

Het Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie is het rijkscultuurfonds voor vormgeving, architectuur en digitale cultuur.
Exciting news: 'Architecture Everywhere', a collaboration between various Dutch architecture organisations, was announced last Saturday. The announcement was made during the opening of the 11th International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam (@iabr___ ). In this new initiative, the @nieuweinstituut is joined by the Royal Institute of Dutch Architects ( ), the CoLA foundation for the coordination of local architectural initiatives, the Creative Industries Fund NL (@stimuleringsfonds ), the International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam, the Deltametropolis Association (@vereniging_deltametropool ) and VOLUME. Want to know more? Read the full news article via the link in bio.
4 vor Stunden
(DON’T) LOOK ME IN THE EYES de @noixih és una peça de dansa performativa inspirada en el mite grec de Medusa i les germanes Gòrgones. 👀 Cossos i tecnologia, representació de dones i personatges queer en la cultura occidental. ⏰ Del 12 al 14 de juliol. 📍 @anticteatre.nou dins del @grecfestivalbcn Més informació i 🎟️ 🔗
10 vor Stunden
Back in 2021, I finally started to bring my long-held vision to life. It’s been a challenging journey that required patience, but I always believed in my dream. That gut feeling helped me take baby steps forward. My first step was setting up a small studio in my attic. Next, I coated the first frame, then experimented with making pollen paint, and finally created a piece that brought my vision to life. Then came procrastination and overthinking. Pursuing a creative journey can be intimidating, but sometimes you have to push yourself out of your comfort zone. That’s when growth happens. I experienced this growth when I applied to @stimuleringsfonds in 2023 and was selected as one of the lucky artists for the Talent Development Grant. It was a dream come true, opening doors to new opportunities, connections, adventures, and time to develop my passion. I’m incredibly grateful for where I am now. I’m still creating step by step, and witnessing my growth as a creator is truly rewarding. With the grand year ending in October, I’m savoring the journey, researching, experimenting, and developing new skills along the way. #CreativeJourney #ArtistLife #DreamsIntoReality #StepByStep #NeverGiveUp #ArtisticGrowth #TalentDevelopment #Gratitude #PushingBoundaries #CreatingMyVision
12 vor Stunden
BIG NEWS! 🚨❤️‍🔥 Screaming crying sobbing because we’ve just received the Four-year Institutional Grant Scheme from @stimuleringsfonds ! 🥳 For the next four years, The Hmm will continue creating exciting programs that explore and celebrate what people do online and how technology shapes our digital world. 💻🤳🏼✨🎀 As dedicated digital anthropologists, we’ll be observing, analysing, and archiving the newest languages, trends, and cultures emerging from our virtual gatherings. 🔍 Do you have a fascinating online phenomenon we should investigate? Let us know in the comments! Let’s explore the digital universe together. 🫵🔥 A HUGE thank you to @stimuleringsfonds for supporting our journey! ❤️
1 vor einem Tag
ON SHOW UNTIL AUGUST 24 - Where We Bloom @penningsfoundation come look & listen (!!!) to my new series 💞 I’m so happy with this exhibition 🥹 Where We Bloom 28/06/24 - 24/08/24 I vividly remember being afraid that I would never find love. I missed representation and beautiful stories about queer people. I was even afraid to tell my child psychologist that I suffered from OCD because I feared not being straight, so I made up other reasons that seemed logical to me. Now, at 28, I am thankfully far removed from these thoughts. My queerness is now something I celebrate and that has become a beautiful part of my life in many ways. I have also had the privilege of meeting many wonderful people in my community who are proud of themselves precisely because of the themes that set them apart from ‘the norm’. I want to showcase this queer joy through my photography. With photography, I can create a world where we celebrate our existence. In our vulnerability, softness, and diversity. This is a place where we can bloom. A place where we can be ourselves and recognize ourselves in each other in various ways. There are also universal themes present. Consider the search for how you relate to intimacy, (self-)love, and the relationship with your own body and that of others. With this exhibition, I hope you will be a little kinder to yourself and those around you, and that you forget the negative thoughts we all can have for a moment. Jesse van den Berg (1996) studied Fine Arts & Design (MA) at Academie St. Joost in Den Bosch and graduated with the project ‘Reconstructing Queer Intimacy,’ a project that is still ongoing. Their photos have appeared in Volkskrant Magazine, Vogue Italia, VICE International, NPO2, Curatedbygirls, Winq & Wül Magazine. In 2021, their work was showcased at Pennings Foundation in the group exhibition Naked//Now. 💞 @stimuleringsfonds @penningsfoundation 📷 @twanteunissen
2 vor Tagen
To celebrate Keti Koti I was granted the opportunity to present a fashionable moment to my grandmother at Woonzorgcentrum D’Oude Raai. Alongside these festive moments, we must continue to affect eachother in what freedom means today. Wan switi manspasi dey 💛🇸🇷 Creative Direction | Denzel Veerkamp Video Direction | Mark & Philipp @markprend_rgast @generative_wunder_phil Photography Direction | Daniël Velrolme @danielverolme Movement Direction | Larissa de Jager @larissadjager Styling | Pablo Willemars @pablosalvadorw Dressing | Nathan Schotvanger @nathan.schotv________ Production | Anne-Jet de Nas @annejetdenas Talents: Uzi | @uwuzieee Osawe @theedoprince Joanne @joannaforpresident Chachi @chachelli Gerda @geuterloo Mevrouw Roos Meneer Rooy Mevrouw Ludy Mevrouw Liesje-Henriet Supported by Cordaan | @cordaan_ams Stichting Amsterdam750 | @amsterdam750 @stichtingamsterdam750 Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunsten | @afk020 Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie | @stimuleringsfonds Gideon Italiaander | @gideonitaliaander
3 vor Tagen
4 vor Tagen
Vincent Ruijters adalah seniman Belanda yang sedang menjalani program residensi di Gudskul dan HONF. Selama dua bulan di Indonesia, Vincent menelusuri jejak identitas dari Ibunya yang keturunan Tionghoa untuk mendapatkan gambaran yang lebih menyeluruh tentang akar budaya dan persepsi seputar Tionghoa Indonesia. Karya instalasi media yang dipamerkan merupakan keluaran dari riset yang dilakukannya melalui wawancara, kunjungan lapangan, diskusi kelompok, dan lokakarya intensif dengan berbagai informan. Vincent menampilkan rangkuman dari temuannya yang sarat estetika Tionghoa Indonesia dalam instalasi media yang membawa penonton ke dalam suasana kontemplasi yang imersif. Vincent Ruijters is a Dutch artist currently undergoing a residency program at Gudskul and HONF. During two months in Indonesia, Vincent traced the trail of his Indonesian Chinese mother identity to get a more comprehensive picture of the cultural roots and perceptions surrounding Indonesian Chinese. The media installation artwork presented is the output of research conducted through interviews, field visits, group discussions and intensive workshops with various informants. Vincent displays a summary of his findings in a media installation that uses many aspects of Chinese Indonesian aesthetics and invites the audience into an immersive atmosphere of contemplation. Opening: Wednesday, July 3, 2024 19.30 Exhibition: July 3 – 17, 2024 10.00 – 22.00 Venue: Gudskul Jl. Durian Raya No. 30A Jagakarsa, Jakarta Selatan
5 vor Tagen
AUTONOOM, 100% CAREL WEEBER // Wouter Vanstiphout Het definitieve boek over Carel Weeber, geschreven door architectuurhistoricus Wouter Vanstiphout. Het boek behandelt behalve Weebers werk ook zijn leven, van zijn jeugd op Curaçao tot zijn loopbaan als Nederlands meest controversiële architect, inclusief zijn verrassend productieve bestaan als ‘ex-architect’. Vanstiphout analyseert op originele wijze de architectuur en stedenbouw van Weeber, de ontwikkeling van zijn ideeën, zijn rol in het architectuuronderwijs en zijn bijdrage aan de Nederlandse architectonische cultuur sinds de jaren zestig. #100 %carelweeber
5 vor Tagen
The time has come ! We are thrilled to invite you to join us for the First Swim of the boat ! On July 14th, from 14h30 come to celebrate together the boat entering the water. Let’s break champagne all together and drink some beers ! 🍾🛟 There will be an auction from everything we did together the past months such as rhum, boat cleats, pillows and more ! All of it to raise money for the engine of the boat ! If you haven’t come yet that day is THE DAY ! We hope to see you there 💞☀️
5 vor Tagen
The time have come ! We are thrilled to invite you to join us for the First Swim of the boat ! On July 14th, from 14h30 come to celebrate together the boat entering the water. Let’s break champagne all together and drink some beers ! 🍾🛟 There will be an auction from everything we did together the past months such as rhum, boat cleats, pillows and more ! All of it to raise money for the engine of the boat ! If you haven’t come yet that day is THE DAY ! We hope to see you there 💞☀️
6 vor Tagen