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Find it hard to believe in yourself? Feeling down on yourself? 😫 Take small steps every day to nurture your self-esteem. 👇 ✨ Identify and celebrate what you're good at ✨ Spend time with uplifting people who appreciate you ✨ Speak more kindly to yourself ✨ Set realistic expectations for yourself ✨ Learn to accept compliments ✨ Try saying no when you don't want something ✨ Challenge negative thoughts about yourself ✨ Practice gratitude towards yourself ✨ Encourage yourself ✨ Embrace your uniqueness instead of trying to change it ✨ Help someone Don't forget... You are worthy of your own love and acceptance! 🌟 💬 What else would you add to this? What helps you build your self-esteem? Share in the comments! ➡ Follow @wholenesswellnessbar for more mental health tips and having a healthy relationship with yourself and others. ________ Reminder: The purpose of these posts is to share information, tips and encouragement. Not every post may apply to your situation nor are they meant to replace therapy. [self-esteem, self-worth, self-value, self-confidence, confidence tips, mental health tips, mental health advice, mental health, mental wellness, emotional wellness, emotional health]
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