Swire Properties Arts


#SwirePropertiesArtsMonth #太古地產藝術月 👇🏻Visit link below for details
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Come over to @taikooplace_hk to catch the last few days of @joanavasconcelosatelier ’s mesmerising installations on until 28 April as the final part of @swireproperties Arts Month. But we’ve got you covered for your year-round art fix with Antony Gormley’s sculpture SHELF II on permament display as part of the latest addition to Taikoo Place’s Artwalk –Swire Properties’ public art collection with over 20 pieces on permanent display for all to enjoy. 把握最後幾天機會,來太古坊探索Joana Vasconcelos令人目眩神往的藝術裝置。作為太古地產藝術月的亮點項目,她的兩件作品將展出至4月28日。 我們會繼續為大家帶來無間斷的藝術體驗,Antony Gormley 的雕塑作品「SHELF II」是太古坊藝遊永久藝術收藏品系列共20多件作品的最新添成員,作永久展出供大眾隨時欣賞。 @artistreehk #SwirePropertiesArtsMonth #SwirePropertiesArt #PublicArt #TaikooPlace #JoanaVasconcelsAtelia #AntonyGormley #WhiteCube #TaikooPlaceArtwalk
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If you missed our Dialogue Series at this year’s Art Basel Hong Kong as part of Swire Properties Arts Month, then we encourage you to catch them on our website. Our guest speakers and audience came together at our @swireproperties VIP Lounge designed by @snohetta , for inspiring discussions celebrating art and design and exploring contemporary issues from the impact of public art, the importance of human design through the influence of artificial intelligence on the art world and the next generation of artists and collectors. A big thank you to all our guest speakers and our collaborators : @artbasel @snohetta @d_a_n_b_o_y_d @alexieglass @joanavasconcelosatelier @financialtimes @vamuseum @mplusmuseum @artpartner @gpblandscape @wallpapermag @sbhstudio @todayartmuseumtam @bainandcompany @missyoko @sothebys Click the link to see the videos online: /en/art-and-culture/hk-arts-month/2024-content/art-basel-hong-kong/dialogue-series/ 如果你錯過了今年太古地產藝術月於香港巴塞爾藝術展舉行的Dialogue Series,請瀏覽我們的網站重溫精彩內容。 我們的主講嘉賓和觀眾齊聚於由Snøhetta設計的太古地產貴賓室,進行了極具啟發性的討論,除了頌揚藝術與設計,亦透過公共藝術的影響力探討當代議題,以及從人工智能對藝術世界及新一代藝術家和收藏家的影響,探索人類設計的重要性。 非常感謝所有主講嘉賓及合作夥伴。 點撃連結觀看影片:/zh-hk/art-and-culture/hk-arts-month/2024-content/art-basel-hong-kong/dialogue-series/
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Soon closing: Last chance to experience Joana Vasconcelos’ two immersive installations - Enchanted Forest and Valkyrie Seondeok – presented by @artistreehk @taikooplace_hk . Her first exhibition in the city is inspired by Hong Kong’s vertical cityscape and transforms the spaces into a kaleidoscopic landscape of infinity. This is an awe-inspiring experience not to be missed. On view until 28 April, 2024; free admission. 📍 ArtisTree, 1/F Cambridge House and 1/F Two Taikoo Place 把握最後機會,來太古坊及ArtisTree探索Joana Vasconcelos的兩件沉浸式藝術裝置「Enchanted Forest」及「Valkyrie Seondeok」。 是次展覽是她在香港的首個個展,作品以香港高樓林立的垂直城市景觀為靈感,構建一個超越空間的縹緲森林,絕對不容錯過! 展期至2024年4月28日;免費入場 📍 太古坊康橋大廈1樓ArtisTree及太古坊二座1樓 @joanavasconcelosatelier #SwirePropertiesArtsMonth #SwirePropertiesArt #PublicArt #ArtisTree #ArtisTreeSelects #EnchantedForest #JoanaVasconcelosAtelier #TaikooPlace #ArtPartners
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Soon closing: Be sure to catch last few days of Daniel Boyd’s Doan installation as the only offsite project of Art Basel Hong Kong’s hallmark Encounters sector, made specifically for @pacificplacehk and presented as part of @swireproperties Arts Month. A special thank you to @alexieglass and @d_a_n_b_o_y_d and the support of his galleries @kukjegallery (Seoul, Busan) and @stationgalleryaustralia (Melbourne, Sydney), as well as our long term partner @artbasel Hong Kong. On view until 7 April, 2024 📍 Park Court, Pacific Place 把握最後數天機會,欣賞由Daniel Boyd創作、本屆香港巴塞爾藝術展「藝聚空間」的唯一場外展覽項目「Doan」。這件大型藝術裝置是特別為太古廣場這個地方而創作,亦是太古地產藝術月的焦點項目之一。 特別鳴謝Alexie Glass-Kantor、Daniel Boyd、代表他的Kukje Gallery (首爾和釜山) 及STATION (墨爾本和悉尼) 藝廊,以及我們的長期合作夥伴香港巴塞爾藝術展。 展期至2024年4月7日。 📍 太古廣場中庭 #SwirePropertiesArtsMonth #PublicArt #ArtBasel #ArtBaselHongKong #Encounters #OffsiteEncounters #PacificPlaceHongKong #DanielBoyd #StationGallery #KukjeGallery #AlexieGlass
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3 vor Monaten
We All Party ! Thanks to all the artists and guests who attended V&A x Swire Properties Artists' Party at @taikooplace_hk this week! We had a wonderful time with you all! 感謝所有出席在太古坊舉行的V&A x太古地產Artists' Party!與我們聚首一堂度過難忘時光! 多謝各位! @swireproperties @vamuseum #SwirePropertiesArtsMonth #SwirePropertiesArt #ArtBasel #ArtBaselHongKong #VictoriaAndAlbertMuseum #ArtisTree #ArtisTreeSelects #JoanaVasconcelosAtelier #EnchantedForest #DanielBoyd #KukjeGallery #StationGallery #AntonyGormley #SHELFII #WhiteCube #Snohetta #TaikooPlace #ArtPartners #AlexieGlass #AskForAlonzo #1880HongKong #TheDoubleHongKong #KarlaOtto #FinancialTimes #PerrierJouet #ChampagnePerrierJouët
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3 vor Monaten
Today is the final day of @artbasel Hong Kong. It has been a pleasure to welcome and connect with visitors at our Lounge at the fair, and beyond the fair to spotlight our collaborations with internationally renowned artists including @d_a_n_b_o_y_d_ !!re!!_039;s Doan as the offsite Encounters at @pacificplacehk (on view until 7 April) and at @taikooplace_hk with two monumental works by @joanavasconcelosatelier (on view until 28 April), and Antony Gormley’s permanent sculpture which has become a fixture in Hong Kong’s cultural ecosystem, as well as celebrating with guests at our Artists’ Party as part of @swireproperties Arts Month. There is still time to experience the fair for yourself! And when you visit be sure to check out our VIP Lounge designed by @snohetta . 香港巴塞爾藝術展轉眼間已來到尾聲。 我們非常高興於展會期間,在太古地產貴賓室與眾多訪客見面交流,並在會場外呈獻我們與多位國際知名藝術家的合作,引來大眾矚目,當中包括Daniel Boyd的「Doan」,作為展會「藝聚空間」的館外展覽項目,於太古廣場展出(展期至4月7日);在太古坊展出由Joana Vasconcelos創作的兩件大型藝術裝置(展期至4月28日);以及Antony Gormley的雕塑正式加入我們的永久藝術收藏品系列,成為香港文化生態系統的永久典藏,並在太古地產藝術月期間在藝術家派對上與來賓一同慶祝盛事。 請把握最後時機,親身體驗這場藝術展!別忘了到訪由Snøhetta設計的太古地產貴賓室,與我們見面。 @artistreehk #SwirePropertiesArtsMonth #SwirePropertiesArt #ArtBasel #ArtBaselHongKong #PacificPlaceHongKong #OffsiteEncounters #DanielBoyd #KukjeGallery #StationGallery #TaikooPlace #JoanaVasconcelos #AntonyGormley #WhiteCube #SwirePropertiesVIPLounge #Snohetta #ArtisTree
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Day 3 of our Dialogue series brought together our final panel discussion with Bao Dong (Artistic Director and Curator, @beijingdangdai ), Fang Fang (Founder, Star Gallery), Jean Qian (Managing Director, @sothebys China) and Ju Ting (Artist) who shared their perspectives on how audiences can establish an understanding of young artists and their work within the context of the contemporary world. That’s a wrap for this year’s Dialogue Series, thank you to all the speakers for sharing your invaluable insights and enriching our Dialogue Series! 第三天的Dialogue Series帶來最後一場座談會,北京當代藝術總監及策展人鮑棟、星空間創始人房方、蘇富比中國區董事總經理錢進及藝術家鞠婷,分享他們認為觀眾應如何在當代世界背景下建立對年輕藝術家及其作品的理解。 今年的Dialogue Series到此亦圓滿結束,感謝各位講者的精彩分享,為我們Dialogue Series增添光彩! @swireproperties @artbasel @artpartners_ #SwirePropertiesArtsMonth #SwirePropertiesArt #ArtBasel #ArtBaselHongKong #SwireDialogueSeries #BeijingDangdaiArtFair #FinacialTimes #TracyZhang #BaoDong #StarGallery星空间 #FangFang #SothebysChina #JeanQian #JuTing #SwirePropertiesVIPLounge #Snohetta
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The main concept behind HORIZON designed by @snohetta was to create a space that acts as a centre for bringing people together. The space reflects our shared values with the award-winning design firm but also celebrates our long-standing partnership with @artbasel Hong Kong – the city’s most important gathering point for the international art community with the backdrop of one of the world’s most recognisable waterfronts. The design of the lounge was inspired by the stunning views of one Victoria Harbour, which similarly holds significant cultural and social importance as a gathering point, particularly for Hong Kong residents. The soft, colourful and tactile ground contrasts with the light, polished, and reflective surface of the suspended sculptural 'Sky'. This engaging sense of play creates a welcoming atmosphere designed to foster social interaction and engagement. If you haven’t already, we invite you to experience our space. 📍 Swire Properties VIP Lounge, Level 1, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre 由屢獲殊榮的Snøhetta設計的太古地產貴賓室「HORIZON」,核心概念是營造一個把人匯聚起來的空間。 這個空間反映了我們與Snøhetta的共同價值觀,同時彰顯了我們與香港巴塞爾藝術展的長期合作夥伴關係——以世界上最知名的海濱之一為背景,這場藝術盛事是城中最重要的國際藝術界交匯點。貴賓室的設計靈感來自維多利亞港的壯麗景色,這個海港亦是一個具有重要文化和社會意義的聚集地,尤對香港市民為甚。 柔和多彩、質感豐富的地面,與象徵天空的反光懸浮雕塑形成鮮明對比,這種引人入勝的玩味感營造出一種熱情的氛圍,促進社交互動和參與。 我們誠邀你前來體驗這個獨一無二的空間。 📍 太古地產貴賓室 (香港會議展覽中心一樓) @swireproperties #SwirePropertiesArtsMonth #SwirePropertiesArt #ArtBasel #ArtBaselHongKong #SwirePropertiesVIPLounge #Snohetta #HORIZON
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Day 2 of our Dialogue Series brought together two leading design firms @snohetta and @gpblandscape in discussion with @missyoko , China editor for @wallpapermag , on how sustainability and biodiversity are crucial for creating community-oriented ‘human’ spaces in contemporary architecture. Kathryn Gustafson who is leading the landscape design of our redevelopment of @taikooplace_hk described their approach as adaptive design and the need to understand and plan for the change of the future. Her firm collaborates with partners that bring different expertise and knowledge to create biodiversity. Richard Wood, who led the design team of our @swireproperties Lounge at @artbasel Hong Kong as an extension of our partnership, believes in building projects that bring people together and the importance of regenerative design. The design firm places focus on the experience and from that sustainability will come, and biodiversity if driven by educating people about nature. Then leading experts from @sbhstudio , @todayartmuseumtam and @bainandcompany came together to address how contemporary art is impacted by artificial intelligence in a panel led by FTChinese’s publisher. Be sure to not miss our final talk today exploring how Millennials and Gen Z artists are shaping the contemporary art market. Please note due to limited capacity, access to Swire Properties Dialogue Series will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Admission to the Lounge requires a valid Art Basel ticket corresponding to the relevant time slot. 📍 Swire Properties VIP Lounge, Level 1, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre @financialtimes @artpartners_ #SwirePropertiesArtsMonth #SwirePropertiesArt #ArtBasel #ArtBaselHongKong #SwirePropertiesVIPLounge #SwireDialogueSeries #Snohetta #KathrynGustafson #GustafsonPorterBowman #WallpaperMagazine #YokoChoy #FinacialTimes #TracyZhang #SBHstudio #TodayArtMuseum #BainAndCompany #ArtPartners
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In partnership with @vamuseum , our Artists’ Party this year celebrated our collaborations with international artists @joanavasconcelosatelier , @d_a_n_b_o_y_d and Antony Gormley, and design studio @snohetta . Guests enjoyed Joana Vasconcelos’ monumental installations and Antony Gormley’s permanent sculpture now on show @taikooplace_hk . It was great to have @jasmine_mansbridge , @shirleyhiranand and @cindamc among our guests joining from across the world and coming together for Hong Kong Art Week. Supported by @artpartners_ and @karlaotto @artistreehk @askforalonzo @taikooplace_hk @1880hongkong @thedouble.hk @financialtimes @whitecube @perrierjouet 今年,我們透過與維多利亞與亞伯特博物館聯手舉辦的藝術家派對,慶祝與國際知名藝術家Joana Vasconcelos, Daniel Boyd, Antony Gormley以及設計工作室Snøhetta的合作。 當晚來賓先睹為快,率先欣賞了Joana Vasconcelos的大型藝術裝置,以及Antony Gormley於太古坊的的永久展出雕塑。 很高興來自世界各地的嘉賓參與其中,與我們於香港藝術週聚首一堂。 @swireproperties #SwirePropertiesArtsMonth #SwirePropertiesArt #ArtBasel #ArtBaselHongKong #VictoriaAndAlbertMuseum #ArtisTreeSelects #joanavasconcelosatelier #EnchantedForest #DanielBoyd #KukjeGallery #StationGallery #AntonyGormley #SHELFII #WhiteCube #Snohetta #TaikooPlace #ArtPartners #AlexieGlass
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3 vor Monaten
Day 1 of our Dialogue Series @artbasel Hong Kong started with two artists conversations with First Nations Australian artist @d_a_n_b_o_y_d and Art Basel Encounters curator @alexieglass speaking about the inspiration of his practice and his off-site installation "Doan" at Pacific Place, followed by a lively discussion with @joanavasconcelosatelier and @financialtimes Rahul Jacob on challenging the status quo through her dramatic installations and her latest work ‘Enchanted Forest’ created for Hong Kong – a city she describes as a vertical forest. The day ended with museum directors from two of the world’s leading museums - Suhanya Raffel from @mplusmuseum and Tim Reeve from @vamuseum on the challenges that they face to make museums more appealing to younger audiences in an age of digital distraction while also curating exhibitions that are locally relevant and yet global in sweep. Reeve shared that alongside V&A East, the museum is opening V&A Storehouse to break down the barriers and make their collection utilitarian to all people and making their archives accessible to inspire designers of today. While M+ has used digital innovation to excite audiences for the opening and ongoing programme. Both also expressed the importance of curating dynamic and diverse programmes to ignite curiosity in new and existing audiences. If you didn’t catch these inspiring discussions, then please join us for Day 2 on Thursday 28 March and Day 3 on Friday 29 March for yet more dialogues. Please note due to limited capacity, access to Swire Properties Dialogue Series will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Admission to the Lounge requires a valid Art Basel ticket corresponding to the relevant time slot. 📍 Swire Properties VIP Lounge, Level 1, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre @swireproperties @artpartners_ #SwirePropertiesArtsMonth #SwirePropertiesArt #ArtBasel #ArtBaselHongKong #SwireVIPLounge #SwireDialogueSeries #DanielBoyd #KukjeGallery #StationGallery #OffsiteEncounters #AlexieGlass #ArtisTreeSelects #joanavasconcelosatelier #EnchantedForest #FinancialTimes #RahulJacob #MPlusMuseum #SuhanyaRaffel #VictoriaAndAlbertMuseum #TimReeve #ArtPartners
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