2 días atrás
Well I tested positive for Covid-19. This past Sunday I went to a BBQ with some close friends and my dad and I got a phone call that Monday saying one of the people at the BBQ tested positive for Covid-19 and we all should check out selves and I did and I tested positive. So I will be staying home and in the house for a while now until I test negative. I am quite sick as well with a fever and sore muscles and sweating a lot. The sad thing is I got 3 of the Covid Vaccines and I thought I would not get it since I got the 3 of them, but I guess not. Please send me some prayers, healing energy and love light thank you.
You likely will have a milder case because of the vaccinations. Unfortunately, like the flu, this virus outruns the vaccine designs in terms of genetic mutation, so there are still breakthrough cases, even with substantial immunity. We will all probably be needed updated vaccines every six months going forward.
2 días atrás