Pixwox hempgirlmomPublicaciones

Kim | Police Wife | Runner | Group Fitness Instructor


🔥igniting fearless living 🌱educating on hemp wellness for mental + physical health 💪fitness fanatic 🚫leading others away from a time clock! 👇
Praying for the suspect as well as the safety of officers. We ask that God softens their heart, forgives them, and they seek Jesus. And because she's 4, we ask that God helps them make more green choices and less red choices 🤣 As I'm working to build a safe, encouraging, and uplifting community here - I feel this is important to be pinned. For any of my law enforcement families that see this post, WHENEVER you do, please come and put in your prayer request 💙 My hope is that not only will I be able to be an extra prayer for you, but we can have an entire blue line family coming together as needed for a giant prayer chain! No prayer is too big or too small here 🫶 God is good all the time And all the time God is good! #leowifelife #bluelinefamily #copwifelife #backtheblue #copwife #lawenforcementfamily #prayingmom #prayerchain #policewifelife #policewife #policefamily
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3 hace meses
My content is to connect with others who are like me so they don't feel so alone. I want to encourage the stay at home moms who have big visions for their family. But the truth is I've been holding back on sharing a lot of the real raw things that go down behind the scenes. I've been afraid to upset people, I don't want people to think I'm complaining. I'm MORE THAN grateful & blessed with my family & way of life. I want to find the ladies like me who I can form relationships with, impact their life, and be relatable! Somedays I'll be the fun, akward, dancing enneagram 7 shining bright. Somedays, I will talk about how things make me feel, my husband's profession, my business (I have 3 "jobs") or fitness content. I've never intentionally been fake or less than authentic on here, BUT I've definitely been slacking on showing a day in the life over here, and it's really my favorite part of social media! I LOVE following people like me and making friends this way, so I'm stepping into that space more to hopefully build new connections, inspire, & share all the things! If you're an OG follower, thanks for hanging on! If you're new here-- happy to have you Thanks for being here!🫶 Now, I'm back to wiping snotty boogs & eating for the first time today 🤪 #sahm #girlmom #toddlermom #leowifelife #lawenforcementfamily #workingmom #momlife #momencouragement #enneagram7 #7w8 #funnywife #funnymom #reallife #michiganmom #fitnessmotivator #fitnessinstructor #momswhoyoga #momswhoworkout #motherrunner #Motherhustler #motherhood #danceteacher #dancemoms
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8 hace meses
There are far too many struggling to pay bills, go get groceries, fill up our gas tanks, and still enjoy life. We're finding comfort in being way too uncomfortable. Because trying something new is scary... I've been getting really focused on what I want life to be like in the next 3-5 years. Here's what I'm envisioning for my life: ☀️Being debt free. Actually, just not even worrying about finances and being able to comfortably take care of whatever needs done & give back as much as I can. ☀️I can't wait to start remodeling our house to make it our dream home! I don't want to ever move, but our house needs work, and I'd love to hire @lkaydesign to work her magic here! ☀️I will hire the BEST cleaning lady (@kourtni_nichole14 !) So that it's one less thing I have to do. ☀️we will have guilt free date nights! Whenever we want, wherever we want. ☀️ I'm not going to push college on our kids but having a "future funds" account for them will be awesome! ☀️ I will be celebrating the major wins with my team of rockstar business partners! I can't wait to help them win big and live out their visions either, whatever they are! ☀️we will be vacationing as a family once a year! Notice how I'm not telling you that these will hopefully happen one day.. I'm declaring it now because they will be a reality! I can't be alone in wanting a bigger & better life for my family!? Do you ever just sit and dream about what life would be like if finances weren't weighing you down?! Girlfriend, you CAN. I am actively building my team of motivated, driven, goal oriented, and FUN ladies. Specifically those with BIG DREAMS who will trust me to GUIDE THEM through *working* towards their goals. If you're ready to get uncomfortable to be comfortable, and stop living like a hamster spinning your wheels to make it .. then let's talk and connect about how this could work for you 🫶 Comment or message me - I'm running towards my dream life & don't want to do it solo 🙌 #sahm #motherhood #motherrunner #goaldrivenmom #mominher30s #mominspo #Michiganmom #biggoals #workingmom #burntoutmom #stressedmom #Girlmom
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9 hace meses
First - double tap if a run is what fuels your soul & mind! ❤️ Have you thought about how much we're told to just do what we're passionate about and how hard that actually can be to obtain? In a perfect world, we would all be doing what we're passionate about 24/7, but that's not the case. Today on my run, I was inspired to stop chasing what I'm passionate about and go after my PURPOSE! Of course - being passionate about something IS important. But when you focus on aligning more with your PURPOSE- I believe that's when we will grow. Jobs will come and go, but your calling will not! And if fear, doubt, other people are what's holding you back, you're blocking what God has ready for you! When I stepped into serving people by helping them manage their anxiousness, sleep better, improve their mood & energy, and basically anything that improves their quality of life - I felt completely aligned with my passion AND my purpose. In addition, it's also allowed me to become a leader and help others grow into their purpose! I'm focusing hard on creating a community of other mamas who feel like their passions could potentially align with their purpose the way that line has. Comment PURPOSE below if you want to hear more about what I do and how it fits perfectly into my life as a police wife, mom in her 30s, navigating life young girls at home 🩵🖤 Be sure to follow along for more relatable life moments from an average girl mom + police wife doing some really badass things 🔥 ⬇️ do you feel like you're aligned with your purpose??!
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1 hace un día
I'm not saying I have the secret to life, but I have figured out how to regulate THE most important system in our bodies, and that's pretty darn close 😉 Comment 🌱 below if you want to hear more about what I've learned!
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4 días atrás
Mother runners TAP IN! People think my double stroller running is crazy but yall, it's the only one part of my day I can think straight 🤣 a little bit of time to get outta my miiiiind The challenges I overcome when I run with them are always life lessons for me to carry on and teach them also! Win for us all! What got you started on your running journey??!⬇️ Follow along for more relatable life moments from a mother running police wife that lives a totally normal + badass life 🙌
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6 días atrás
Listen again 📣 Double tap if that gets you excited ❤️ It's a decision. Focus on what is holding you back, what you can't do, what people think of you, why it might not work Or Focus on how you can overcome, what you can do, who you're inspiring, and why it will work. It's a decision. You're one decision away from a different future. What goal are you going after still this year!?⬇️ Follow along for more relatable life moments from a mother running police wife that lives a totally normal + badass life 🙌
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7 días atrás
Really something to think about.. Are you letting this season knock you down, or are you stepping into it as the fierce, unbreakable, disciplined, and dedicated human you were destined to be? Let's go sis 👏
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11 días atrás
So you're a weirdo, too, huh!? Before being a mom, I didn't have the anxiety, overstimulation, or poor sleep. I was much younger, so pain & inflammation weren't much of a thing either for me 🤪 Then I became a mom and my body + hormones were like ayyyyy and everything hit me. So hard actually that I thought I was dying with my first PPA attack and ended up in the emergency room. The only answer I got was start Lexapro- so I did. For three years because I knew of NO other options. 🙋🏼‍♀️Have you been thrown a pill for something without given any natural approaches!? Why is everyone so quick to bandage things up instead of root cause healing!? I eventually got tired of the way the Lexapro was making me feel. I went against the grain a little bit and started making changes to a slightly "scrunchy" lifestyle and started learning about our bodies. 🤯Have you ever heard of the Endocannabinoid System!? It's pretty wild, but since I've managed and regulated that, I was able to stop the Lexapro. Turns out, I'm not actually a zombie like I felt! 🙌 ⬇️If you want to learn more like I did + get the resources, comment WEIRD below, and I'll DM you!⬇️ Follow along for more relatable life moments from a mother running police wife that lives a totally normal + badass life 🙌
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15 días atrás
Just proclaim it! Double tap if you're not running to be fast or a certain amount of miles 💗 There's no certain pace or distance that you have to achieve to be a runner. Just put those legs in gear and get itttttt! If you're working hard for a fast pace + long distance, you're amazing!! If you're doing best running for 1 minute, you're amazing!! If you're running for your mental health because you just enjoy the feeling and the miles, you're amazing!! Follow along for more relatable life moments from a mother running police wife that lives a totally normal + badass life 🙌 Tell me in the comments where you're running at!⬇️
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15 días atrás
In my thick and fit era. Double tap if it's you 💗 I can run miles. I can lift the weights. I am a size 10, 155lbs, and am proud of my body. Not only does it help my mental health, but it also allows me to be strong for them. Even if that means carrying them both upstairs after a leg workout while they snuggled and napped 🥰 No matter your size or your goals- learning to appreciate your body at every stage & age is the real flex. 💪 Follow along for more relatable life moments from a mother running police wife that lives a totally normal + badass life 🙌 I'd love to hear your reason for exercise besides a number on the scale below! ⬇️
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16 días atrás
Half hood half holy Ya feel me!? #millenialmom #athomeworkouts #mominher30s #sahmlife
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19 días atrás