

Cute but tuff. @urbanomicdotcom dungeon level 9.
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7 vor Tagen
Keynoted the University of Sussex Digital Humanities Lab @sussexhumslab ’s ‘All Encompassing AI’ Research Symposium yesterday. Had some great convos about parasocial relationships with AIs, AI language bias, fembots, authentication, and loading space probes with CNN simulations of a particular species of desert ant brain for the purpose of interplanetary exploration, plus enjoyed some very lean analytic philosophy accounts of ‘embodiment’ and 'agency’ in the age of neuralink. Thanks to @hejsandy for the invitation. :p
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8 vor Tagen
A few weeks ago, @miguelprad0 and @abjectmusic invited @mayabkronic and I onto their podcast to talk about Cute Accelerationism and lovingly guided us through two hours of cute chat. Topics include libidinal philosophy, supernormality, denaturalisation, the construction of the accelerationist 'subject', anime fandom vs Harry Potter fandom, why Mark Fell is cute, Kardashian is a gender now, how not to get depressed in the current moment, edging, and why you can’t get inside plushies. /socialdiscipline/sd42-w-amy-ireland-maya-b-kronic-cute-accelerationism
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15 vor Tagen
Lil cyberfem explainer for you. (From a conversation with the artist Jon Smeathers hosted by @contemporaryarttasmania .)
212 11
1 vor einem Monat
Accessorising 🎀
82 11
1 vor einem Monat
🎀 Cute Armamentarium 🥿 1. Subtraction of detail 2. Containment 3. Excess of just-rightness 4. Flatness (nijikon) 5. Acutification by aphaeresis 6. Libidinal edging 7. Ontological promiscuity 8. Superficiality 9. Artifice (technology) 10. Breedability (contagion)
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1 vor einem Monat
Cute Accelerationism is officially released worldwide today (which means you can bug your local bookseller to order it via the MIT Press catalogue and avoid paying a ridiculous amount of postage and/or customs fees). To mark the occasion, @mayabkronic and I are going to share a super speedrun mini version of the text on the Urbanomic Twitch stream this evening (May 7th) at 8 pm GMT+1, followed by questions and answers and maybe some cute tunes. Come thru! 🥰 🥰 🥰 Info and linx here: /event/cuteacc/ or via @urbanomicdotcom bio.
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1 vor einem Monat
Between September and February I had the fun job of working with Jon Smeathers as curatorial mentor on his show ‘Embraced in the Loving Arms of an Algorithm v1.1’ which has just opened at @contemporaryarttasmania in Hobart. Jon’s goal was to develop a curatorial algorithm whose procedural indifference would sidestep traditional humanist taste-driven methodologies that tend to 'perpetuate elitist conceptions of artistic value or contain vast knowledge gaps' to generate something an audience would not usually encounter in a gallery space, whilst simultaneously 'caring' for its artists-inputs (responding to the etymological injunction embedded in the word 'curate', from the Latin cūrō meaning 'to take care of', 'look after', 'ensure', or 'heal as well as govern') by shielding them from the institutional labour of responding to gallery rubrics, writing acquittals, fulfilling funding criteria, etc.. The output produced by this first iteration (running on Zachary Doney, Grace Gamage, Adelphie He @adelphiephie , and Billie Rankin) is completely delirious in the best possible way—producing the kind of delirium that can only be arrived at through a very rigid and exacting process. It is also surprisingly silly and cute. I don’t know if this is a latent property of the local art scene that has been amplified by the algorithm or an emergent effect of the process itself, but either way, the show it has has produced is a welcome intervention in a global art scene rife with ponderous, gloomy, and ineffectual critiques of contemporary algorithmic culture. Go see it if you are in the vicinity! Exhibition: /programs/embraced-in-the-loving-arms-of-an-algorithm-v1-1/ Workshops: /programs/embraced-in-the-loving-arms-of-an-algorithm-v1-1/ Public conversation between Jon and I (video): /watch?v=NE3gNVU4VCk
84 6
2 vor Monaten
Still making books about computers. :)
101 8
3 vor Monaten
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3 vor Monaten
Smol thought on cuteness and the posthumanisation of gender (drawing on Azuma Hiroki's theorisation of the database of moe-elements) in dialogue with @gunseliiiiii for @dazed . 💅 /life-culture/article/61895/1/how-cuteness-took-over-the-world-somerset-house-hello-kitty. Edit: Adding a link to the follow-up episode of Dazed's Logged On podcast on Cute Accelerationism: /life-culture/article/62014/1/listen-to-logged-on-episode-seven-cute-accelerationism
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4 vor Monaten
Maya @mayabkronic and I have collaborated in lots of ways over the past decade but this time it took the form of an all-encompassing catastrophe that completely blew up both our lives and rearranged the universe unrecognisably. I still have the distinct feeling I passed into a different timeline when the cute/acc demons showed up. Whatever it was that happened back then, neither of us would be the same again. The best philosophy is the kind that writes you as you write it. Full book info via @urbanomicdotcom . 💖
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5 vor Monaten