

270-276 Kingsland Road Entrance on Acton Mews London E8 4DG
From the 1st of July, Nina Davies is presenting ‘For An Imaginary Page’ at the Soho Photography Quarter, an open air exhibition space by the Photographer’s Gallery. A series of videos will be featured that combine TikTok posts with original sound and text pieces. The resulting video work is a fictional narrative piece that encourages critical engagement with online social media content. 📍 Photographer’s Gallery, Soho Photography Quarter 📅 01 July 2024 - 01 Oct 2024 @influential_bro @thephotographersgallery #ninadavies #seventeengallery #foranimaginarypage #sohophotographyquarter #thephotographersgallery
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16 vor Stunden
{MABA} ➖ Derniers jours pour visiter l’exposition Essaims, hordes, fléaux ! de @_patrick_goddard_ à la MABA. « Prolongeant la réflexion du film Animal Antics, les sculptures et installations présentées dans "Essaims, hordes, fléaux !" constituent un ensemble de seuils ou de frontières – éléments constitutifs d’un mode de gouvernance du vivant, animaux et humains confondus [...] ➖ A travers l’oeuvre "Hard Border" 2024, Patrick Goddard nous place face à une fenêtre à guillotine contre laquelle une poignée d’insectes en plomb sont venus s’échouer [...] Il transpose la situation domestique à l’échelle de l’île britannique, qui tente par tous les moyens d’étanchéifier ses frontières. » Elsa Vettier ➖ 📅 Exposition présentée jusqu’au 7 juillet 2024 📍 16 rue Charles VII, Nogent-sur-Marne ⏰ Ouvert en semaine de 13h à 18h et le week-end de 12h à 18h, fermeture les mardis et jours fériés 📸 1. Vue de l’exposition Essaims, hordes, fléaux!, 2024. Crédit Aurélien Mole 2. Patrick Goddard, Hard Border (where the world meets the shore), 2024 ➖ {Amateurs d’art ? La Fondation présente la création contemporaine dans son centre d’art}
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13 vor Tagen
ListeArtFair: Don’t miss @seventeengallery booth at Liste Art Fair showcasing the works of Bex Massey, a british artist, interrogating medical establishment, gender and stress. Download Docent to further explore. . . . . . . . . . . #seventeengallery #britishart #listeartfair #bexmassey #artbasel #insideart #docent #discoverdocent #galleryguide
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20 vor Tagen
Make sure you get check out stand 29 @liste_art_fair_basel where @seventeengallery are showing work by @masseybex , for a dose of synesthesia!
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22 vor Tagen
The Liste Art Fair opens today!! We are super excited to be sharing a stand again with our good friend and colleague Kendall Koppe presenting works by Bex Massey and Sevina Tzanou. 🇨🇭❤️ Liste Art Fair Basel 10th June to 16th June 2024   Stand 29
Messe Basel, Hall 1.1
Maulbeerstrasse at Riehenring 113
CH-4058 Basel Installation views by Gabriele Abbruzzese @masseybex @sevina_tzn @liste_art_fair_basel #bexmassey #seventeengallery #kendallkoppegallery #sevinatzanou #liste2024 #listeartfair #painting
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23 vor Tagen
Tomorrow Justin Fitzpatrick will be in conversation with Thomas Conchou, Director of Centre d’art Contemporain de la Ferme du Buisson. This will take place in his solo exhibition from 3 to 530pm. Their talk will be followed by readings by dancer and poet, Léa Rivière, philosopher, translator and artist Emma Bigé, and biologist and researcher, Bruno Pace. Details are as follows: Sunday, 9th June, 3-5pm Ballotta Exposition monographique de Justin Fitzpatrick Curateur : Thomas Conchou
17 mars – 28 juillet 2024 Centre d’art contemporain de la Ferme du Buisson Allée de la Ferme
77 186 Noisiel © Ballotta installation view by Émile Ouroumov @cac_lafermedubuisson @fondationdesartistes @justinfitzpatr1ck @tconch #ballotta #justinfitzpatrick #cac _lafermedubuisson
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25 vor Tagen
We’re presenting Bex Massey at Liste Art Fair 2024, whoop whoop! Come check her work out in person at stand 29. DM for more details Liste Art Fair Basel 10th June to 16th June 2024   Stand 29
Messe Basel, Hall 1.1
Maulbeerstrasse at Riehenring 113
CH-4058 Basel Image: Bex Massey, ‘Pride Angel 102’, 2024
Oil on canvas 75 x 100 cm @masseybex @liste_art_fair_basel #bexmassey #seventeengallery #liste2024 #painting
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26 vor Tagen
ESSAIMS, HORDES, FLEAUX! @_patrick_goddard_ solo show at MABA @fondationdesartistes in Nogent-Sur-Marne on the periphery of Paris is still on for another month, including this new revolving massive mobile work ‘Ghosts (20)’ as well as a ton of other work both new and recent. Don’t miss it if you’re near Paris
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29 vor Tagen
Just a few days to go until the 3rd edition of WAAW London kicks off. We will start with an artist-led walkthrough of “Becoming the Edit” at Seventeen gallery on Wednesday, 5 June at 12pm. The British-Canadian artist Nina Davies will introduce her interdisciplinary practice. The show continues to expand the world Davies has been building for the past two years, a world where people move in ways that mimic their technological environments. A central video work in the show is narrated by two characters on a podcast discussing a trial where someone is accused of committing a crime based on generated video evidence, the evolving legal market, and the concept of “becoming an edit” in response to a generated reality. In the context of TikTok videos and AI Deepfakes the artist is keenly interested in what is being proposed for our visual cognition. Davies’ work is on view at @seventeengallery through 6 July, 2024. Photos: Installation views, “Becoming the Edit,” 2024 ©️ Nina Davies
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1 vor einem Monat
Nina Davies’ Becoming the Edit is now open! We’re open all weekend as part of the London Gallery Weekend route. Please join us on Sunday for brunch from 1-4pm. with a performance taking place at 230pm. Nina Davies Becoming the Edit 31st May - 6th July 2024 London Gallery Weekend Brunch 1-4pm Performance @ 2.30pm ©Install shots by Benjamin Deakin @influential_bro @londongalleryweekend #ninadavies #seventeengallery #becomingtheedit #LondonGalleryWeekend #LGW #LGW2024 # #brothinkshesinanedit
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1 vor einem Monat
Please join us this evening from 6pm for the launch of Nina Davies’ solo show, Becoming the Edit. Performances will take place at 7pm and 8pm. Hope to see you later! Nina Davies Becoming the Edit 31st May - 6th July 2024 PV Thursday 30th May from 6pm Performances @ 7pm & 8pm London Gallery Weekend Brunch 1-4pm Performance @ 2.30pm @influential_bro @londongalleryweekend #ninadavies #seventeengallery #becomingtheedit #LondonGalleryWeekend #LGW #LGW2024
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1 vor einem Monat
Nina Davies’ solo show, Becoming the Edit, will open next Thursday evening, 30th May from 6pm. There will be performances at 7pm and 8pm and then we’re open all weekend for London Gallery Weekend. Nina Davies Becoming the Edit 31st May - 6th July 2024 PV Thursday 30th May from 6pm Performances @ 7pm & 8pm London Gallery Weekend Brunch 1-4pm Performance @ 2.30pm @influential_bro @londongalleryweekend #ninadavies #seventeengallery #becomingtheedit #LondonGalleryWeekend #LGW #LGW2024
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1 vor einem Monat