il y a 2 mois
8th Grade DC Trip. Day 3. We started at the Korean War Memorial, and then visited Abe Lincoln, whose visitors’ center was under renovation. We found the spelling mistake and Robert E. Lee’s profile carved into the back of his head. We stopped to pay our respects at the Vietnam Memorial and then headed to the Air and Space Museum. After Lunch at the Department of Agriculture, we went to the Holocaust Museum, where we were able to meet a Holocaust survivor who graciously told us his story and answered our questions. We wrapped up our trip at the National Archives and then MLK memorial before heading to the airport. I have been so impressed with the incredible artistry and intentionality in each and every memorial, and the way that Washington DC holds so much tradition. The city embodies the American spirit in such and inclusive way. I am so proud of the kids in Ben’s class for hanging in with 3 days of packed schedules, and I have enjoyed spending time with them and their parents for the past 3 days! I am grateful to have had this opportunity!