Christina Anderson MS, RDN, CSSD-The Gymnast Nutritionist®


🤸🏻‍♀️ Sport Dietitian Nutritionist for Gymnasts 🎙️ The Gymnast Nutritionist ® Podcast 💻 The Balanced Gymnast® Nutrition Program
🙌🏻UPGRADE season is here! If you want your gymnast to CRUSH it next season… ✨Read closely ✨ ⏰Your gymnast only has a few months to... 🤸‍♀️Get new skills/upgrades standout at clinics/camps and learn HOW to fuel themselves for their best performance! 💗Day 1: Fueling Audit + Upgrade Season Goal Setting BOOTCAMP Uncover what’s working and what’s not with your gymnast’s nutrition so that we can develop a fueling Plan for the upgrade season ✨I will lead your gymnast in a goal setting session to develop her own upgrade season goals and learn how their goals relate to fueling + nutrition 💗Day 2: Why is my gymnast sore/tired/injured Most gymnasts start the off-season already tired, run down, and in the “hole” in terms of nutrition...and this often results in more injuries, setbacks, and struggles... ✨We’re going to take a deep dive into all things underfueling so that you can prevent your gymnast from staying stuck, struggling, injured (or getting there) 💗Day 3: Overcoming Barriers to Proper Fueling + We’ll chat through the biggest barriers to keeping your gymnast FUELED and what to do about them (no time, hate cooking, picky eaters, gymnast who thinks they’re “fine”, the whole “you don’t know what you don’t know” issue) ✨You’ll learn about the different parent personas we work with and figure out what kind of support your gymnast might need 🙌🏻We start 7/14-7/16 with JUST 3 live sessions at 6PM MT/8PM ET 💗Pre-sale price is just $25 to join, comment “BOOTCAMP” to sign up!
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2 vor Tagen
😬Let’s be honest… A lot of parents don’t “trust” their gymnasts around food. 
There. I said it. But really… You don’t trust your gymnast can self-regulate the sweets/treats and are told that these are “bad, inflammatory, fattening, etc”. 
So, it makes sense you worry. But here’s the deal… When we allow ALL foods (which doesn’t mean we eat them all the times)… AND make sure the gymnast is eating ENOUGH overall (this is KEY to being able to self-regulate)… A gymnast (or any other human) can learn to listen to their body 🇺🇸Holiday eating doesn’t have to be “all or nothing”☺️ It’s OK if you gymnast’s afternoon snack is made of cookies and milk. It’s OK if they snack on cheese + crackers (or chips) and other things before dinner. It’s normal to have mixed meals, differing amounts of carbs/protein/fat at meals. All are necessary, but don’t need to be calculated and micromanaged. Part of food freedom is being able to include the foods you love without guilt/shame/anxiety…to eat what’s provided without worrying about what’s “in it”…and to trust your body knows how to use all foods. Food freedom doesn’t mean you don’t care about nutrition or fueling your body. It also isn’t free for all 💗 It’s a big part of The Balanced Gymnast®️ Program to teach gymnasts to leverage the power of nutrition to optimize performance and longevity in the sport…AND develop a healthy relationship with all foods We want gymnasts to feel confident with fueling their bodies; and food isn’t just fuel…it’s social, emotional, and cultural ❤️🤍💙
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7 vor Stunden
What’s “normal” re: your gymnast’s growth + development? It all depends on THEIR genetics, growth history, adequacy of fueling, etc! Gymnasts come in all shapes and sizes. 
There’s no one “gymnast body”. And if your gymnast wants to be successful and have longevity in this sport, making sure she’s getting the nutrition she needs is crucial. There is a lot that is out of your control as a parent in this sport. But empowering yourself with the knowledge and tools to know whether or not your gymnast is getting the nutrition she needs is a controllable. The truth is, a lot of medical providers don’t know what’s normal and what’s not in terms of growth…especially for a high level gymnast. You can’t just look at a gymnast and know whether they’re adequately fueled or not. You can’t just look at a growth chart without also assessing nutrition to know if they’re getting what they need. And you most certainly cannot just look at BMI… My background is in pediatric endocrinology where I got a world class education in all things growth, development, puberty, metabolism, etc. This taught me to be a nutrition detective and help the doctors figure out what’s going on re: nutrition/growth. And, this is what I teach parents inside The Balanced Gymnast® Program so that they can be armed with the tools and knowledge they need to best advocate for their gymnast 💗 💗Apply for a 1:1 spot in the next cohort of The Balanced Gymnast® Nutrition Program, we start in a month! 🫶Comment “VIP” to chat about the program and see if it’s a good fit (for female level 5-10/elite gymnasts) ✨Those who early enroll get an additional MONTH of access to the Program + some sweet bonuses
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Does your gymnast know how to… 👩🏻‍🍳Create a menu/meal plan 👩🏻‍🍳Go to the grocery store to procure said food items 👩🏻‍🍳Properly store the food items 👩🏻‍🍳Prepare the food items 👩🏻‍🍳And build balanced meals/snacks? Christina, @the.gymnast.nutritionist here 🙋‍♀️ Probs not if we’re being honest… Gymnasts are SO BUSY that they’re often not at home when meals are being prepared, planned out, etc. ⏰But this summer, your gymnast will have TIME ✨And you can use this time to help them learn a life skill like level 10 TGN® Ambassador @lorelei_necessary_2026 In this cooking class, our gymnasts made: -Lemon Chicken Salad (a great protein source + healthy fats) -Watermelon Refresher Sports Drink (which led to a great explanation of what they are, who needs them/when, etc) -Cheddar Biscuits (bc we like to include some “fun carbs” plus super nutrient dense ones too) -Creamy Veggie Dip (bc finding ways to make veggies taste good is 🔑) The sooner you can start your gymnast in the kitchen, the better. 👩🏻‍🍳Experiential learning about food through cooking, meal planning, etc can be a powerful way to teach them about fueling their bodies. 🩷And one day, your gymnast will be on their own and need to know how to prepare balanced meals/snacks—especially if they’re doing NCAA/Elite gymnastics. They will eat much healthier if they know their way around the kitchen. Nothing wrong with eating out, but eating out for every meal gets super expensive… 💸And unless your gymnast is going to make millions from NIL….they’re probs not gonna have a personal chef 😝 If you’re ready to help your gymnast take her performance to the NEXT level this season… 🥇Our FUELED: Road to Gold nutrition bootcamp for gymnast is now OPEN for registration! Over 3 days you’ll learn SO MUCH about fueling your gymnast so that they can reach their big goals + dreams!
 🙌🏻We start 7/14-7/16 6PM MT/8PM ET (for competitive gymnasts levels 4/5-10/elite and parents!) 💗Pre-sale price is just $25 to join, comment “BOOTCAMP” to sign up!
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✨There’s long been a cultural obsession with what elite athletes eat… (comment said on a collegiate broadcast, not Olympic trials or any other elite comp ☺️) Why? Bc it’s human nature to think “if I eat like them, I’ll be like them”. FALSE Nutrition is just ONE of the many factors that goes into elite athlete success… And the only person who should decide what goes in their mouth is THE ATHLETE Even as a sports dietitian who works with elite gymnasts (vying for a spot in Paris)… 
It’s my job to GUIDE them with the latest research and practical application. But WHAT they eat is up to them ☺️ GONE are the days where gymnasts are on strict diets that only allows chicken + veggies. Gymnasts NEED all the foods—carbs, protein, fat, color, and calcium 💪🏻 And to achieve the level of difficulty required in the sport today AND stay healthy… It’s a LOT more nutrition that most think (which totally allows for “fun foods” like movie popcorn, sweets, etc)😉 A friendly reminder that athletes are humans too and hear/see your comments about their bodies, food, etc and it’s just not your business 🩷 We want to keep it focused on PERFORMANCE and that’s exactly what our best did last night at Olympic Trials 🤸‍♀️ If you want to start learning HOW to fuel your gymnast like the elite… 🎙️Comment “SECRET” to listen to Fuel the Routine, our (free) private podcast for parents of competitive gymnasts!
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3 vor Tagen
💬👇🏼 comment “VIP” below to learn more about The Balanced Gymnast® Program If you have a level 5-10/elite gymnast who has BIG goals + dreams… This is for YOU! ✨Early enrollment is OPEN and over the next 3 months I’ll teach you my proven method that has helped over 1,000+ gymnasts and parents learn to use food to unlock that next level of performance and longevity in the sport 🥑🥩🫐🍊🍚🍫⬇️ Most gymnasts never learn how to really use nutrition to leverage their best performance ❌ and this often leads to them struggling with injury, setback, or just falling short of their big goals and dreams 😭 It’s not your fault, this sport still does a terrible job educating parents on just how much and what kind of nutrition a competitive gymnast needs to stay healthy and perform their best 🥇 I didn’t get this right as a gymnast (and my parents didn’t know how to help), but I’ve got your back! 💗 ✅You can learn to fuel your gymnast without the food fights ✅You don’t have to spend hours in the kitchen making weird “healthy” stuff your gymnast won’t eat ✅You don’t have to keep googling nutrition info hoping it will work for your gymnast *this time* I teach you EVERYTHING you need to know inside The Balanced Gymnast® Program for female level 5-10/elite gymnasts + parents! I created ✨TBG® Program 🤸‍♀️ so that I could help gymnasts and parents avoid the struggles of not knowing how to fuel and the setbacks, heartbreak that can cause inside the ✨TBG® Program✨, I’ll teach you everything you need to know in a simple and easy to implement way! 🙋🏼‍♀️ think of me and your nutrition-bestie 👋🏼 who spells it all out in a super easy to follow method that your gymnast can do 🧠🙋🏼‍♀️❓want to learn more about how to fuel your gymnast and leverage the power of performance nutrition for🔥: ⚡️🔋more energy 🚫💥 🎭 happy hormones 🦴 ✨ strong bones 🙂🫶🏼 stable moods (no hangry gymnasts) 👋🏼 🍩🍟 balance with ALL foods 👙 optimized body composition 🤸‍♀️✅ health + longevity in this crazy sport? 🤸‍♀️comment VIP to chat about your gymnast and how we can help her crush this next competition season🥇 👉🏻 /program
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3 vor Tagen
Oh heyyyy… ✨It’s @the.gymnast.nutritionist , your fave carb-loving “instagram dietitian” whose mission is to re-write the script of all yet BS 💩 nutrition “advice” our gymnasts have been given by… 👉🏻Old-school, outdated “experts” who are stuck in the 1980s when gymnasts were starved and everyone looked the other way 🙄😳🥵 If you’ve been told gymnasts should eat protein snacks during practice, that ain’t it. For 3-4.5 hour workouts, carbs are 👑 (for upper level gymnasts where the intensity warrants Intraworkout fuel) *sometimes* I recommend a LITTLE fat/protein Intraworkout, but only when a 5-6+ hour workout. ✨If your gymnast is HUNGRY, during a workout (no matter if their compulsory or Sr Elite)… That means they didn’t fuel ADEQUATELY prior to the workout 🩷 There is still a LOT of fear and misinformation around nutrition in this sport. Following credible resources like myself and @thegymnastrd is a great place to start 🩷 PS… if you watch closely, you’ll see the best of the best using their Intraworkout carbs mid-competition 😉
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4 vor Tagen
A moment for the 🐐🚀 (And a reminder to make sure your gymnast FUELS before their workouts 🤸🏻‍♀️) Follow @the.gymnast.nutritionist for more 🩷
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5 vor Tagen
What I wish my parents had known about nutrition 👇🏻 The #1 killer of a gymnast’s career is… 🚨Unintentional underfueling🚨 Here’s the deal… Nutrition is LITERALLY the foundation of everything your gymnast does in and out of the gym. ✨And just because they “feel fine” or seem healthy does NOT mean that things are good underneath the surface. Everyday we see gymnasts, often level 7-9 around ages 10-14 with MAJOR MAJOR injuries related to years of underfueling, often starting at level 4/5. -Back fractures -Stress fractures (hips, feet, wrists, legs, etc) -Knee/Elbow OCD (essentially, bone death) -Growth plate inflammation injuries (partially from overuse, but also related to underfueling and poor recovery) And these injuries don’t just take 2-4 weeks to heal. They often ruin entire seasons and derails gymnasts from reaching their big goals and dreams. ✨The tough thing is that a LOT these are preventable, but you have to take EARLY action if you want prevention. 💗This is why we start TBG® Program at level 5 (and will make exception for level 4 to join if they’re training enough). Even when you think it’s “too low level” or “not that intense”… Your gymnast is probably not getting enough fuel to support their bodies and longevity in the sport. So what are you supposed to do as a parent? Learn to fuel them 🩷 Make sure they’re eating enough. Learn to have convo’s around food and what it means to fuel your body for performance even if “not hungry”. Need support? 🩷 Comment “SECRET” to listen to our private podcast Fuel the Routine to start learning today ✨
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5 vor Tagen
✨Sometimes the “healthiest” snack isn’t the best snack… 🇺🇸I LOVED watching Team USA’s men crush some fruit snacks in the ~15 min they had between warm up and comp. 🤸‍♀️Many of them KNOW how to leverage their nutrition to get the most out of their performance… And it showed last night⚡️ 🤸🏻‍♀️Fueling for competition is about STRATEGY… 🚀And there are only so many options for a quick-energy boost. Some of the gymnast’s faves? 🍯Honey 🍓Fruit leathers 🍭Fruit Snacks 🧪There are MARGINAL difference re: nutrition in these choices (gram for gram), so it’s really about what the gymnast likes the best and can get down in time to use as FUEL. 🧪Here’s some science for you: It takes 15-20 min for pure sugar (no added fat, protein, fiber, etc) to hit the bloodstream. It THEN has to get to the muscle and brain to be used as FUEL (which takes MORE time) 🧠💪🏻 (How do I know this? In another life I was a Certified Diabetes Educator working in Peds/Adult Endocrinology and worked with lots of athletes who had Type 1 Diabetes which is what finally convinced me gymnasts needed carbs🤣) 🤸‍♀️If you’re first up on the event after warm ups and march in… 😳Eating something with fat/protein/fiber right before you compete ain’t it. But, there’s always nuance to this… I may want my gymnast to have a *slightly* slower carb source between warm ups and comp depending on these factors: ✅What time the last meal was pre-comp ✅How well the gymnast went-fueled into the comp (could we eat normally or riddled with nerves and didn’t do well with food that day?) ✅What time do they compete in that first rotation/how many gymnasts are before them (and how long will it take) This is why working 1:1 with a sports dietitian can be a huge asset to your gymnast learning to fuel can be one of the most strategic ways to help them perform their BEST (and not give tenths away for fatigue-related mistakes) 🩷 ✨Comment “SECRET” to listen to Fuel the Routine, our provide podcast about fueling your competitive gymnast 🎙️
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6 vor Tagen
💬👇🏼 comment “VIP” below to learn more about The Balanced Gymnast® Program ✨Early enrollment is OPEN and over the next 3 months I’ll teach you my proven method that has helped over 1,000+ gymnasts and parents learn to use food to unlock that next level of performance and longevity in the sport 🥑🥩🫐🍊🍚🍫⬇️ Most gymnasts never learn how to really use nutrition to leverage their best performance ❌ and this often leads to them struggling with injury, setback, or just falling short of their big goals and dreams 😭 It’s not your fault, this sport still does a terrible job educating parents on just how much and what kind of nutrition a competitive gymnast needs to stay healthy and perform their best 🥇 I didn’t get this right as a gymnast (and my parents didn’t know how to help), but I’ve got your back! 💗 ✅You can learn to fuel your gymnast without the food fights ✅You don’t have to spend hours in the kitchen making weird “healthy” stuff your gymnast won’t eat ✅You don’t have to keep googling nutrition info hoping it will work for your gymnast *this time* I teach you EVERYTHING you need to know inside The Balanced Gymnast® Program for female level 5-10/elite gymnasts + parents! I created ✨TBG® Program 🤸‍♀️ so that I could help gymnasts and parents avoid the struggles of not knowing how to fuel and the setbacks, heartbreak that can cause inside the ✨TBG® Program✨, I’ll teach you everything you need to know in a simple and easy to implement way! 🙋🏼‍♀️ think of me and your nutrition-bestie 👋🏼 who spells it all out in a super easy to follow method that your gymnast can do 🧠🙋🏼‍♀️❓want to learn more about how to fuel your gymnast and leverage the power of performance nutrition for🔥: ⚡️🔋more energy 🚫💥 🎭 happy hormones 🦴 ✨ strong bones 🙂🫶🏼 stable moods (no hangry gymnasts) 👋🏼 🍩🍟 balance with ALL foods 👙 optimized body composition 🤸‍♀️✅ health + longevity in this crazy sport? 🤸‍♀️comment VIP to chat about your gymnast and how we can help her crush this next competition season🥇
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7 vor Tagen
If your gymnast is constantly injured, sore, exhausted… I promise you their nutrition has something to do with it ☺️ Or, in 99% of cases… Their LACK of nutrition 🥵 Can your gymnast train 30 hours a week and feel good in her body, stay healthy, and make progress in the gym? Yes!!! (But…) They HAVE to stay on top of their fueling. They HAVE to “close the recovery gap” each and everyday. Should all gymnasts train 30 hours a week? No. But are there gyms that do this? Yes. So, while we can’t always change the coaching/practice structure… We CAN make sure our gymnasts have the most resilience possible which comes from ADEQUATE fueling 🩷 I’ve officially opened EARLY enrollment for our 1:1 coaching… Comment “VIP” to learn more or go to /program
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