Pixwox serr.oPosts

Vítor (Alexandre) Serra


210 9
1 vor einem Monat
estes mosaicos go hard as fuck
52 0
8 vor Monaten
Alga moment
51 2
1 vor einem Jahr
Ostia tio Cabreira es una vibe uey
172 4
1 vor einem Jahr
The hairline recedes... the love does not...
204 18
1 vor einem Jahr
Average dad-rock enjoyers
88 3
1 vor einem Jahr
This is my thesis-project: “The ‘Good’ Colonizer is an archetypal character in the Portuguese national identity brandished during the Estado Novo to justify its colonial presence as benevolent, natural, peaceful and cordial. The nature of this archetype is explored and critiqued in a video essay that traces the steps of a Portuguese man, António, who settles in Bissau during the final decade of the Portuguese overseas empire, from 1965 to 1974. Vítor Serra developed António’s story by interweaving his own family’s oral history, historical research into the lives of settlers in Guinea-Bissau, and critical considerations on the nature of coloniality and memory.” You can see my essay-film and flip through my thesis at the @designacademyeindhoven Graduation Show until Sunday, 30th October!
142 4
1 vor einem Jahr
117 4
1 vor einem Jahr
King John I of Portugal and Richard II of England firing up a pizza oven after signing the Treaty of Windsor (1387)
92 2
2 vor Jahren
❄ A Inês fez-me uma ski mask
107 3
2 vor Jahren