Marvin Heiferman


Curator. Writer.
Maurice, who loved cufflinks and shirts with French cuffs, showed off both to his friend Terry Lichtenstein, who took this picture when we met for coffee in 2015
202 10
4 vor Stunden
Sad. 10:17am
469 54
1 vor einem Tag
I used to, sometimes, when I saw something beautiful outside, go get Maurice to come take a look... -- Marvin Heiferman Email: Instagram: @whywelook Twitter: @whywelook
412 44
2 vor Tagen
Last night. Home alone (148)
325 49
3 vor Tagen
422 36
3 vor Tagen
Thank you for your... "sucker and loser" Yes/No
276 16
4 vor Tagen
A picture and text I got yesterday at 5:56pm.
271 69
5 vor Tagen
In Los Angeles and ten years ago today, Maurice and I showed up at the Eames House, off hours and unannounced, where someone from the Eames Foundation was not only kind enough to let us in, but was happy to show us around.
400 10
6 vor Tagen
On Maurice's last June 26th, five years ago, we watched Democratic presidential candidates debate.
280 14
7 vor Tagen
I used to look forward to getting 'Maurice Berger' Google alerts. These days, not as much...
190 13
8 vor Tagen
In the garden at dusk, yesterday. Home alone (147)
385 52
9 vor Tagen
The pot of geraniums out back on this hot, humid Sunday.
280 35
10 vor Tagen