il y a 11 jours
Here’s to more glimmers in our life, those micro moments of joy, peace and safety and that warm and fuzzy feeling. 🎉 Some ways to identify your glimmers: ✨ Close your eyes and imagine your “happy place” where you feel relaxed and at peace. What is it like? What sounds, smells, sights, tastes, sensations are there? What are you doing there that makes you feel so at ease? ✨ Think about what makes you feel safe and cared for. What do you need to feel safe? What can people do or what kind of surroundings make you feel comfortable? When do you feel most cared for? ✨ Recall a moment when you felt most alive and joyful. What were you doing? Who were you with? What about this time made you feel so at ease, vibrant and happy? ✨ Think of someone you love and trust who you can just be yourself around. If you can, spend time or connect with them. If you can’t, recall memories with them that bring you joy and peace. 👉 What are your favorite glimmers? Share with me in the comments, I’d love to know! Rooting for you, Rui Qi ✨ P.S. If you’d like to start incorporating glimmers into your daily routine and want more easy self-care activities to reduce stress and care for your mental health, don’t miss our free ebook Stress Busters! Grab it now for free! Comment “SB” or find the link in my bio. ___________ Reminder: The purpose of these posts is to share information, tips and encouragement. Not every post may apply to your situation nor are they meant to replace therapy. #glimmers #triggers #mentalhealthadvice #mentalhealthhelp #mentalhealthwellness #wellbeingtips #selfsoothing #anxietytips #anxietyreducer #emotionalregulation #stressreduction
Love glimmers!!💜
il y a 6 jours
Being in nature is my favourite glimmer ✨
il y a 5 jours