Pixwox melissacrousPublicaciones

Melissa Crous


Nothing quite like a quick trip up the garden route to make ones heart full and content ❤️
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8 días atrás
Veels geluk liefste Carrie! ❤️‍🔥 Jy's my daaglikse inspirasie en ek kan nie my lewe insien sonder jou nie, van Barbies en karretjies speel op trappe na saam 'n restaurant bestuur - dis n eer om jou hand vas te hou deur elke fase van ons lewens, onmenslik lief vir jou. ❤️ Keep on lighting up ANY room that you walk into and make friends within seconds, you are a walking angel and damn am I lucky to call you my sister ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
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2 hace meses
If you cringe easily, it's best you move along swiftly - but just wanna give a shoutout to this guy for commemorating an end of a chapter with me this weekend; selling my business - which took up and totally enveloped me for the past three years...letting go was both heartbreaking but more liberating, you the best @simonstofberg ❤️‍🔥 thank you for the non stop treats and support x
81 2
4 hace meses
Hello and goodbye ❤️. Today marks the last day of calling Hygge Hygge ours. We sold Hygge Hygge to two incredible new owners - also sisters; what are the chances! It's a bittersweet day for us, but we are thankful for the three successful years of Hygge Hygge that we got to be a part of. We feel privileged to have been given this opportunity and we are forever grateful for our rock hard support system of family and friends that also doubled as handymen, waiters, financial advisors, designers and lawyers over the years - without you all this would have been a whole lot harder. And then a MASSIVE thank you and appreciation to all of the people (and pets) we have met along the way, our landlord-turned-mentor, our suppliers, the staff - who is the absolute backbone and soul of this restaurant and then of course our loyal customers - some that have turned into lifelong friends. But this is not the end of Hygge Hygge and we are excited to see how the new owners; Carla and Lara will take HH to new heights. We’ll be proudly cheering you on from the sidelines. Lots of love, Melissa & Carmen
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4 hace meses
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4 hace meses
wholesome new year's eve spent on the stanford river🖤
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4 hace meses
The dreamiest weekend celebrating @lizzymcfiiire and @lukeszy 🤍🤍🤍🤍
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5 hace meses
Love is all I got
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5 hace meses
Counting down the days to this weekend, let's get these two married 💘
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5 hace meses
Moments before a sunburn that left me in pain for the remainder of my holiday, jaaaa jaaa you were right mom and dad 😂❤️
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5 hace meses
The best 48 hours of 2023 - got engaged to the love of my life, celebrated 30 years around the sun and the Springboks won the world cup, all in the majestic Drakensberge ✨ @simonstofberg how lucky I am to be alive the same time as you ❤️
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5 hace meses
A whole 30! ✨ @melissacrous
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7 hace meses