Christine Breese, Spirituality

💛Thought for today! Founder: 💚 ❤ 💙 💜Videos, meditations, writings, webinars
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1 vor einem Monat
Haha! Yup!
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1 vor einem Monat
I'm doing this cool summit pretty soon, in March, if you want to check it out. It's all about healing and transformation, link in the comments! I'll be talking about my healing journey with the cancer diagnosis and what to do to either deal with being sick or long before you're sick so you don't get sick! luv Christine Breese Here's the link to sign up if you're interested! /holistic-transformation-summit-mar-2024/ here's the link to get into the summit and sign up!
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4 vor Monaten
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5 vor Monaten
Welcome to a new year! New chapter in life. Assess 2023, what can be done better, what needs to change, and do it! Be happy!
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5 vor Monaten
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6 vor Monaten
I like to play a game of pretend with my mind when it gets bored with ordinary physical reality and play a game of pretend. Then amazingly it gets real! Pretend there are fairies all around you when you're sitting in the woods, or magical little twinkles appearing from the other dimensions. Even if its ever so lightly, in a very short time it becomes real! Suddenly you really DO see the fairies, twinkles, faces in the trees and rocks, auras and life force, it's all there! All you have to do is change your perspective! Not only have you opened yourself but you literally call fairies to you if you imagine them. They are attracted to humans who are paying them. Same with guides and spirits. Is this just an active imagination or are there really these other worlds? What do YOU think? Have you ever tried this? If so tell us the story. If not, try it today!
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6 vor Monaten
Please let me kow if you got this. Just checking to see if I'm allowed to post again. Been banneredddddd if you know what I mean. Had to show my license and everything if i ever hope to get my page back. Turns out my comments on other people's stuff have been disappearing too. Maybe I'm on a list now? "She's one o' dem dang ol pecae luuuvers, can't be having any o' dat!" Let me know if you got this. I guess my last 2 posts, a world peace meditation request for a current conflict i can't mention now with a powerful meditation pic i made in ai in a ww ww aaaa rrrr zoneo and two kids from each side of the current conflict hugging each other and NOT knowing they were supposed to hate each other. Whoops! My bad. Wonder if i have to take them down if i ever hope to post anything again. I don't understand how that was too much, I kept it tame. I think it was that pic with the two kids from both sides hugging. Gosh I guess I just pushed it too far, huh? People meditating and hugging, aay! What was I thinking??? Please let me know if you got this. And when replying say no buzz words please, talk in code.
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6 vor Monaten
When you're not happy with your reality, or have to keep stepping down your vibration to continue to be in it, change it! That's all there is to it. #1 lesson in zen. Don't be in an environment that constantly makes you unhappy! It's not rocket science!
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7 vor Monaten
9 2
1 vor einem Jahr
Don't forget to be nice if you're using chatgpt!
61 1
1 vor einem Jahr
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1 vor einem Jahr