Maxime Benvenuto


Design researcher researching design 🕳 ~ Rotterdam & Cergy (Paris) 🔗 ~ Researching, writing, listening, teaching, moderating, and, sometimes, making 🦑
During the last Dutch Design Week, I had the pleasure to be invited as one of the speakers for the DDW Talk “Designing Society.” My contribution to the event consisted of a sharing of critical notes and thoughts on social design (especially in relation to the rooting of design culture in Modernism). The text I wrote and read for the occasion is available upon request. Special thanks to @bernhardlenger and Joes Janmaat from for thinking about me for the event! The event was part of the @dutchdesignweek and was partnered by the Social Design Lobby and @nomad__magazine #design #socialdesign #designresearch #critique #talk #panel #text #designweek #ddw #ddw21 #dutchdesignweek
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In the meantime, last week I had the pleasure of being a guest at the Faculty of Design and Architecture of the University of Brighton (UK) to work with the students of ‘Design and Ideology’. The students there work on projects that deal with ethical, political, and social issues, and it was a real blast to have the chance to engage with them on topics such as the role(-s) and responsibilities of the designer. ✨ #design #socialdesign #education #responsibility #ideology #designresearch
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Looking for design’s crimes while Mr. Loos ponders, and I start to wonder if he wasn’t one of the greatest criminals... #design #designresearch #designhistory #critique #designcritique #research #book #adolfloos
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Tomorrow evening, join us live on Rararadio at 6pm CET for the second episode of Poetic/Politic as part of the <Insert Topic Here> series. During that new episode, we will explore the poetic and political spectrum of language. From language as a tool of inclusion to one of protest, we will dive into the many ways we express ourselves through a poetic engagement. <Insert Topic Here> is a series of radio shows organised by the Critical Inquiry Lab from Design Academy Eindhoven in Collaboration with Rararadio. Poetic/Politic is a show brought to you by @emma_ych @oshinsiaobhatt & @maximebenvenuto @rararadio @criticalinquirylab @designacademyeindhoven #design #designacademyeindhoven #criticalinquirylab #rararadio #radio #language #research #poetry #politics
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Thank you to you for having me lovely people of the Arena! (@ceola_tb @isityoutiiu @herrolundin @nedkaar ) It was a pleasure to come moderate the panel on Methods of New Materialism! Thanks for the graduation catalog of @designacademyeindhoven beautifully designed by the amazing @wardgoes . I have been looking forward to have this one on my shelves ;) #book #catalog #design #gift #thankyou #designacademyeindhoven #dae #thearena #moderation
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It is a bit last minute, but for those of you interested in social design, tonight we will have an online session where we will present some of the past projects we worked on with our foundation @foundationweare , including our project with Human Rights Defenders. At the end of the event, we will open up a discussion questioning the limits of social design and look into how to surpass them. It starts at 20.30 and you can join us here: #socialdesign #social #design #critical #reflective #foundationweare #weare #humanrights #education #zoom #event #online
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Tonight, as part of the Self-Design Academy program from @mu_hybrid_art_house , we will present the first event by Karaoke Discourse, “Design Ethics Exorcism” 🔥🔥🔥
Karaoke Discourse is a group of radically different researchers who experiment with ways to produce and present research. For the past months, each of us has initiated a research around a certain topic. After few weeks working on it, we shuffled the research around, and exchanged randomly the topics, forcing each other to build on what the other had produced and re-interpret their discourse. After few shuffling around, we developed a series of event. Thus, what better topic for these first three events than “Misunderstanding”? “Design Ethics Exorcism” will see spirits of the design world being conjured in MU to answer ethical dilemmas on design 🔥 Karaoke Discourse is composed of:
Ward Goes @wardgoes Arvid and Marie @mariecaye @arvidjense Cream on Chrome @cream__on__chrome@dutchdesignweek #DDW #DDW20 #dutchdesignweek #materials #material #design #research #designresearch #experiment #ethics #exorcism #event #philippestarck #dieterrams #jetgispen
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Still on coming Sunday, but at 17.30, I am co-organising and moderating an online event on design and journalism. I have been working together with Marina Palacios @palacios.2020 from @freepressunltd on organising this event around the theme of “Design and the Silencing of Journalists”. Free Press Unlimited runs the “VIMES” program, which aims at supporting and creating connections between independent media and journalists working in Latin America and Eastern Europe. The conditions for freedom of speech and freedom of press are very difficult in these regions, and multiple actors exert pressures on the media who try to do their job. Over the past three weeks, we had two online sessions where designers and journalists met and discussed possible ways to act differently in these contexts. The event will bring some of the people who joined the sessions to talk about what is the context in Latin America and Eastern Europe in which journalists work, why design and journalism can do something together, and what preliminary ideas emerged from the discussions.

Participants: Enrique Gasteazoro - Confidential, Nicaragua
Carlos Salamanca - El Faro, El Salvador Alina Radu - Ziarul de Garda, Moldova
Danielle Arets - Fontys Tilburg Journalism & Design Academy Eindhoven, Netherlands @aretsdanielle 
Cream on Chrome - Design Studio, Netherlands @cream__on__chrome 
Alice Wong - Story Designer, Netherlands @missalicewong Link for the event: Co-organised with @foundationweare #DDW #DDW20 #dutchdesignweek #design #research #designresearch #socialdesign #social #culture #journalism #media #independent #independentmedia #press #freepress #freedomofspeech #freespeech #humanrights #latinamerica #easterneurope
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Coming Sunday, I will have the pleasure to moderate a panel on DDW TV (the Dutch Design Week’s online TV broadcast) titled “Methods of New Materialism”. With the panelists we will look at how practices have evolved in the design field to address materials and materiality in new ways. The projects/practices that will be brought in the conversation will unfold different scales of material discourses ranging from cultural narratives to global infrastructures and production systems. Check the website of the Dutch Design Week on Sunday to access the livestream. This panel is part of the Arena program from @designacademyeindhoven and will bring together graduates, alumni, and external professionals.

Panelists: Willeke Segers @willekesegers Jan-Micha Gamer @janmichagamer Martina Muzi @martina.muzi Studio Plastique @studioplastique Lukáš Likavčan @lukas_likavcan Anastasia Kubrak @coubraque #DDW #DDW20 #dutchdesignweek #materials #material #design #research #designresearch #materialism #culture #waste #recycling #infrastructure #geodesign #designacademyeindhoven #thearena #panel
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These freshly arrived from @editionspuf :D “Sciences du design” (Sciences of design) is the french review about design research. Created in 2015 by Alain Findeli and Stéphane Vial, the review explores different aspects that relate to design and research every six months through international contributions while applying the rigour of scientific publishing to the articles submitted. The latest one (number 11) looks into design and the anthropocene, and questions the role design will have in the collapse of our damaged world. #designreview #magazine #design #science #designandscience #designresearch #research #anthropocene #collapse
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Over the past few months I have been taking interviews of different practitioners evolving in the field of design research in order to understand better what the ecosystem of this relatively young practice is. Here is a glimpse into a part of the document I use to prepare and structure the interviews. The different colours articulate different movements of the interviews with different focuses. I will soon share more about this research which is being done within the context of both the talent grant I received from @stimuleringsfonds and my residency at The werkplaat of Fontys Tilburg. #designresearch #researchdesign #design #research #interview
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This beauty just arrived directly from 1985 Paris! It is the Album and Inventory (not a catalog!) of the exhibition “Les Immatériaux” that took place at the Centre Pompidou in 85. The exhibition was directed by philosopher Jean-François Lyotard who brought together a team of 26 experts from various fields to reflect on the topic of immateriality and information. Together, they defined 60 terms that created the program of the exhibition. The album shows very clearly the transition from the words to the curated exhibition, making the exhibition a place of production of ideas and knowledge, instead of a mere topical presentation. #book #exhibition #curation #research #philosophy #beaubourg #centrepompidou #lesimmatériaux #information
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