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Lisa rae | postpartum + mamahood 🌙


☽ Sharing postpartum wisdom 𖥸 Inspiring mamas to trust their intuition ⋒ Mama of four
🌙 Indie Isla Rose 🌹 Happy “due” date. And also happy two weeks of keeping you safe in our postpartum cave. 🫶🏽 I knew you were coming “early” which is why I was scrambling around like a headless chicken the days before your birth day. So that I could have an intentional postpartum period. An intentional time of slow. An intentional time of rest. And an intentional time getting to know you and our needs together, without external distractions. It’s been blissful. It’s been different to all my other 4th trimesters. It’s taken some boundary setting, some paying for a “village”, some internal work and it’s so worth it, for me and for my family. I haven’t left the house yet, it took me a week before I left my room (don’t worry I did go to the bathroom to freshen up and wee, etc) but I took it really, really slow and easy and it’s the way it should be. Every birthing mama should be able to receive such love, nourishment and care during this time. This is my deep, deep wish for all. 🙏🏽 For now though, welcome to the world our sweet little Indie 🌹 P.S Ruby brought these flowers to me during labour and the smell was so intense and beautiful at the time, even during an intense surge. My eyes were closed and she put it by my nose to smell, I opened my eyes and saw her holding them near my face. Immediately sending lots of oxytocin my way. Once Indie was born into the water, Ruby brought the flowers back and gave them to me for Indie. I’m so glad that we hired a photographer to capture these tiny moments that I will never forget. 🌸🌼🌺 📸 Thank you so much for the memories 🥹@mamamadevisible
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6 hace meses
I’ve been melted into something too easy to spill. I make more and more of myself in order to make more and more of the baby. He takes it, this making. And somehow he’s made more of me, too. 🤎 - Brenda Shaughnessy . . . 📷 @motherheartlens . . . #postpartumbody #momofthree #thisispostpartum #postbaby #postbabybody #breastfeedingjourney #healthypregnancy #postpartumhealth #pregnancy #fourthtrimesterbodiesproject #tandemnursing #tandembreastfeeding
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2 hace años
Constantly finding balance between going against the way our parents raised us and finding our own way. 🙈 It’s not about doing things completely differently. It’s about healing what we need to, what our inner child needed/still needs. And going with that. ✨ Finding what worked for us as kids and adding what we think would have been a better way. It’s not about shaming the way our parents did things. It’s about being conscious and trying to raise our children in a way that aligns with our values, that maybe our parents didn’t feel were as important to them. Or maybe they didn’t have the information/time/space/finances/awareness/resources available to them that are so readily available to us these days. And that’s totally okay. Most of the time (not always - I know) our parents did their own healing and doing things differently to how they were raised. Most of the time they did their best. So I do appreciate that. I know my kids will have their own stuff to deal with. Our marriage, our financial situation, our mental health has not always been on par with how we so desperately want and need it to be. And with that comes healing that is needed for our children. I hope to give my kids the tools that I didn’t have when I needed them most, when I was in my formative years. That probably would have shaped me into a mom that is calmer and more patient with them. But on I go, on I try and on I grow - along with my kids showing me the way. 🌙 🙏🏽🌾💗 It’s all about that balance between an unhealthy way of parenting “in reaction” to how our parents raised us and doing what is actually best for your family. 🤍 . . . #momtruths #consciousparenting #respectfulparenting #responsiveparenting #honestmotherhood #thisismotherhood
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1 hace año
Seeing my daughter play with her doll, pretending to breastfeed = year officially made 🥹. I’ve done something right. 🤪 We’ve always tried to embrace the beauty of natural living - home births (we’ve watched countless videos of natural births together), honoring moon cycles (I’ve always been very open about my monthly period, when I’m not pregnant 😂), and the choice to stay home with them (yes, it’s been a hard choice sometimes, but it is something that I am proud of). Normalising breastfeeding and these nurturing moments in our home is a gift I hope she carries with her always, I hope she always celebrates the divine femininity within her. 🌙 🤱🏽 . . . . #NaturalParenting #BreastfeedingJourney #RaisingStrongWomen #DivineFemininity #normalizebreastfeeding
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5 días atrás
Still here. 🌞 Just hibernating slightly. Swine flu got our family good over the last while. 🐖 We’re okay now. Just depleted. Breathing deeply, feeling less inspired on this space lately. Going with it. 🌙 It will be back to normal soon. 🌸 📸 Thank you for always seeing the beautiful moments @mindful_mamma_za
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7 días atrás
🌙 Navigating the Stormy Seas of Motherhood, Marriage, and life in general. Life can be so “effing” hard when you're balancing the roles of a mother, wife and supportive friend. There are days when it feels like the weight of the world is on my shoulders, and making tough decisions becomes inevitable. These choices are not about seeking instant gratification, but rather about building a better future for those i love. Every sacrifice, every tear, and every moment of doubt is a step towards creating a more stable and fulfilling life. It's about investing in the bigger picture, even when the rewards aren't immediately visible. 💔 To all the amazing women out there facing similar struggles, remember you're not alone. 🤍 Let's support each other through the highs and lows, and keep striving for the brighter days ahead. 💪🏽 . . . . . #Motherhood #ToughDecisions #BetterFuture #LongTermGoals #FamilyFirst #StayStrong #EmpoweredWomen #LifeBalance #StriveForBetter #honestmotherhood
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26 días atrás
In the blink of an eye you are six months old. HOW is this possible??? I literally just gave birth. 🤍🤍🤍 Happy half a year my sweet, sweet baby girl. 🌙😭
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1 hace un mes
2 years 💔 miss you mama. My strong bones first born will be the only one that really remembers you. But we will speak of you, sing for you and hold you in our hearts forever. 🙏🏽🪽✨
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1 hace un mes
Today was a good day, busy, but good. 🌸🍃🌊🍂🌫️🏉🌅
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1 hace un mes
🦩Reflecting on my postpartum journey, I find myself likening it to the journey of a flamingo. Just like those majestic birds, I’ve had moments where I’ve felt like I’m losing my vibrant pink - moments where the demands of motherhood have eclipsed my own needs. Being so passionate about the first weeks postpartum, realising that I’m losing my hair postpartum is just another reminder that I STILL need to take so much care of myself 5 months down the line. It’s a reminder that it’s STILL early days for me and my baby. That my body STILL needs the most nutritious foods. That I do matter. That I need rest. That I deserve it. 🦩With three older children to care for, each day presents its own set of challenges and joys. Yet, despite this being my fourth postpartum experience, I still find myself needing constant reminders of how crucial it is to prioritize my own well-being. 🦩As I approach the six-month mark, I’m reminded that postpartum isn’t just a phase—it’s an ongoing journey of self-discovery and adjustment. It’s about learning to nurture not only my newborn but also myself amidst the beautiful chaos of family life. 🦩Even amidst all of this, I’m learning to embrace the importance of rest, nourishment, and self-care. It’s a reminder that I owe it to myself—and to all my children—to cultivate a healthy balance between caregiving and self-preservation. ❤️‍🔥 To all the mamas out there juggling the demands of multiple children , (or gosh even one) know that you’re not alone. Whether you’re navigating your first postpartum experience or you’re a seasoned mama like me, remember to be kind to yourself. Embrace the journey, embrace the changes, and never underestimate the power of self-compassion. . . . . #PostpartumRealities #MamaJourney #SelfCareMatters #thefirstfortydays
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1 hace un mes
Happy Mother’s Day to all mamas, here and or not. May we all feel appreciated, loved and validated for our role as home CEO. 👌🏽😅 Thinking of those who have fragile hearts today. I’m there with you. 🤍
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1 hace un mes
My little crazies. 🤍 We love our @arkplaymats so much. Probably our most used item these days. 🙏🏽 📸 Thank you @annemoldenhauer once again.
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2 hace meses