Michaela Nagyidaiová


@portraitshellerau_award group show ‘Surface’ was open from the 16th of March until the 11th of June in Dresden, Germany. Here are some installation views of ‘Transient Ties’ project that was presented there alongside many other amazing photography works. Thank you to @laura_el_tantawy & Sophie Arlet for photographs of my work! #portraitshellerau #portraitshellerauphotographyaward #groupexhibition #installationview #workinprogress #personalwork #visualstorytelling
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1 vor einem Jahr
Huge thanks to @fotograf.zone for the continuous support and this year’s nomination for @futuresphotography 🖤 The nominated work is titled ‘Moulding’ (Slovenia, 2021), if you’d like to read more about it, follow the link in my bio. Check out the artists nominated by Fotograf Magazine below as well as all the new artists nominated by other institutions: /stories/meet-the-artists-nominated-by-fotograf-magazine-in-2023 /stories/discover-the-futures-artists-nominated-in-2023 #futures #futuresphotography #fotografmagazine #fotografzone #centraleurope #contemporaryphotography #visualstorytelling #womenphotograph #conceptualphotography #narrativephotography #documentinglandscape
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1 vor einem Jahr
Transient Ties at @ngprague as a part of @fotograf.zone ’s Fotograf Festival ‘22 titled ‘No One Belongs Here More Than You’. It’s open until 8th of January 2023 and curated by Tereza Rudolf, Markéta Mansfieldová and Elizabeth Pichler. The exhibition also showcases works by The Archive of Public Protests, Norman Behrendt, Eiko Grimberg, Barbara Gryka & Filip Kijowski, Juliane Jaschnow, Szabolcs KissPál, Dóri Lazár, Emília Rigová, Anike Joyce Sadiq, Christina Werner, and Jiří Žák. #nationagalleryprague #ngprague #fotografzone #fotograffestival #noonebelongsheremorethanyou #photographyexhibition #installationview #exhibitionlayout #prints #visualstorytelling #personalproject #workinprogress #womeninphoto #centraleurope
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1 vor einem Jahr
Lately 🌞 Some photographs from times travelling for assignments in April and May for @bloomberg or when exploring the Slovak countryside over the weekends. #visualdiary #photodump #visualstorytelling #photojournal #maydump
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20 vor Tagen
From ‘Transient Ties’, a project encapsulating video, images, archival materials, and text. The work is a collaboration with my grandmother Eleni/Lena, while exploring her past as a former political refugee living in Slovakia and the bonds between home, displacement, and cultural heritage. More about the work here: /transientties/ #personalproject #visualstorytelling #contemporaryphotography #shortfilm #roots #identity #heritage #greece #slovakia
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28 vor Tagen
Zajtra pozývam na otvorenie vernisáže o 17:00 v Pistóriho paláci! ❤️‍🔥 OKSVOLNES SVOLNES LOVS Krajina a vlasť môžu byť definované prostredníctvom vzťahov ako miesto, kde sa človek cíti spojený s kultúrou, identitou a spoločenstvom. Je to miesto, kde sa prelínajú emocionálne väzby, ktoré vychádzajú z histórie, kultúry, prírody a vzájomných interakcií medzi ľuďmi. Je to miesto, kde sa cítime doma, kde máme korene a kde nájdeme zmysel príslušnosti a identity. Ako však definovať svoju identitu v kontexte vlasti, aké sú vzťahy medzi individuálnou a kolektívnou identitou a ako tieto faktory ovplyvňujú naše chápanie vlasti/krajiny a našu prítomnosť v nej? Kurátor: Eduard Kudláč Autori*rky: Jana Ilková, Dominika Jackuliaková, Lenka Lukačovičová, Michaela Nagyidaiová, Ján Kekeli, Šimon Parec, Robert Tappert ✨ Trvanie: 10. 05. - 30.05.2024 ✨ ✨ Komentovaná prehliadka: 21.5 ✨ — Tomorrow, I’d like to invite you for an exhibition openning at 5pm in Pistóriho Palace! ❤️‍🔥 OKSVOLNES SVOLNES LOVS Country and homeland can be defined through relationships as a place where one feels connected to culture, identity, and community. It is a place where emotional connections are intertwined, stemming from history, culture, nature, and interactions between people. It is a place where we feel at home, where we have roots, and where we find a sense of belonging and identity. But how do we define our identity in the context of our homeland, what are the relationships between individual and collective identity, and how do these factors influence our understanding of our homeland/landscape and our presence in it? Curator: Eduard Kudláč Artists: Jana Ilková, Dominika Jackuliaková, Lenka Lukačovičová, Michaela Nagyidaiová, Ján Kekeli, Šimon Parec, Robert Tappert ✨ Duration: 10.05. - 30.05.2024 ✨ ✨ Guided tour: 21.5 ✨
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1 vor einem Monat
One of my latest assignments for @bloombergpolitics 📸 For this piece, I photographed rural villages and their surroundings in the Kežmarok district in eastern Slovakia. Located in the near vicinity of the High Tatra mountain range, on one hand, it is a region of investments from foreign companies and EU funds and at the same time significant poverty. “…20 years of EU membership have transformed Eastern Europe from an economic success into a political challenge for the bloc as nationalist parties exploit lingering income disparities. As ever, politics reflects economics. While EU money increased living standards, the division between wealthy, more liberal cities and the conservative countryside widened.” Written by Daniel Hornak & Andrea Dudik #photoassignment #centraleurope #bloombergpolitics #commission #visualstorytelling
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1 vor einem Monat
From ‘Transient Ties’, a project encapsulating video, images, archival materials, and text. The project is a collaboration with my grandmother Eleni/Lena, while exploring her past as a former political refugee living in Slovakia and the bonds between home, displacement, and cultural heritage. More about the work here: /transientties/ #personalproject #visualstorytelling #contemporaryphotography #roots #identity #heritage
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2 vor Monaten
Photographed last year on a sunny summer day in Bratislava, my grandmother and I went strolling around a lake, which is one of her favourite spots in the city. The clip is from a short video that is a part of this work, which shows her looking through a newspaper that I brought her from Greece. From ‘Transient Ties’ 🕸️ #visualstorytelling #portraiture #personalproject #photographywork #video
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2 vor Monaten
Photographed when I stopped to check directions by the road, “kandylakia” in Greek means the roadside shrine and I found this one in northwestern Greece. The videos were also filmed during quick stops by the road, one in Greece and the other one in Slovakia. From ‘Transient Ties’ 🕸️ #visualstorytelling #visualproject #narrative #contemporaryphotography #personalproject
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2 vor Monaten
Late afternoon sun in northwestern Greece 〰️ from a visual project ‘Transient Ties’ #visualstorytelling #personalproject #rootsandidentity #contemporaryphotography
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3 vor Monaten
Discovering the surroundings of my grandmother’s birthplace in northern Greece, photographed over the summer of 2022 From ‘Transient Ties’ project 🌿 #visualstorytelling #personalproject #photographyproject
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4 vor Monaten