8 hace meses
Hi to all my newest friends! I don't always show my face on here, but thought I'd pop on to introduce myself. To sum up, here's a few random facts about me ✌️ - My name is Emma, I'm 31 and have two little girls - I started a photography business without even owning a camera! That's right - every bit of equipment I used was borrowed until I scrimped and saved enough to buy my own gear - I started my biz after my first babe was born, that's when I realised how special each moment is and I wanted to capture it forever. - I have a golden retriever and will swoon if you bring your doggo to a session - I'm a book worm and a serial Netflix binger - I LOVE to be outside and let my kids go wild, get messy and make chaos. Feel free to say HI if you're keen on capturing some memories! Em x