, specialised labour, technical universities, and engineering excellence. Yet, design’s potential often remains untapped and incidental, concealed within academia, corporate IP, mechanics, tech, and profits—much like the discreet turn signal indicators on vehicles, manufactured in both local and multinational automotive plants in Timisoara. These indicators, intricately woven into engineering and discreetly nestled onto dashboards, exemplify design’s confinement to mechanics and technological complexities. Demonstrating that design has a wider reach, the Turn Signals exhibition features multidisciplinary design practitioners from Romania and beyond having collaborated with local researchers on projects that bridge global and local perspectives, revealing the city’s products and resources, and connecting diverse places, people, and urgencies across various scales. Anchored in a commissioned report that explores Timisoara’s historical and contemporary economic and geographical context, Turn Signals employs different design media, storytelling, and lexicons to dislocate hidden narratives and untapped potential within Timisoara. With @theophileblandet @c.nzia @xristinaxoxhior @jing_jing_jing_jing_jing @flora_manon @gi_zek @theofficeofalinalupu @kajetjournal @technoflesh @parasiteparasite @santiago_reyes_villaveces With @schick.bianca @federicosantarini @axlfrd Graphic Design @k______s_____ Editors @nadineb0tha @cristina.potra Part of Bright Cityscapes programme, coordinated by @loredana and @oanasimionescu @faber.timisoara @upt.campus.creativ @2023.timisoara Curated by me❤️
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9 vor Monaten