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Feeling like you’re drowning in stress and anxiety? 🌬 Take a deep breath... and let’s dive into the power of deep breathing for calming your mind! How deep breathing helps you 👇 ▪Reduced stress and anxiety: Deep breathing has been shown to decrease the production of stress hormones like cortisol, leading to a sense of calm and relaxation. ▪Lowered blood pressure: Regular deep breathing can help lower blood pressure, which can reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and other cardiovascular conditions. ▪Improved sleep: Deep breathing exercises can help regulate sleep patterns, leading to improved sleep quality and duration. ▪Higher oxygenation: Deep breathing increases oxygenation of the body, which can improve cognitive function, energy levels, and overall physical health. ... and more! Deep breathing can be such a game-changer for your mental health! Have you tried it before? If not, I highly recommend giving it a go! To your mental well-being, Rui Qi ✨ P.S. My free ebook Stress Busters has deep breathing exercises that guide you to relax and feel more calm! If you’re looking for self-care activities to help reduce stress and take care of your mental health don’t miss out. 👉 Grab it now for free! Comment “SB” or find the link in my bio. ___________ Reminder: The purpose of these posts is to share information, tips and encouragement. Not every post may apply to your situation nor are they meant to replace therapy. #breathingexercise #reduceanxiety #breathingtechniques #deepbreathing #breathworkhealing #stressreduction #stressmanagementcoaching #copingwithanxiety #relaxationtechniques #stressmanagementtips #anxietyfree #reducestress #mentalhealthcare #mentalhealthcounseling #selfcarehacks #selfcareisnotselfish