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1 hace año
Long time no post. Sorry, sorry. New year, same old me, I guess? But I’ll get better at not disappearing. Promise! I think I have made up for it to some of you and to my Patrons with this essay and the picture (link in bio for more!) And there’s another more than adequate —if I do say so myself!— already in the print. Will be delivered in less than two days now. So excited! Feeling sexier than ever, tbh. 🌶 Life’s been good lately. I’ve been keeping at least one of my resolutions, mainly read more, and have started two anthologies. Alejandra Pizarnik and Edgar Allan Poe are the subjects of this month and one could argue I started the year with gloominess, but to that I say “What is romanticism!” Work is okay and my colleagues are nice. What more can one ask for, really? I have yet to take up drawing again (it’s another resolution), so you can hold me accountable for that and expect some sketches. 😌 To new beginnings, new months, new goals and new opportunities! I don’t know what this year holds and it could honestly beat the last couple at being a crappy one, but I’ll be here reminding myself everything is momentary. Breathing in, holding it, and breathing out. We might just make it. Happy (belated) new year!
I did some rediscovering Poe myself yesterday. Read over most of his short stories. Watched 'the pale blue eye' on Netflix and The Raven (2012) Where John Cusack plays Poe. Both were really good and I learned a bit about Poe that I didn't know. On his bday of all days. Cheers 🥂 *What's your fav E.A.P work? I always like 'Cask' lol classic
1 hace año
1 hace año
Beijo delícia 😍😍😍😍
1 hace año
🔥🔥🔥sexy 🔥🔥🔥
1 hace año
1 hace año
Which properties are hot, real? 🔥🔥🔥🔥
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