Moon (Munira)


All You Can Eat🌚 Recipes from all over the world 🌎 Рецепты на узбекском и русском👏🏻 DM me for partnership📩 ❤️Uzbekistan 🇺🇿 📍Pakistan 🇵🇰
Chocolate Samosas🍫 Pistachio filled chocolate samosas yummm😍 “I cannot believe Ramadan is one day far to end 😔😩 May Allah give relief and peace to those who suffer in Palestine and bless all of us to reach next Ramadan with happiness and peace 🌙” (O’zbekcha retsept 🇺🇿👇🏻) (Рецепт на русском 🇷🇺👇🏻 Bismillah💕 Ingredients: 🍫Samosa sheets (pastry)🍫 🍫Pistachios 200gr (chopped)🍫 🍫Condensed milk 2 tablespoons🍫 🍫Chocolate bar 400gr🍫 🍫Heavy cream 2 tablespoons🍫 🍫Water 50ml 🍫 🍫Flour 2-3 teaspoons 🍫 Directions: Crunch the pistachios properly then add condensed milk and mix. Fill each sheet with some pistachios and make samosa shape as shown in the video or as your wish. To stick the sides of samosas use water and flour mixed liquid. Fry the samosas from both sides until lightly golden. Melt the chocolates along with cream in microwave until melted. Dip in the ready samosas and sprinkle with some more pistachios😍🌙 Nasheed by Muhamed Tarek & Ibrahim Al- Dardasawi - Ahlan Ramadan #uzbekfood #uzbekrecipes #worldfamousrecipes #homemade #delicious #yummy #dinnermeal #pakistan #uzbekistan #samosa #chocolate #chocolatesamosas #karachi #uzb #world #worldrecipes #reels #cooking #baking #sweet #fabulous #moonelicious
16 3
2 vor Monaten
Cheese Naan💛 Cheese filled naans😍 (O’zbekcha retsept 🇺🇿👇🏻) (Рецепт на русском🇷🇺👇🏻) Bismillah✨ Ingredients: 💛Yoghurt or Greek Yoghurt 400gr 💛Flour 400-500gr 💛Cheese any (i used Kiri) 💛Pinch of salt Directions: Mix yoghurt, salt with flour and mix until soft dough is made. Put in fridge for 30-40 mins to set. Make small balls and put inside cheese and create small round shape pans. Fry in a low flame until golden brown with some drops of oil or can be without the oil. On top of ready naans scrub some butter for more softness🤭💕 🇺🇿 Pishloqli nonchalar💛 Bismillah✨ Masalliqlar: 💛Qatiq 400gr 💛Un 400-500gr 💛Chimdim tuz 💛Pishloq istalgan (men Kiri ishlatdim) Tayyorlanishi: Qatiqga unni va tuzni solib yumshoqqina hamir qoramiz. Qattiq bolib qolmasin. Tayyor hamirni muzlatkichga 30-40 minutga tinish uchun ob qoyamiz. Kichkina dumaloq zuvalachalarga bolib ichiga pishloq bilan toldirib yana oqlov bilan yoyib kichkina yoyma shakl berib chiqamiz. Past olovda ozgina yog’ bilan yoki yog’siz qizartirib pishirib olamiz. Ustidan sariyog’ surtamiz yanada mazali bolishi uchun. Yoqimli ishtaha 😋💕 🇷🇺 Сырный Наан💛 Бисмиллях✨ Ингредиенты: 💛Йогурт или греческий йогурт 400гр. 💛Мука 400-500гр 💛Сыр любой (я использовала Кири) 💛Щепотка соли Направления: Смешать йогурт, соль с мукой и перемешать до получения мягкого теста. Ставим в холодильник на 30-40 минут для застывания. Сформируйте небольшие шарики, положите внутрь сыр и сделайте небольшие круглые формочки. Обжарьте на слабом огне до золотистого цвета с добавлением нескольких капель масла или можно без масла. Сверху готовые нааны натираем сливочным маслом для большей мягкости🤭💕 Song credit to Mitraz - Ankhiyaan Gulab #uzbekfood #uzbekrecipes #worldfamousrecipes #homemade #delicious #yummy #dinnermeal #pakistan #uzbekistan #cheesenan #сырныйнан #karachi #uzb #world #worldrecipes #reels #cooking #baking #sweet #fabulous #moonelicious #mitraz
14 10
4 vor Monaten
Orange Cake 🍊 Moist and pleasant taste of cake🧡 (O’zbekcha retsept 🇺🇿👇🏻) (Рецепт на русском 🇷🇺👇🏻) Bismillah✨ Ingredients: 🧡Eggs 2 🧡Orange 1 🧡Sugar 150-170gr 🧡Vegetable oil 80gr 🧡Milk 50ml 🧡Flour 1 cup 250 gr 🧡Baking powder 1 tablespoon Directions: Add eggs, orange, sugar, oil and milk into a blender then blend them properly. Then add flour along with baking powder and blend again. Put parchment paper onto a pan then scrub some butter or oil. Pour the mixture into a pan. Sprinkle some orange skin from the grater on top. Bake the cake in the oven for 35-40 mins under 180 degrees. Most delicious and moist cake is ready. Enjooy😋 Song credit to Shohruhhon - Yana Yana #uzbekfood #uzbekrecipes #worldfamousrecipes #homemade #delicious #yummy #dinnermeal #pakistan #uzbekistan #orangecake #апельсиновыйпирог #karachi #uzb #world #worldrecipes #reels #cooking #baking #sweet #fabulous #moonelicious
12 6
4 vor Monaten
Ratatouille💚 Special Ratatouille from a loved movie of our childhood🩵 I tried little different version of it🫶🏻 (O’zbekcha retsept 🇺🇿👇🏻) (Рецепт на русском🇷🇺👇🏻) Bismillah✨ Ingredients: - Tomatoes 5-6 pcs - Red capsicum 2 pcs - Yellow capsicum 2 pcs - Garlic cloves 4-5 pcs - Eggplant 1-2 pcs - Zucchini 1-2 pcs - Potato 1 (optional) - Onion 2-3 pcs - Spices (salt, pepper, thyme, bay leaves, dried basil) - Heavy cream 3 tablespoons (optional) - Basil leaves - Spinach (optional) - Cheese (optional) - Olive oil to fry Directions: Bake capsicums under 180 for 15-20 mins until soft to peel the skin off. Soak tomatoes in hot water until skin is easy to remove. Fry chopped onions along with garlic until lightly golden then add tomatoes, spices mix properly and cook for 15 mins until fully cooked. Peel the skin of capsicum and chop them. Add chopped capsicums and cooked tomatoes into a blender and add cream blend it nicely until creamy texture appeared. Cut tomatoes, potato, eggplant, squash and zucchini into thin round shapes. Assemble them in a dish as shown and put on top cheese. Bake it for 40-50 mins under 180 degrees in the oven. Readyy😋 Song credit to Camille, Michael Giacchino - Le Festin #uzbekfood #uzbekrecipes #worldfamousrecipes #homemade #delicious #yummy #dinnermeal #pakistan #uzbekistan #ratatuy #ratatouille #рататуй #karachi #uzb #world #worldrecipes #reels #cooking #baking #sweet #fabulous #moonelicious
21 9
4 vor Monaten
Natural Chocolate Spread (Nutella Style)😙 It’s a healthy and natural version of chocolate spread you can ever find and eat🌰 (O’zbekcha retsept 🇺🇿👇🏻) (Рецепт на русском 🇷🇺👇🏻) Bismillah✨ Ingredients: - Hazelnuts 1 cup - Powdered sugar 150gr - Cocoa powder 80-100gr - Coconut oil 3 tablespoons - Vanilla essence 1 teaspoon Directions: Roast the hazelnuts for 15 minutes under 180 degrees oven. Peel it off from skin and add them into food processor. Blend it until chopped and oil started to release, then add sugar and cocoa powder and blend again until smooth. Add oil and blend it for another 5 mins until it came nicely creamy consistency. Readyyy. Enjoooy. Trust me this is way better than actual nutella spread😍🫶🏻 🇺🇿 Shokolad Pastasi (Nutella ta’mi)🤭 Ishoning bu juda ham yoqimli va foydali shokolad pastasi, bolalar ham bemalol yeyishadi🌰💕🫶🏻 Bismillah ✨ Masalliqlar: - O’rmon yong’oqlari 1 stakan - Shakar upasi 150 gr - Kakao kukuni 80-100gr - Kokos yog’i 3 oq (hohishga qarab) - Vanilla ekstrakti 1 chq Tayyorlanishi: O’rmon yong’oqlarini 180 gradusdagi duhovkada 15 daqiqa qizartirib olamiz. Terisidan ajratib va blenderga solamiz. Yong’oqlarni yahshilab uqalanib yog’i ajralguncha aralashtiramiz. Keyin shakar upasi va kakaoni solib yana aralashtiramiz. Yog’ni solib yana 5 daqiqa yumshoq va kremli massa hosil bolguncha aralashtiramiz. Qancha ko’p aralashsa shuncha yahshi. Tayyorlab ko’ring. Juda oson va do’kondagi nutelladan arzonroq va foydaliroq pasta bo’ladi. Yoqimli ishtaha 😍🫶🏻 Song by Gafur - Февраль #uzbekfood #uzbekrecipes #worldfamousrecipes #homemade #delicious #yummy #dinnermeal #pakistan #uzbekistan #nutella #chocolatespread #shokoladpasta #karachi #uzb #world #worldrecipes #reels #cooking #baking #sweet #fabulous #moonelicious #gafur
18 13
4 vor Monaten
❤️3 Ingredient Biscuits❤️ Easiest yet softest biscuits you have ever had🤭😍 (O’zbekcha retsept 🇺🇿👇🏻) (Рецепт на русском 🇷🇺👇🏻) Bismillah✨ ❤️Ingredients:❤️ ❤️Unsalted Butter 250gr❤️ ❤️Powdered Sugar 100-120gr❤️ ❤️Flour 400-500gr❤️ Directions: Add into a bowl butter and powdered sugar, mix it until fluffy. Then add half of the flour mix again then the rest of the flour into a bowl. Mix with a mixer until soft dough is formed. Give shapes according to your wish and put them for 30 mins in the freezer. Bake biscuits in a preheated oven under 180 degrees for 15-20 mins until lightly brown. You can eat as it is or dip in some chocolate sauce of your wish. Enjoooy. Don’t forget to say 3 words: I Love You ❤️ 🇺🇿 ❤️3 ta Masalliqdan mazali pechenyalar❤️ Ishoning bu siz yegan eng yumshoq hamda qarsildoq va og’izda eriydigan pechenyalar bo’ladi😍 Bismillah✨ Masalliqlar:❤️ Sariyog’ 250gr❤️ Shakar upasi 100-120gr❤️ Un 400-500gr❤️ Tayyorlanishi: Idishga sariyog’ va shakar upasini solib mikserda yumshoq massa hosil boguncha aralashtiramiz. Songra unni yarimini solib yana mikser qilamiz, va qolgan yarimini solib yana mikser qilamiz yumshoq qolga yopishmidigan hamir hosil bolguncha. Hamirni yoyib unga shakl berib chiqamiz va muzxonaga 30 minutga yuboramiz. Qizitilgan duhovkada 180 gradusda pechenyalarimizni 15-20 daqiqa ozgina qizartirib pishirib olamiz. Hohishga qarab shundoq yoki shokoladga botirib bezak berish mumkun. Yoqimli ishtaha. 3 ta so’zdan iborat jumlani sevgilingizga aytishni unutmang: Men Sizni Sevaman❤️ Song by Vishal-Sheykhar, Vishal M and Shilpa - Bekaar Dil #uzbekfood #uzbekrecipes #worldfamousrecipes #homemade #delicious #yummy #dinnermeal #pakistan #uzbekistan #biscuits #3ingredientbiscuits #pechenyalar #печенья #14february #karachi #uzb #world #worldrecipes #reels #cooking #baking #sweet #fabulous #moonelicious
69 38
4 vor Monaten
Orange & Pomegranate juice Gummies🧡❤️ Healthy gummy option for kids as well as adults😍 (O’zbekcha retsept 🇺🇿👇🏻) (рецепт на русском 🇷🇺👇🏻) Bismillah✨ Ingredients: Orange juice 1 glass Pomegranate juice 1 glass Gelatin (halal) 2 tablespoons each juice Lemon juice 1 tablespoon Honey or brown sugar if needed 1-2 tsps Directions: Prepare the juice squeezing out of the juicer. Add into a sauce pan and add gelatin. Add Lemon juice and for better taste honey or sugar can be added. Pour into gummy molds and put in fridge for 1-2 hours. Ready to serve😋😍✨ 🇺🇿 Apelsin va Anor sokidan yumshoq gummilar🧡❤️ Bolalar uchun foydali bo’lgan va kattalar ham yeya oladigan gummilar💪🏻 Bismillah✨ Masalliqlar: Apelsin soki 1 stakan Anor soki 1 stakan Jelatin (halol) 2 oshqoshiq har bir sok uchun Limon suvi 1 oq Asal yoki shakar 1-2 oq Tayyorlanishi: Anor va apelsindan sokini chiqarib olamiz. Sokni idishga solib jelatin solamiz. Aralashtirib limon suvi solamiz va ta’mi shirinroq bo’lishi uchun asal yoki jigarrang shakar solamiz. Gummi qoliplarimizga quyib chiqamiz va muzlatkichga 1-2 soatga qotguncha ob qoyamiz. Tayyor. Yoqimli ishtaha 😍😋✨ 🇷🇺 Жевательные конфеты с апельсиновым и гранатовым соком🧡❤️ Полезный вариант жевательных конфет для детей и взрослых😍 Бисмиллях✨ Ингредиенты: Апельсиновый сок 1 стакан Гранатовый сок 1 стакан Желатин (халяль) по 2 столовые ложки каждого сока Лимонный сок 1 столовая ложка Мед или коричневый сахар при необходимости 1-2 ч. л. Направления: Приготовьте сок, выжимаемый из соковыжималки. Выкладываем в кастрюлю и добавляем желатин. Добавьте лимонный сок, а для лучшего вкуса можно добавить мед или сахар. Разлить по формочкам и поставить в холодильник на 1-2 часа. Готово😋😍✨ Song by Vishal-Sheykhar, Benny and Shilpa - Sher Khul Gaye #uzbekfood #uzbekrecipes #worldfamousrecipes #homemade #delicious #yummy #dinnermeal #pakistan #uzbekistan #gummies #healthygummies #orangejuice #orangejuicegummies #pomegranate #karachi #uzb #world #worldrecipes #reels #cooking #baking #sweet #fabulous #moonelicious
15 6
5 vor Monaten
Cottage cheese balls🌝 My childhood sweet my mom used to make which is extremely delicious n you need to try it too😍 (O’zbekcha retsept 🇺🇿👇🏻) (Рецепт на русском🇷🇺👇🏻) Bismillah✨ Ingredients:🩷 Cottage cheese 400 gr Sugar 150 gr Egg 1 Flour 2-3 teaspoons Baking powder half teaspoon Semolina 100-200 gr Directions:🩷 Mix all ingredients one by one as shown in the video. Make sure consistency is little sticky. Make ball shapes n dip in the semolina. Fry it in a deep oil until golden in a low flame. Sprinkle some powdered sugar on top and enjooooy. So easy and extremely yummy balls🤩🤗 🇺🇿 Tvorogli koptokchalar🌝 Yoshligimni eslatuvchi shirinlik onam tayyorlab berardilar. Juda ham oson va yoqimli ta’mli😍 Bismillah✨ Masalliqlar:🩷 Tvorog 400 gr Shakar 150 gr Tuxum 1 dona Un 2-3 choyqoshiq Razrihritel yarim choyqoshiq Manniy krupasi 100-200 gr Tayyorlanishi:🩷 Hamma masalliqlarni videoda korsatilgandak qilib solib chiqamiz va sal yopishqoq massa hosil qilamiz. Koptok dumaloq shakl berib chiqamiz. Manniy krupaga botirib qizigan yog’da past olovda qizartirib pishirib olamiz. Koptokchalarimizni ustidan shakar upasi sepib dasturhonga tortamiz. Juda ham oson va tez pishar shirinligimiz tayyor. Bolalarga ham juda foydali. Yoqimli ishtaha 🤗🤩 🇷🇺 Творожные шарики🌝 Конфета моего детства, которую готовила моя мама, очень вкусная, вам тоже стоит попробовать😍 Бисмиллях✨ Ингредиенты: Творог 400 гр. Сахар 150 гр. Яйцо 1 Мука 2-3 чайные ложки Разрыхлитель половина чайной ложки Манная крупа 100-200 гр Направления: Смешайте все ингредиенты по одному, как показано на видео. Убедитесь, что консистенция немного липкая. Сформируйте шарики и обмакните их в манную крупу. Обжарьте его в глубоком масле до золотистого цвета на слабом огне. Посыпьте сверху сахарной пудрой и наслаждайтесь. Такие простые и очень вкусные шарики🤩🤗 Nasheed by Omar Esa - One Ummah ( One Family) #uzbekfood #uzbekrecipes #worldfamousrecipes #homemade #delicious #yummy #dinnermeal #pakistan #uzbekistan #cottagecheese #cottagecheeseballs #творожныешарики #karachi #uzb #world #worldrecipes #reels #cooking #baking #sweet #fabulous #moonelicious
19 18
5 vor Monaten
Pizza Loaded fries😍✨ Most juicy and tasty fries you ever had❤️ Happy New 2024 Year🎉 (O’zbekcha retsept 🇺🇿👇🏻) (Рецепт на русском 🇷🇺👇🏻) Bismillah✨ Ingredients: Frozen fries 0.5 kg Chicken boneless 0.5 kg Pizza sauce 4-5 tablespoons Mayonnaise 4-5 tablespoons Onion 1 Cheddar cheese 200gm Mozzarella cheese 200gm Spices - salt, pepper, paprika powder Garlic paste 1 tablespoon Directions: Add into a bowl of chicken salt, paprika powder, black pepper and garlic paste and mix it well and put to marinate for 1 hour. For the sauce, combine pizza sauce and mayonnaise mix it well. Fry the frozen fries in a deep hot oil until done and salt them accordingly. Fry the chicken until properly cooked and tender. Let’s assemble it. Add fries and put sauce on top, then sprinkle with some chicken then grated mozzarella and cheddar cheese. Add some onions on top, you can also add corn, black olives and capsicum. Repeat the same process and in the end fill the dish with lots of cheese. Bake in a preheated oven for 20-25 mins under 180-200 degrees. Readyyyy. Enjoooy🥳 May this 2024 year bring you lots of joy and new moments with full of happiness❤️ Song by Abba - Happy New Year #uzbekfood #uzbekrecipes #worldfamousrecipes #homemade #delicious #yummy #dinnermeal #pakistan #uzbekistan #pizzafries #pizzaloadedfries #frenchfries #картошкафри #karachi #uzb #world #worldrecipes #reels #cooking #baking #sweet #fabulous #moonelicious
128 12
6 vor Monaten
Garlic Sphagetti with sausages😍 My most favourite and fastest dinner recipe ever🙊 Let’s do it🤩 (O’zbekcha retsept 🇺🇿👇🏻) (Рецепт на русском🇷🇺👇🏻( Bismillah✨ Ingredients: Spaghetti pasta Sausages 3-4 pcs (optional) Garlic cloves 3-4 pcs Spices - salt to taste, pepper, garlic powder, paprika powder appr. 0.5-1 teaspoon can be more Vegetable oil 30gr Directions: Add pastas into a boiling water then add salt and oil. Boil until gets tender. Fry the sausages in a frypan until golden. Crunch the garlic cloves nicely and fry in a heated oil until lightly brown. On top add boiled pasta and sausages. You can use other meat types like chicken, beef or lamb according to your taste. Fry it slightly and add spices. Ready to serve. Enjooy🌟 🇺🇿 Sarimsoqli Spagetti😍 Buni ta’amini tariflab beromiman juda mazali🤩 Bismillah✨ Masalliqlar: Spagetti pastasi Sosiskalar 3-4 dona (hohishizga qarab) Sarimsoq piyoz 3-4 donachalar Ziravorlar - tuz tabga ko’ra, muruch, sarimsoq kukuni va paprika kukuni - 0.5-1 choyqoshidan yoki koproq tabga qarab O’simlik yog’i 30gr Tayyorlanishi: Pastani qaynayotgan suvda tuz va yog’ solib pishirib olamiz 10 daqiqa. Sosiskalarni ham yog’da qizartirib qovurib olamiz. Sarimsoq piyozni yahshilab maydalab tog’rab olamiz. Qozonga ozgina yog’ solib sarimsoq piyozni ozgina qizartirib qovurib olamiz va ustidan pastamizni solamiz yahshilab aralashtiramiz. Songra sosiska va ziravorlani solib yana aralashtiramiz. Sosiska orniga boshqa go’sht ya’ni tovuq, mol yoki solsa boladi u o’zizni hohshizga bog’liq manga sosiskali juda yoqadi. Mazali va tez pishar taomimiz tayyor. Yoqimli ishtaha 😋 Song by Harris J - Good life #uzbekfood #uzbekrecipes #worldfamousrecipes #homemade #delicious #yummy #dinnermeal #pakistan #uzbekistan #spaghetti #garlicspaghetti #uzb #world #worldrecipes #reels #cooking #baking #sweet #fabulous #moonelicious
26 1
6 vor Monaten
Yemeni Fasolia😍 In Yemen it’s famous to eat white beans in a red sauce along with a bread called Malawaf🤩🥰 (O’zbekcha retsept🇺🇿👇🏻) (Рецепт на русском🇷🇺👇🏻) Bismillah✨ Ingredients: White Beans can Tomatoes 1 pc Onion 1 Garlic paste half tablespoon Tomato paste half tablespoon Heavy cream (optional) 1 tablespoon Spices - salt, pepper, coriander powder, paprika powder and garam masala Water Directions: Wash the beans off with water. Peel the tomatoes and cut from half. Cut the onions and fry it until light brown. Add cut tomatoes and fried onion into blender and blend until gooey consistency. Add onto oil the paste we made earlier and add garlic paste, tomato paste and spices mix it well. Add beans and mix again properly. Cream is optional as my one became little sour due to excess tomato, you may skip or add 1 tablespoon. Readyyy. Serve with roti or malawaf😍😋 Song by Mutlu Temiz - El Watar #uzbekfood #uzbekrecipes #worldfamousrecipes #homemade #delicious #yummy #dinnermeal #pakistan #uzbekistan #fasolia #yemen #yemenifasolia #malawah #karachi #uzb #world #worldrecipes #reels #cooking #baking #sweet #fabulous #moonelicious
28 5
8 vor Monaten
Pakistani Chai☕️ It’s most loved and desired tea all over the Pakistan. (O’zbekcha retsept🇺🇿👇🏻) (Рецепт на русском🇷🇺👇🏻) Bismillah✨ Ingredients: Black tea 2 teaspoon or 2 teabags Milk 300-350ml Sugar 1-2 teaspoons Cardamon 2-3 pcs Water 50ml Directions: Bring a water to boil along with black tea, add cardamon and sugar, if no need for sugar you can skip it. Then add milk and boil until it foams. It’s ready. Enjooy😍🤍 🇺🇿 Pokistoncha Choy☕️ Pokistonda sutli choy ichiladi va hamma sevadi. Choy ichmidigan odam yo’q🤩 Bismillah✨ Masalliqlar: Qora chot 2 chq yoki 2 paketli choy Sut 300-350ml Shakar 1-2 chq Kardamon 2-3 dona Suv 50ml Tayyorlanishi: Suvga choyni solib qaynatamiz, qop qora tusga kirguncha, kardamon qoshamiz. Shakar oldindan qoshsa zor chiqadi keyinroq qoshsa ham yoki umuman qoshmasa ham boladi. Sutni solamiz va sutni ham kopirguncha qaynatamiz. Mazali ta’mga ega choy tayyor. Tatib koring😍🤍 🇷🇺 Пакистанский чай☕️ Это самый любимый и желанный чай во всем Пакистане. Бисмиллях✨ Ингредиенты: Черный чай 2 чайные ложки или 2 пакетика Молоко 300-350мл Сахар 1-2 чайные ложки Кардамон 2-3 шт. Вода 50мл Направления: Доведите воду до кипения вместе с черным чаем, добавьте кардамон и сахар, если сахар не нужен, его можно пропустить. Затем добавьте молоко и варите до образования пены. Готово. Наслаждайтесь😍 Song by Atif Aslam - Dila Diyan Gallan #uzbekfood #uzbekrecipes #worldfamousrecipes #homemade #delicious #yummy #dinnermeal #pakistan #uzbekistan #pakistanichai #chai #tea #karachi #uzb #world #worldrecipes #reels #cooking #baking #sweet #fabulous #moonelicious
38 2
8 vor Monaten