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Ambassador Majid Al Suwaidi, COP28 Director-General, participated in a session at the Climate Innovation Forum on “Turning COP28 Commitments into Action”. During the discussion, he highlighted the climate finance gap, the importance of de-risking, and mobilizing private finance into emerging markets and developing economies. He also explained the role of ALTERRA in achieving these goals and the need to move from commitment to implementation on the UAE Consensus. شدد سعادة السفير ماجد السويدي، المدير العام لمؤتمر الأطراف COP28، على أهمية معالجة نقص التمويل المناخي، وأهمية إدارة المخاطر، وتحفيز الاستثمارات المناخية في الأسواق الناشئة والاقتصادات النامية، وذلك خلال جلسة بمنتدى الابتكار في مجال التغيير المناخي حول "تحويل التزامات COP28 إلى أفعال". وأكد سعادته خلال الجلسة النقاشية، التي أقيمت ضمن فعاليات أسبوع لندن للعمل المناخي، على دور صندوق "ألتيرا" الاستثماري لتحقيق هذه الأهداف وضرورة الانتقال من مرحلة الالتزام إلى التنفيذ بشأن "اتفاق الإمارات" التاريخي. #COP28 #UAEConsensus #LCAW2024
Please speed it up, very quickly, if necessary today, 30 billion USD of funds can be used to resolve Climate Change which has a big impact. What causes it to be delayed and why it can be postponed, just one day of delay, the impact is bigger. /file/d/1MrijjygwCgga48uc2ifA5E-CO8aEp1ZF/view?usp=sharing. Mr. Jokowi, Mr. Biden, what makes you doubt, why the Climate Change project has not been officially supported, the UN, COP28 have agreed. Owner of Vanguard, Blackrock, what makes you hesitate, spending 30 billion USD is just waiting for you, today, the commitment is clear and clear, the Bilderberg meeting in Spain has also given the green light, what must be done in the future, this is not just climate change, economic impact, these funds are also for infrastructure and buying BUMN in the construction sector according to our plans, natural disasters, extreme heat are getting worse, my friend and team are already on standby in New York, USA in your office and I am on standby in Indonesia. just waiting for the 30 billion liquid funds we receive today, the world's greatest history is on our side, the world is saved and the future of the world is in our hands because this is the core of all technology, yes, this Climate Change. yes and from our project this world's greatest history will begin.
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