Pia Krajewski


29.6.-24.8.2024 @estherschippergallery Berlin 2024 Fall Residency at Saga House @shibunkaku Kyoto 10.11.2024-2.2.2025 Nationalgalerie Bukarest
Very excited to be part of the exhibition TWILIGHT IS A PLACE OF PROMISE @estherschippergallery Berlin. 29.6.-24.8.2024 Opening Saturday 29.6.2024 11am-6pm Esther Schipper Potsdamer Straße 81 E 10785 Berlin Foto: @andrea_rossetti_archive #twilightisaplaceofpromise #estherschipper #paintingexhibition @theartuner #piakrajewski
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6 vor Tagen
Last chance: I‘VE GOT YOU Antonia Freisburger Pia Krajewski Antonia Rodrian 27.10.2023 - 4.2.2024 KIT - Kunst im Tunnel Mannesmannufer 1B 40213 Düsseldorf @antoniarodrian @donafreisburger @kunstimtunnel Foto: @ivofaber #ivegotyou #kit #kunstimtunnel #düsseldorf #trioshow #artuner @theartuner #paintingexhibition #antoniafreisburger #antoniarodrian #piakrajewski
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4 vor Monaten
„Sight and Touch“ Solo Exhibition @theartuner Milano 8.9.-19.9.2021 Via Fatebenefratelli 5 Milan Italy oT (Queen) 2021 Oil on canvas 200x180cm oT (Muschel) 2021 oil on canvas 180x300cm Foto: Filippo Armellin #artuner #soloexhibition #filippoarmellin #painting #milano #piakrajewski
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2 vor Jahren
LOVE AT THE SOURCE London „Alongside artists Francisco Goya, Francis Bacon, Lucian Freud, Giovanna Garzoni and Luis Meléndez, the show features a wealth of diverse, emerging talent. German painter Pia Krajewski reinterprets the genre of still-life through a haptic and intuitive feel of the canvas. Her subject matter captures life in a state of evolution, tracing a thread across her body of work. David Czupryn depicts surreal encounters, incorporating art historical and mythological figures using a carefully layered technique reminiscent of the Old Masters. Marcus Cope interprets memories through his painting, conveying the complexity of relationships and identity through metaphor. Manuele Cerutti explores the perception of identity, pushing the boundaries of portraiture and exploring, within them, storytelling and experimentation.“ @marcus.cope @david_czupryn @manuelecerutti Love at the Source 17.5.-14.6.2024
Monday to Friday 10am–6pm
Colnaghi London
26 Bury Street London SW1Y 6AL
United Kingdom @colnaghi1760 @theartuner @eugeniorerebaudengo @olgarerebaudengo #FranciscoGoya #FrancisBacon #LucianFreud #LuisMeléndez #oldmasters #painting #DavidCzupryn #MarcusCope #ManueleCerutti #GiovannaGarzoni #colnaghi #artuner #colnaghilondon #PiaKrajewski
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20 vor Tagen
„Der Trauerkloß“ 2024 Oil on canvas 120x150cm On view @colnaghi1760 in London @theartuner „Love at the Source“ 17.5.-14.6.2024 Colnaghi Gallery London #oiloncanvas #theartuner #colnaghi #colnaghilondon #coonaghigallery #trauerkloß #piakrajewski
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1 vor einem Monat
Artuner and Colnaghi’s “Love at the Source” on view to the public from today until June 14th! Thank you to everyone who attended yesterday’s wonderful private viewing. The walls of the wonderful Colnaghi space are now lined with works by Pia Krajewski, Marcus Cope, David Czupryn and Manuele Cerutti, curated in tandem with Old Master works by Lucian Freud, Francis Bacon, Francisco Goya and Luis Melendez. To see for yourself: Colnaghi London 26 Bury St St. James’s, London SW1Y 6AL 10am - 6pm #artuner #colnaghi #piakrajewski #marcuscope #davidczupryn #manuelecerutti #oldmasters #contemporaryart
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Artuner and Colnaghi’s “Love at the Source”, on view starting May 17th until June 14th. The contemporary artists David Czurpyn, Pia Krajewski, Manuele Cerutti and Marcus Cope will be on display alongside Francisco Goya, Francis Bacon, Lucian Freud and Luis Meléndez amongst others. Colnaghi London 26 Bury St St. James’s, London SW1Y 6AL #davidczupryn #piakrajewski #manuelecerutti #marcuscope #oldmasters #artuner #colnaghi
128 1
1 vor einem Monat
DISSONANCE. Platform Germany #2 Curated by Christoph Tannert At Stadtgalerie Kiel - Museen Schleswig „Der Ausgezeichnete“ 2023 Oil on canvas 200x180cm „Keep Your Head in Place“ 2023 Oil on canvas 200x180cm 16.3.-26.5.2024 #StadtgalerieKiel #dissonance #platformgermany #christophtannert #paintingexhibition #piakrajewski
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2 vor Monaten
Opening tomorrow at Stadtgalerie Kiel DISSONANCE. Platform Germany Curated by Christoph Tannert Opening 15.3.2024, 7pm 16.3.-26.5.2024 #StadtgalerieKiel #dissonance #platformgermany #christophtannert #paintingexhibition #piakrajewski
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3 vor Monaten
FRAG DEN ABENDWIND @akademie.galerie Düsseldorf 24.11. - 10.12.2023 „Die Küchenfee / Die Spitze des Eisbergs“ 2023 Oil on canvas 180x150cm @schulzeklasse #andreasschulze #klasseschulze #akademiegalerie #kunstakademiedüsseldorf #piakrajewski
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6 vor Monaten
„I‘ve Got You“ 28.10.2023 - 4.2.2024 Antonia Freisburger Pia Krajewski Antonia Rodrian KIT Kunst im Tunnel Düsseldorf „Strings attached / Puntarelle“ 2022 Oil on canvas 400x200cm @kunstimtunnel Foto: Ivo Faber @theartuner @antoniarodrian @donafreisburger @ivofaber #kit #kunstimtunnel #ivegotyou #artuner #ivofaver #antoniarodrian #antoniafreisburger #piakrajewski
372 14
7 vor Monaten