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Podcast Quick Facts: 1. Podcasts are projected to reach 504.9 million listeners in 20204. 2. The average listener spends a whopping 7 hours per week on their favorite podcast app. 3. Episodes between 20-40 minutes are most popular, catering to busy schedules and short attention spans. 4. Podcast consumption is inclusive across genders, with women slightly outnumbering men at 48% compared to 43%. 5. The emergence of video podcasts adds a new layer to the realm of audio storytelling, signaling a rising trend. 6. Spotify and Apple Podcasts lead the global audio market. 7. Peak listening time is in the morning using mobile devices. Branded podcasts connect you to a huge, captivated audience and build trust and loyalty faster than almost any other form of digital media. If you're looking to connect with your target audience and grow a loyal following, podcasts might be the audio storytelling platform you are looking for. Contact us to learn more about branded podcasts and harnessing the power of sound. #podcast #brandedpodcast #audio #audiostorytelling #audiomarketing #powerofsound
S E N D - T H I S - T O ➢ ³@_realityrecords
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